Militia takes over wildlife refuge headquarters

mike 21: big difference between a fire going out of control by accident and intentionally starting a fire. the fires started by the forest service and blm land managers do a lot of good for wildlife that we hunt by the way. letting citizens intentionally start fires on public lands and get away with a slap on the wrist sets a bad precedent.

Also, I am still wondering what government actions these people in the militia are suffering from? they talk a lot about defending the constitution, but what exactly in the constitution are they defending? have they given any specifics? you would think the press would ask them what their exact problem is. (i'm guessing these wack jobs wouldn't even know. they aren't getting everything they want so they start spouting off about the constitution and the big bad federal government)

Lastly, do the folks in this militia have jobs? I guess I just wouldn't have the time or money to be able to take a wildlife refuge hostage with the intent of staying for years

Inept management and negligent management are similar. Neither should be conducted with impunity. Of course controlled burns are healthy in some cases. And as said before the Hammonds have gave their word and reported to jail.

I have no idea why you are asking me about the militia, the Hammonds are not part of the militia. Please point out the post that I supported the Bundys or Militia? I can't defend things I didn't say
Inept management and negligent management are similar. Neither should be conducted with impunity. Of course controlled burns are healthy in some cases. And as said before the Hammonds have gave their word and reported to jail.

I have no idea why you are asking me about the militia, the Hammonds are not part of the militia. Please point out the post that I supported the Bundys or Militia? I can't defend things I didn't say

Inept management due to failed policies and underfunded agencies because congress refuses to fix the problems. The sad part of the issue is the BLM and FS are dealt a rotten hand by the same members of congress who vote to not properly fund these agencies and neglect issues like fire borrowing and other policies that make it impossible for land managers to do a good job. If you would like to blame someone, blame many of the same people complaining about management. Your representatives are the ones who aren't willing to fix the problems.
What "Crime were they covering up? Usually a crime means that you have been convicted of something. In this case they were convicted of arson, not poaching. So I guess the Point is you need to do your homework. Not just read who testified.

I've done my homework, thank you very much. I also know no amount of homework or reason will sway the opinion of stupid or deliberately obtuse people. Goodnight!
A gal I went to high school with interviewed a ranching family from my hometown about the Wingnut Militia, grazing on public lands, and the pros and cons of subsidizing said grazing.

Pretty balanced view from some good folks.

Great article. I would add that though there is a lot of pressure from some groups to end grazing on public lands, it is an essential tool for land managers. Grazing, burning, sometimes haying/farming are all treatments. What some folks dont realize is that letting ground sit idle is also a treatment, and when done in excess idle is just as bad for the land as the other treatments done to excess. The Bundys are thankfully not the norm. There are a lot of ranchers that do alot of good work on both private and public land.
Great article. I would add that though there is a lot of pressure from some groups to end grazing on public lands, it is an essential tool for land managers. Grazing, burning, sometimes haying/farming are all treatments. What some folks dont realize is that letting ground sit idle is also a treatment, and when done in excess idle is just as bad for the land as the other treatments done to excess. The Bundys are thankfully not the norm. There are a lot of ranchers that do alot of good work on both private and public land.

Well said. Grazing isn't a magical tool that makes every range better. Rather it's a tool that when used wisely can have very good results. I agree with completely on idle range, and it not always being the best choice. Sometimes yes, sometimes no.
Hey John, I think that Mike21's real identity must be that old lady that grabbed your last pack of pork chops at the local grocery store. She must really have it in for you. :D

I change my earlier assessment of why she was wanting that many pork chops. Perhaps she was heading up to Oregon to feed the boys. A man gets hungry for some real food when the snacks run low.
Judging from your picture there might not be enough snacks in Harney County Oregon to get you through a weekend visit. Hey I just figured out how to end the siege. Send you down there to infiltrate and starve out the Bundys.

Hey you brought up snacks

I'd like to put you and JC in the back seat of a police cruiser and have you repeat that to him.
Because of people like mike21, it should be mandatory to post the town you live in and a selfie for your avatar. I'd be willing to bet he wouldn't be so quick with the comebacks then.
Hey John, I think that Mike21's real identity must be that old lady that grabbed your last pack of pork chops at the local grocery store. She must really have it in for you. :D

I change my earlier assessment of why she was wanting that many pork chops. Perhaps she was heading up to Oregon to feed the boys. A man gets hungry for some real food when the snacks run low.

That made my morning!! :)
I wish they could turn the power off without the plumbing freezing. Burns is the Big Piney of Oregon. -2 this morning while the rest of E.Or is in the high 20's.
I have shied away from commenting on this because I identify as a small government guy on 80% of issues. The public land debate is not one of them. History has a way of teaching us things and is repeatable. The proof is in the pudding and history has shown the states will sell the lands to the highest bidder. In the public land debate, I am glad the federal government has control of that land and we have that resource for all.

Those guys in Nevada and Oregon are doing themselves...and me, more harm than good. I would be more for them if I saw them doing what they are doing for the benefit of all Americans. Instead, it appears to be only for the benefit of a few ("grazing rights" feels like rancher welfare to me).

All I am trying to say here is that not all small government people are represented by the Bundy clan. I certainly hold Big Fin's views of "dead cold hands" on public lands now.....amongst other things too though.
When are the EPA guys going to go to prison for polluting the Animas in Colorado?

How did the pollution get put there in the first place. That's like blaming lipitor and you Dr. for your heart attack when you're 400 lbs and eat baconcheeseburgers for every meal.

I know you can't stand the Bundy boys, Randy. But remember these are the same federal folks who craft the tax code. Just saying a jackass is a jackass

Congress at the influence of lobbyists craft the tax code not the IRS.

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