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Militia takes over wildlife refuge headquarters

A believer in Bundy and Company posted this on my facebook page. I countered with the other story and said it seems they don't match. He claims this McConnell wasn't even there. I haven't unfriended him yet because I'm waiting for him to eat crow.

McConnell was not there at the shooting. He was driving Ammon Bundys car. Not sure how he was "witness" of the shooting.
I can never beat you with a link. Fastest mouse in the west!

I had just finished eating dinner, checking the forum before some work. It was posted with no link, I had to find it to see it. Just timing I guess. ;)

At about 5:50 in the edited version, you see a LEO in the snow, just as Finicum is driving into the bank right in front of him, almost hits him.
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I had just finished eating dinner, checking the forum before some work. It was posted with no link, I had to find it to see it. Just timing I guess. ;)

At about 5:50, you see a LEO in the snow, just as Finicum is driving into the bank right in front of him, almost hits him.

It looked like he hit him with the side of the truck
You may be right, there was snow spray, flight camera reshifted, no one was running to the LEO and he gets up, so I thought it was a miss.

Maybe my math is bad but I dont see 40 vehicles around them.

edit: SAC Greg Bretzing's account states, "He nearly hits an FBI agent as he maneuvers to the left. The truck gets stuck in the snowbank."
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Damn, that was intense. He was definitely reaching for his waist, for what, who knows. Many POC in the country get shot by cops for a hell of a lot less than that.
Go to about 9 minutes into it when they took off. What was he reaching for?

They weren't going to wait around to find out. Doesn't help that the guy said he'd never go peacefully either...and that he fled from a traffic stop...or almost rammed a couple of cars.

Good shoot. Graham V. Connor: 1) "the severity of the crime at issue"; 2) "whether the suspect poses an immediate threat to the safety of the officers or others"; and 3) "whether he is actively resisting arrest or attempting to evade arrest by flight."
People are now claiming he was shot then took his hands to the wound and then was shot multiple times.

No amount of evidence will convince people that they shouldn't use this to further their agenda.
My doctor says my eyesight is perfect, so I can only conclude you folks are watching a different video than me. The video I saw shows a person surrendering being shot anyways.
We don't do that to the enemy in combat.
If these FBI agents were marines, and funicum was taliban, and this were in Kandahar, these marines would be court marshaled, and serve lengthy sentences in Leavenworth.
I have no sympathy for the land grab movement, none, but I'm not all about federal officers being judge, jury and executioner, on an American citizen.
Maybe you saw a different video than I, maybe you are just trying to rationalize this being acceptable because you oppose his cause. To be honest, it kind of makes me smile too, but in the big picture, I know there's no justice in shooting a surrendering man, no matter who he is.
Again, I'm not defending him, whatsoever.
I certainly wasn't looking forward to more people being drawn to this asshats cause, through his lengthy trial, but I just cannot say with a straight face that I see anything other than shooting someone who's surrendering.
My doctor says my eyesight is perfect, so I can only conclude you folks are watching a different video than me. The video I saw shows a person surrendering being shot anyways.
We don't do that to the enemy in combat.
If these FBI agents were marines, and funicum was taliban, and this were in Kandahar, these marines would be court marshaled, and serve lengthy sentences in Leavenworth.
I have no sympathy for the land grab movement, none, but I'm not all about federal officers being judge, jury and executioner, on an American citizen.
Maybe you saw a different video than I, maybe you are just trying to rationalize this being acceptable because you oppose his cause. To be honest, it kind of makes me smile too, but in the big picture, I know there's no justice in shooting a surrendering man, no matter who he is.

Maybe you didn't see him lower his hands toward his waist area before being shot, but I certainly did...its pretty easy to see. In the article the FBI stated a loaded handgun was found on him after the shooting.

Its a good shoot. They aren't marines, this isn't Afghanistan. Use of force standards (ie case law sent down from the supreme court) were met in this incident (as I cited above with Graham v. Connor)
People are now claiming he was shot then took his hands to the wound and then was shot multiple times.

No amount of evidence will convince people that they shouldn't use this to further their agenda.
Shot by the guy on the snowy knoll.
Maybe you didn't see him lower his hands toward his waist area before being shot, but I certainly did...its pretty easy to see. In the article the FBI stated a loaded handgun was found on him after the shooting.

Its a good shoot. They aren't marines, this isn't Afghanistan. Use of force standards (ie case law sent down from the supreme court) were met in this incident (as I cited above with Graham v. Connor)

You are correct. I highly doubt the FBI agents told him to put his hands in his pockets.

In light of his previous statements, the act of fleeing, and nearly ramming an FBI agent with his truck, any deviation from the commands given would likely get you shot. Including reaching for your pockets.

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