Militia takes over wildlife refuge headquarters

I wanted to be Rock Hudson. He got cuter girls. Wore nicer clothes. Ate better food. Dang you Rock Hudson. You didn't even want those girls. You just rounded them all up and put out to pasture. Probably did not even pay your BLM fees on that pasture. I apologize to the Duke. Sorry.

All you have to do is buy a 2016 Lincoln MKX and you will have life by the tail.
When are the authorities going to go in and kick these remaining low life piece of sh*ts out? They keep posting videos of driving around in government vehicles and basically flaunting their "cause". It appears that they're turning the place into a total sh*t hole. I hope they nail them with multiple felony charges.
The live feed is insane, as they misinterpret history and the Constitution. Then it's f... this and f... that and lots of irrational shouting and ranting ... then "let's pray"

If they only realized how they come across.
Michele Fiore has got to be the most embarrassing representative I've ever listened to. I thought Utahs reps were bad and they are, but they aren't quite a bat shit crazy as Fiore. The peaceful resolution is turn yourself in now. The FBI isn't going to back off here and it is the idiots on that live feed to blame for how this plays out if it goes south.
Will take months to get that place back into the condition it was as 2015 ended. Ignorance breeds these events. Educated persons with the ability to critically think do not take over Federal property. Thankfully, these militants will not be voting ever again so that is a small upside.
This Sean Anderson guy is claiming its all peaceful. Although I recall watching him on a live feed video telling militia men to come to their aid and kill anyone (including Police) that get in their way....sounds peaceful.

And yes that woman from rep from Nevada is a complete moron.
I swear I've lost brain cells listening to the live feed. I would be affraid to say I voted for that nutjob Michelle. Time to just go to bed and let God sort 'em out.
They're saying they'll surrender on Thursday when Rev. Graham and Michele Fiore arrive.
I can't believe the F.B.I. doesn't have the tech to jam comm. And if they've thrown down the gauntlet on 4 people and don't follow through now, then there will be some questions about their strategy. If the 4 people say they won't fire first, then walk in and cuff them. And yes, I'd go in. Unarmed, cuffs only, with snipers backing me up if the puppies tried to take me hostage. A risk I'd be willing to take. Time to hit the rack. I hope to wake up and find these people in jail. Night night.
Local news said they snagged 'ol man Bundy at the airport a little bit ago. The Crowbar Hotel is filling up.
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Local news said they snagged 'ol man Bundy at the airport a little bit ago. The Crowbar Hotel is filling up.

FINALLY! I hope these criminals are kept in prison. Although i'd bet old man bundy might have enough $$$ to bail himself out.

The best thing about that live feed was its been recorded. It is absolute proof Sean Anderson and his wife are completely insane, deranged, anti-American, anti government, extremists, that do not belong in society.

The FBI must've been reading this thread, because they gave the nuts plenty of rope.....
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I can't believe the F.B.I. doesn't have the tech to jam comm. .

I wondered the same thing. Maybe since they have had a month and a half to prepare for this moment, they are confident that they will show themselves to be the cooler heads and the militants to be off their rockers.

The FBI released the video of Lavoy being shot, and I thought that was a good move, because it dispelled the myths that surely would arise from his death. I am baffled that someone can watch that film and think he didn't get what was coming to him, yet the militia apologists of Facebook and Twitter see it as cold blooded murder so who knows.
I wondered the same thing. Maybe since they have had a month and a half to prepare for this moment, they are confident that they will show themselves to be the cooler heads and the militants to be off their rockers.

The FBI released the video of Lavoy being shot, and I thought that was a good move, because it dispelled the myths that surely would arise from his death. I am baffled that someone can watch that film and think he didn't get what was coming to him, yet the militia apologists of Facebook and Twitter see it as cold blooded murder so who knows.

The deranged and insane usually have a distorted view of reality (explains a lot of their views and take on "reality")

They arrested Bundy on the same charges as the other men for the incident in 2014. I guess the Feds are done playing around with these wannabe revolutionists. The Bundys got them to blink in Nevada, to think it was going to happen again shows just how insane they are. Now let's get those 4 remaining occupiers to turn themselves in and get this over with. Now go get his damn cattle.
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