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Militia takes over wildlife refuge headquarters

I get real tired of being tagged as BIG GOV. PRO GOV. COMMIE because I love my Public Lands and use the undermaintained Public Infrastructure and pay my taxes.

I get pissed when I hear it from scofflaws.
They are the only reason I carry a fire arm daily still.
And I dread the thought of going to jail for self defense......
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Raised small town Utah and grandpa was a sheepman. I understand why ranchers feel entitled. It's based on the fact they spend a great deal of time on the land and their economic prosperity is tied to those lands.

The myth of good land stewardship by ranchers; is created because the government has enforced responsible and balanced grazing practices in the last 50-60 years. If you fly into SLC from the south notice the terraced peaks to the right. Sheep over grazed the entire Wasatch Mountain through the 1930's; massive erosion and mudslide into the valley were the result. This is ranching mentality. More cows/sheep equal more money. Deer/elk bad and they want less or none of them.

Left to their own controls most ranchers will destroy the land and have a negative affect on wildlife and others who have equal rights to access and enjoy those lands.

God bless the good people of Oregon for refusing to support the Bundy clan. The only real victim in that entire situation was the LEO who were forced to shoot a crazy cowboy.

Raised small town Utah and grandpa was a sheepman. I understand why ranchers feel entitled. It's based on the fact they spend a great deal of time on the land and their economic prosperity is tied to those lands.

The myth of good land stewardship by ranchers; is created because the government has enforced responsible and balanced grazing practices in the last 50-60 years. If you fly into SLC from the south notice the terraced peaks to the right. Sheep over grazed the entire Wasatch Mountain through the 1930's; massive erosion and mudslide into the valley were the result. This is ranching mentality. More cows/sheep equal more money. Deer/elk bad and they want less or none of them.

Left to their own controls most ranchers will destroy the land and have a negative affect on wildlife and others who have equal rights to access and enjoy those lands.

God bless the good people of Oregon for refusing to support the Bundy clan. The only real victim in that entire situation was the LEO who were forced to shoot a crazy cowboy.

Agreed. Sorry for the high jack but standing in SLC and looking up at those terraces and thinking about Lake Bonneville just blows me away.
Lake Bonneville terraces are natural. The man made are near the tops. After the sheep ate everything they had to terrace with dozers to stop the floods.
I haven't wasted my time reading through all this thread, but the little I have is about what I expected. Most on here had already included Lavoy Finnicum in with the fringe operators and were expecting this outcome and, quite frankly, seem pleased with it. I took a little time to learn a little bit more about Mr. Finnicum before I rushed to judgement. You can hear his position if you care to learn more about the ranchers grievance in his own words if you care.

You can also hear from the COWS legal counsel if you care to hear her on the ground involvement in Burns, OR.

There is always two sides, just sayin.

There's a big difference in being an actual constitutional lawyer and a discredited lawyer who speaks about the Constitution.
Maybe he just hit his elbow on his gun in his shoulder holster.

Malheur refuge takeover batters all sides: ‘There has been damage’

The video has been intensely scrutinized here in Burns. And an organization called the Pacific Patriots Network has urged supporters from across the country to peacefully converge on Harney County to protest law enforcement and demand the resignation of Grasty and the county sheriff.

By Friday, some supporters from southern Oregon were already pulling into a local motel, pistols strapped to their hips.

“Guys want to drive over here for what, to tell us to leave the office? Because we’re not going to,” Grasty said. “They have no authority to remove us, and I’m not particularly intimidated.”
This has been an eye opener for me on how much hate is out there for the govt. and LEO's. The posts circulating around are just plain crazy and these"patriots" eat it all up. Lunatic fringe for sure.
I heard in town that a rancher went into Baker City last week to pay his grazing fees. He said the office was closed with guards outside. Maybe threats from one of these "patriots".
This ranchers in this region don't seem to have the ongoing war with BLM. I never hear any bad talk.
Apparently the Elder Bundy is now saying that his sons command to stand down is false and that this disaster should continue. Hopefully the feds scoop up him next.
Hopefully by injecting himself into this situation the gubment will realize that they shouldn't have let him get away with so much and he will find himself at working his way up the FBI's list.
Nah, he's your typical sovereign citizen...well with a cowboy hat.

Yeah he is definitely a sovereign. Just like all of them he wants the benefits of government but none of the negatives. Let the paper terrorism/ pseudo legal nonsense begin.
818 replies? That's really bizarre how much interest this gets. I have only read a couple highlights. Will somebody please start a new thread if there's another drone action event?

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