Caribou Gear Tarp

Militia takes over wildlife refuge headquarters

This is the weirdest form of armchair quarterbacking I have ever heard.

I've seen this and worse a great many times on other discussion boards. I think it's part and parcel of the new tech age and it's not such a bad thing. While I don't want my son watching some freak cut a hostage's head off in some desert somewhere, the idea that our government is more transparent, and law enforcement is held to high standards, is an improvement. Many of the cops who shot blacks had a righteous shoot, but others, not so much. Arm chair quarterbacks can make up their own minds without being spoon fed by some talking head or a blue line filter. Tech and video is not perfect, but neither is eye witness testimony. At least we get to see (if we have internet that is worth a sh*t, which I don't).

I can also think of many ways this whole thing could have been SO much worse. A real heavy handed blood bath. I think we learned from Waco and Ruby Ridge.
22 veterans commit suicide everyday and no one gives a shit about that....

John, I wouldn't say "no one" cares... but I do see your point. It is overlooked by the mainstream society and these people could be getting the help they need and aren't because of political or some other reasons...

As for Finicum, I will wait for everything to work itself out--- dash cameras or body cameras I am sure will be released in due time... Oregon has to investigate every officer involved shooting. One thing is for certain, I didn't see dozens of vehicles or the vehicle being riddled by bullet holes like one "eye witness" account gave.

Another thing I question-- didn't Ammon say he saw the guy shot with his hands in the air? It seems to me that Ammon and the others already detained were no where near where the end took place.
Another thing I question-- didn't Ammon say he saw the guy shot with his hands in the air? It seems to me that Ammon and the others already detained were no where near where the end took place.

That is what Michelle Fiore said. She's a Nevada legislator who is a big Bundy supporter.

Cush - people are paying attention. Whether anything they are doing will help remains to be seen.
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22 veterans commit suicide everyday and no one gives a shit about that....

I think a lot of people care but, other than a yellow ribbon bumper sticker and platitudes about supporting the troops, they don't know what to do about it. They might consider checking their flag-waving and drum-beating when some chicken hawk wants to start some shit. But, once the damage is done, they expect their tax dollars to step up. People have tried a different tact from what happened with Vietnam vets but nothing seems to work. $19.00 per month to Wounded Warriors? Really? What IS the answer. What do the veterans want civilians to do? And then the posers, wearing convincing tears on their sleeves. Civilians want to care but don't know what to do. Listening is about it. But vets often claim they can only talk to each other. There are also other vets who don't want shit, and don't believe they deserve shit, because they volunteered and they got paid and they loved combat, and they wear their service like an "I saw the elephant so I'm better than you" badge of honor.

The fact that it's complicated doesn't do a suicidal vet any good. But it's true. And civilians don't know what to do. Doesn't mean they don't care. Further, they have lives to live which the vet fought for them to live.
Cushman is on the mark and his service to USA is why we are free.
The Veterans are marginalized by our "National Liberal Media" and an administration that has been distancing itself from the business of keeping the fight over there for 7 years.
Many of those that voted them in to office do not care about the trajectory of our country that every generation of my family myself included (Desert Storm/ Persian Gulf) signed a blank check for with the cost to be filled in if needed.

As far as this thread goes.........I say anyone who wanted to live .........did.
I thank the Officers for fighting the Domestic threats.
Suicide by Officer

All I'm saying is that 22 veteran suicides a day, the 12 Marines that just died in Hawaii, the 6 Airmen that recently died overseas while Obama couldn't be bothered to finish his golf game when he was notified, the anniversary of the space shuttle blowing up...all of these deaths that should matter to people are marginalized and this douche nozzle gets all of the exposure and media and public sympathy and outpouring of care and these domestic terrorists somehow are looked at as heroes to people? There is a serious disconnect in this country.

Sorry to hi jack the thread...
I keep looking at the way he exited the vehicle. Totally irrational to think that you could exit a vehicle like that, especially after all the threats he had made, and not get plugged by the LEOs. Personally, I think they showed great restraint not shooting him the moment the door opened at that point.
All I'm saying is that 22 veteran suicides a day, the 12 Marines that just died in Hawaii, the 6 Airmen that recently died overseas while Obama couldn't be bothered to finish his golf game when he was notified, the anniversary of the space shuttle blowing up...all of these deaths that should matter to people are marginalized and this douche nozzle gets all of the exposure and media and public sympathy and outpouring of care and these domestic terrorists somehow are looked at as heroes to people? There is a serious disconnect in this country.

Sorry to hi jack the thread...

Check. My bust. I agree we have fckd up priorities and anyone who holds this guy up as a hero has some serious problems.
Sean Anderson, one of the occupiers who remains, told CNN he is there with his wife and two others.

There had been five people still in the refuge, but one man left Thursday morning. One of the others inside the refuge drove the man to a checkpoint and dropped him off, Anderson said.

The four have a proposal to leave peacefully but are not afraid to die, Anderson said.

They want the FBI to let them walk away and return to their home states without being arrested or confronted, Anderson said.

"We are willing to leave peacefully," he said. "If the FBI will let us leave without arrest or forcing us through the checkpoint, we will all go home."

How about these jerk offs who think they are going to play hardball and not get arrested? Really? Are they that stupid and delusional that they think they can call for a "do-over" and get to leave without consequence because their fearless leaders are dead or in jail?
How about these jerk offs who think they are going to play hardball and not get arrested? Really? Are they that stupid and delusional that they think they can call for a "do-over" and get to leave without consequence because their fearless leaders are dead or in jail?

Yea, I was sort of confused about that myself. Maybe if the say that the are sorry- government won't file any charges... geeeezz.....
I have been watching the news after I got home this afternoon to see the judges ruling on the militias detention hearing.

Judge to decide on Friday

It started at 1:30 PM in Portland, no live feed from the courthouse.

I sure hope she decided they need to remain in detention. Not only are they a flight risk, but they pose a threat to not only rounding up more of their ilk to continue what they have been doing, but they openly stated that they had other federal places in mind to take over.
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Let them leave and return to their homes, then arrest them later. Nobody gets hurt that way, one would hope. anyway.
About the only good that has come of this stupid situation brought forth by the Bundy clowns is that I've really be able to clean up a lot of Facebook folks that don't like my position on the topic and who evidently have far less appreciation for the risks law enforcement officers face every day than the level of appreciation I have for them and their service.
Love it :D.

I can't believe how arrogant these guys were thinking they could just flout the law. Do an armed takeover and then just think they could go drive around? At least this time there were consequences so that was a good lesson. Now it's time to go after Cliven.

Awesome....and if you've never been to Portland you owe it to yourself to check out Voodoo Donuts. They even gave Ammon is own welcome to Portland.

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