
Militia takes over wildlife refuge headquarters

Well that is good news. They wanted to occupy something, let's see how they do in detention.

I just finished reading through the Government's Memorandum in Support of Pretrial Detention. Interesting read. Social media evidence is definitely not going to help these people. Like the guys that were restricted from firearms taking pictures with them. Looks like an easy case to prove flight risk and danger to the community with their own words.
Well that is good news. They wanted to occupy something, let's see how they do in detention.

I just finished reading through the Government's Memorandum in Support of Pretrial Detention. Interesting read. Social media evidence is definitely not going to help these people. Like the guys that were restricted from firearms taking pictures with them. Looks like an easy case to prove flight risk and danger to the community with their own words.

After reading that memorandum it appears a bunch of them are in deep dodo for not only the armed occupation of the Refuge, but also some being felons in possession of firearms, etc.
I don't know much about the personal history of these guys but if they are as rural and retro as they pretend to be, prison is going to be an eye-opening experience for them. Hopefully it won't be an anal opening experience. If they come out on the other side they are going to have an even worse view of life and government.

Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. :(
Well that is good news. They wanted to occupy something, let's see how they do in detention.

I just finished reading through the Government's Memorandum in Support of Pretrial Detention. Interesting read. Social media evidence is definitely not going to help these people. Like the guys that were restricted from firearms taking pictures with them. Looks like an easy case to prove flight risk and danger to the community with their own words.

Hmm unemployed, convicted felons, convicted domestic violence, drug offenses.....sounds like a crowd our founding fathers would be proud of:eek:
Farm ninjas

I read it somewhere, stole it and was itchin to use it.
Hmm unemployed, convicted felons, convicted domestic violence, drug offenses.....sounds like a crowd our founding fathers would be proud of:eek:

I had to laugh at the two guys description of not having jobs/income, one living at his grandmothers and the other with his mothers. Im sure there were some snickers in the courtroom.

Damn you Jryoung for posting the voodoo donuts pic and mtmuley for pointing out the bacon maple bar on the side. We have a great donut shop over by MSU, called Granny's, where they make awesome donuts, including maple bars. I have been craving those and bacon now. Hell, being a foodie alone would be a good incentive to staying out of jail or from occupying the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. ;)
I don't know much about the personal history of these guys but if they are as rural and retro as they pretend to be, prison is going to be an eye-opening experience for them. Hopefully it won't be an anal opening experience. If they come out on the other side they are going to have an even worse view of life and government.

Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. :(

They're gonna wish they had that 50 gallons of lube now!
Absolutely BS account from that loser Bundy saying it was murder. He said the cops fired on the driver in the truck. First of all, let's give the police benefit of doubt. Look at the speed of the truck the entire time until it gets stuck. If you were a cop at a roadblock waiting for suspects that are known to be armed and threatened police officers, and a truck was coming at you at that speed would you assume the vehicle had any intention of stopping? When you try to ram a road block or even appear to do so the police have the right to fire on you as you are endangering them. They have a tough job, I say the police did the right thing to fire on the driver. If they wanted peace they could have exited the vehicle where it was stopped on the road but instead they chose to go at ramming speed at the cops. At that point the truck is a deadly weapon and he almost did take out a cop.
What the Bundys need now from the folks is Frog Lube and some Soap on a Rope. The Judge says she needs more time to study the case? Those idiots are toast. The Old Man, Cliven is next.
The Old Man, Cliven is next.

That right there is the question. At the very least I want to see his cattle off my property.

Edit: Strike that. I don't want them off my property; I want them shot in place and left to return their bio-matter to the land from which it came. Feed some coyotes, ravens, magpies, flies, insects, what have you. Let them in turn sh*t those cattle back out again and grow some new plants, hopefully native. Then whatever used to eat that grass will have some vittles once stolen from them by a thief.
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It's called Operation Roast Beef.... Sponsored in part by Flamethrowers Anonymous, Bullseye BBQ, sauce and Matchlight Charcoal.

Secret agenda #22
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I haven't wasted my time reading through all this thread, but the little I have is about what I expected. Most on here had already included Lavoy Finnicum in with the fringe operators and were expecting this outcome and, quite frankly, seem pleased with it. I took a little time to learn a little bit more about Mr. Finnicum before I rushed to judgement. You can hear his position if you care to learn more about the ranchers grievance in his own words if you care.

You can also hear from the COWS legal counsel if you care to hear her on the ground involvement in Burns, OR.

There is always two sides, just sayin.
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Have these guys never even heard of this thing called the Supreme Court? I thought it was also in the constitution.

Seems like they completely ignore the fact that what they are hanging their hat on has already been decided on by the Supreme Court over and over again.

I just can't even get there a tiny bit. Even if the Federal government couldn't own the land, what are they expecting, that they just get squatters rights and suddenly the land is theirs for nothing?
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