Militia takes over wildlife refuge headquarters

There are reports coming out that Ammon Bundy and four others have been arrested. The group was arrested while traveling to a neighboring county for a meeting tonight.
Sure hope nobody gets killed as this all goes down. Better get out the cans of Wingnut Roach Raid. I'm guessing there's going to be a bunch of scurrying around in the anti-government fringes of society.
One of those links reports one death. Has that been confirmed? Guess my original hoped for outcome isn't going to come to pass. :(
KATU notes one dead, their twitter feed to the right
BREAKING UPDATE: FBI confirms 1 person dead - no details on their identity at this time.

Harney County Sheriffs Dept press release
Arrests Made in the Occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge: Joint Statement by the FBI and OSP
FBI - Oregon - 01/26/16 6:57 PM

At approximately 4:25 p.m. (PST) on Tuesday, January 26, 2016, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Oregon State Police (OSP) began an enforcement action to bring into custody a number of individuals associated with the armed occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. During that arrest, there were shots fired.

One individual who was a subject of a federal probable cause arrest is deceased. We will not be releasing any information about that person pending identification by the medical examiner's office.

One individual suffered non-life threatening injuries and was transported to a local hospital for treatment. He was arrested and is currently in custody.

The arrested individuals include:

Ammon Edward Bundy, age 40, of Emmett, Idaho
Ryan C. Bundy, age 43, of Bunkerville, Nevada
Brian Cavalier, age 44, of Bunkerville, Nevada
Shawna Cox, age 59, Kanab, Utah
Ryan Waylen Payne, age 32, of Anaconda, Montana

These probable cause arrests occurred along Highway 395.

In a separate event in Burns, Oregon, at approximately 5:50 pm, Oregon State Police arrested the following individual:

Joseph Donald O'Shaughnessy, age 45, Cottonwood, Arizona

All of the named defendants face a federal felony charge of conspiracy to impede officers of the United States from discharging their official duties through the use of force, intimidation, or threats, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 372.

We continue to work with Harney County Sheriff Dave Ward and his deputies; Oregon State Police; and the United States Attorney's Office to address any further outstanding issues. As the investigation is ongoing, we cannot comment further at this time.

All defendants should be presumed innocent until proven guilty.
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Hopefully there will be some follow up in Nevada too.

I was kind of hoping the whole "joke" thing would end up in humiliation and some tails between the legs, but I was often reminded by people wiser than I am: This is serious sh*t. They are right, of course. Just too bad it had to come to a shooting. Hopefully we don't have a martyr on our hands and a bunch of Waco/Ruby Ridge press about militarized law enforcement.

Hopefully this will all end up in the courts and the back page with nary a blip on the news. Back to Trump/Palin/Bernie/Clinton/Bush/Cruz/et al.

Hope in one hand, sh*t in the other and see what I get. :rolleyes:
Peter Santilli, the guys whose live stream video I had been listening to, has also been arrested, same charges as the others.

Harney County Sheriff:
"Another arrest made in the Occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge:
FBI update at 7:45 PM:
At approximately 6:30 p.m. (PST), the FBI arrested Peter Santilli, age 50, of Cincinnati, Ohio, in Burns, Oregon. He faces the same federal felony charge as the individuals listed below. The arrest was without incident."
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CNN is reporting that LaVoy Finnicum was the person killed.
Tragic but predictable, when the "tarpman" publicly states he will use his firearm if law enforcement approaches armed. It was inevitable that he would be arrested for something. It angers me that he deliberately and with forethought set up that scenario where law enforcement was forced to consider him armed and hostile, particularly since this "cowboy" seemed to be clueless regarding law enforcement or military protocol and training for hostile encounters. May he rest in peace and be forgiven for his legacy as idiot. Hopefully his clan of many children were adopted, as perpetuation of that gene pool would be a shame.
Those involved are trying to make this an execution thing. They are aleady claiming He was on the ground with his hands on his head and they just shot him. The sad part is people will somehow convince themselves that is true. If the Feds agenda was to shoot them, they could have done it to all of them. I'm sorry but there is a reason shots were fired, and being a law enforcement officer is not an easy or appreciated jobs at times. If things were so peaceful in this altercation and their agenda was to wipe them out they would have done it. LE enforcment dealt threatened and a life was lost, it's sad, yet isn't surprising with how things were going. There are ways to do things in this country and their actions brought this to this point. They should have walked away. RIP Mr. Finnicum, it should not have come to this.
Good work and patience by the LEOs and those in charge - 1 dead in a traffic stop is tragic but far from the worst possible outcome. Better this way than to have another Waco-like raid with multiple dead on each side. Hopefully the rest of the occupiers will surrender peacefully now.