Kenetrek Boots

Militia takes over wildlife refuge headquarters

Those involved are trying to make this an execution thing. They are aleady claiming He was on the ground with his hands on his head and they just shot him. The sad part is people will somehow convince themselves that is true. If the Feds agenda was to shoot them, they could have done it to all of them. I'm sorry but there is a reason shots were fired, and being a law enforcement officer is not an easy or appreciated jobs at times. If things were so peaceful in this altercation and their agenda was to wipe them out they would have done it. LE enforcment dealt threatened and a life was lost, it's sad, yet isn't surprising with how things were going. There are ways to do things in this country and their actions brought this to this point. They should have walked away. RIP Mr. Finnicum, it should not have come to this.

I've been on the Bundy Ranch FB page. Its trip down a crazy, crazy, rabbit hole. Apparently Ammon called and told his wife that Tarp Man was shot and executed while unarmed and surrendering peaceably. Of course, all the followers are calling for action, though its clear that 99.9% wont do anything more than complain on FB.

I've been critical of LE enough this year, but I think they handled this situation from the beginning as best as they could have.

What I am worried about is the people left at the Refuge. With the main leadership gone, who knows what kind of crazy individual will rise to power in that group.
Those involved are trying to make this an execution thing. They are aleady claiming He was on the ground with his hands on his head and they just shot him. The sad part is people will somehow convince themselves that is true. If the Feds agenda was to shoot them, they could have done it to all of them. I'm sorry but there is a reason shots were fired, and being a law enforcement officer is not an easy or appreciated jobs at times. If things were so peaceful in this altercation and their agenda was to wipe them out they would have done it. LE enforcment dealt threatened and a life was lost, it's sad, yet isn't surprising with how things were going. There are ways to do things in this country and their actions brought this to this point. They should have walked away. RIP Mr. Finnicum, it should not have come to this.

I agree. If this was an "execution", there would have been no prisoners and no witnesses.

As much criticism the FBI has faced over this, I think really they did a remarkable job of making things happen on their terms. With a group of nut jobs like this, that is very important. Wait them out and let them feel emboldened.

I'd love to hear the intel and the ops planning that went on here. Sounds like they had the SWAT team in SUVS making the stop and had road blocks on both sides when things went down.
I've been on the Bundy Ranch FB page. Its trip down a crazy, crazy, rabbit hole. Apparently Ammon called and told his wife that Tarp Man was shot and executed while unarmed and surrendering peaceably. Of course, all the followers are calling for action, though its clear that 99.9% wont do anything more than complain on FB.

I've been critical of LE enough this year, but I think they handled this situation from the beginning as best as they could have.

What I am worried about is the people left at the Refuge. With the main leadership gone, who knows what kind of crazy individual will rise to power in that group.

Of course they'll use Finicum as the ultimate martyr and continue to spin the evil of the feds.

Isn't Captain Moroni still at the refuge? It's far from done, but this very significant.

From Senator Fielder's article:

The protesters say they simply want the ranchers released from prison, and control of the federally managed public lands turned over to local authorities.

Oh I see now. They simply want criminals to be freed and Americans to give up their public lands. Come on guys, just give up the places you hunt, fish, hike - just turn it over to people who want to use it for their personal financial gain. Real flippin simple. Fielder is so far down the rabbit hole it's distressing that she is in a position of power.
From Senator Fielder's article:

Oh I see now. They simply want criminals to be freed and Americans to give up their public lands. Come on guys, just give up the places you hunt, fish, hike - just turn it over to people who want to use it for their personal financial gain. Real flippin simple. Fielder is so far down the rabbit hole it's distressing that she is in a position of power.

You can't fix stupid.
It's funny that there's memes going all over facebook that the guy that was killed was somehow 'murdered in cold blood with his hands in the air above his head'....
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