Kenetrek Boots

Militia takes over wildlife refuge headquarters

I'm curious as to where the Bundys and others get their finances. I have to work for a living and couldn't afford to take up residence like that and vow to stay years if necessary. Where is he getting his money to pay his bills and support his family?

Charles and David?

Can someone explain after the sheriff asked these people to leave and ranchers acknowledge there are issues but seem to agree the BLM and US Fish and Wildlife service are working with them for better resolution, why the hell these idiots are still there?

That is a good question. Forget the Sheriff and the ranchers and the Indians; I thought one of the lead occupiers said they'd leave if the community or the people wanted them to leave. Then there was a town meeting where the Sheriff asked the crowd if they wanted the occupiers to leave and to end this thing peacefully. The resounding, nearly universal response was "Yes."

*If* that is true, then the only reason these guys are hanging on is a fear of arrest, a fear of an end to their 15 minutes, or they are serious and ready for war. Some have said they would rather die. A quasi-supportive group camped nearby tried to remove women and children (if any) as well as a former friend who had a "suicide-by-fed-cop" death wish. They were rebuffed. If their own kind are worried about an inevitable gun fight, so much as to try and get "innocents" out and to talk down a mental match stick, then this might not end well. So . . . we are talking about egos, I think.

I was hoping everyone would get cold, hungry, tired and go home. Problem is, I don't think the feds can allow that. Don't they still have cattle free-ranging down at Bundy's place? On the other hand, how long did AIM occupy Alcatraz?
We have enough people with guns on here and long range shooting 'experts' and internet badasses and all that we should start our own militia and take the compound back over and bring enough snacks and baby wipes and solar chargers for our cell phones!!! :hump:

I just spit my coffee on my iPad screen!

More and more like Jerry Springer every day, while the Feds do what?

What would you like for them to do? If they go in and remove these idiots, its going to be Waco all over again. Then we'll hear nothing but "Government brutality" or "militarized police...gestapo!!"

If they do nothing, people are going to bitch about that too. So its really a lose/lose situation.

I personally hope they wait them out. It will be cold enough, long enough. Once the media loses interest, the nuts wont be far behind.
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What would you like for them to do? If they go in and remove these idiots, its going to be Waco all over again. Then we'll hear nothing but "Government brutality" or "militarized police...gestapo!!"

If they do nothing, people are going to bitch about that too. So its really a lose/lose situation.

I personally hope they wait them out. It will be cold enough, long enough. Once the media loses interest, the nuts wont be far behind.

You're right, I shouldn't second guess those in charge of the response. The appearance is that absolutely nothing is being done by the Feds to curtail this "occupation." The appearance was that nothing was done to the Bundy clan for using the threat of violence in Nevada to keep the BLM from removing trespassing cattle. The cattle are still there; Cliven is still there. I suspect that these responses will embolden more monkeys to take up the cause.

I don't understand why members of the "militia" and the public are free to come and go from the NWR. It doesn't seem like a safe situation for the public, and I don't know why they wouldn't arrest these goons when they leave for beer and cigarettes.

I commend the local sheriff for doing what he can to end the situation peacefully. The last thing I want to see is good guys getting hurt. So I guess we will wait and see.
I don't understand why members of the "militia" and the public are free to come and go from the NWR. It doesn't seem like a safe situation for the public, and I don't know why they wouldn't arrest these goons when they leave for beer and cigarettes.

This is what I keep waiting for. Eventually enough is enough,and they need to start barring the media and public from going up the road. Make it a one way road and wait them out. One by one, I think you'd start to see the majority of them start to make their way down.
Well, I hope the feds are keeping track of these assholes as they come and go. I will be very let down if no charges are made against these folks.

Its easy to dismiss them as nothing but a joke, but they are a threat and are breaking the law.

With the exception of gunfire, I hope the Feds crack down on them hard. At least the "Militia" (used in the most LOOSE term) leadership (also used loosely)
You're right, I shouldn't second guess those in charge of the response. The appearance is that absolutely nothing is being done by the Feds to curtail this "occupation." The appearance was that nothing was done to the Bundy clan for using the threat of violence in Nevada to keep the BLM from removing trespassing cattle. The cattle are still there; Cliven is still there. I suspect that these responses will embolden more monkeys to take up the cause.

I don't understand why members of the "militia" and the public are free to come and go from the NWR. It doesn't seem like a safe situation for the public, and I don't know why they wouldn't arrest these goons when they leave for beer and cigarettes.

I commend the local sheriff for doing what he can to end the situation peacefully. The last thing I want to see is good guys getting hurt. So I guess we will wait and see.

Im not there, so I don't know whats being done. But Id guess they are trying to give these guys time to leave. I don't know if you're aware, but the media doesn't usually represent the "entire story" when law enforcement is involved in use of force.

Back in the day when people wanted criminals treated like criminals, they probably would've already been removed. However, in today's climate, criminals are more frequently represented as "the good guys" by media outlets.
I was really hoping to see the Sheriff slap the cuffs on Bundy when he asked them to leave yesterday and Bundy said no. One rat down...
But the sheriff is damned if he does or doesn't.
I don't understand why folks are still coming and going,the press and all,in a hostage situation,and the perps are still in the proccess of the crime.
Place should have been sealed and them cut off. SOP.
And it is Federal issue too............................ I'm for Fed enforcement and convictions for them.
The longer this goes on the less funny it is, and the more pissed I am. Those assholes need dealt with.
Not disagreeing that they pay a ridiculously low rate, but for the record the current rate is $1.69/AUM. The lowest it can go is $1.35/AUM. The 2016 rate should be out in the next couple of weeks. Carry on....

Thanks for the info, I stand corrected, and still pissed off. Goddam leeches.
Skimming the mainstream coverage it seems like the longer the occupation goes the more the mili-taints embarrass themselves. They have no viable exit strategy and no way to save face. Letting them sit while their peers tell them to go home is not a bad strategy for law enforcement.

The tone of the coverage, as well as the precipitating events, are different than the Nevada standoff. Even my facebook friends are quite. What is the Hannity et al crowd saying about this?

What I was saying earlier is Obama better crack down on the people after this is over or it is going to happen again and eventually get serious. He doesn't have to run again so now is the time to show some leadership and point out that taking up arms against the government to influence policy is in fact illegal and there are consequences.
I just had to check some figures on the BLM website. In 1966 the fee was $1.23 per AUM. The average today is $1.35. In 2014 the BLM was allotted 79.9 Million for "Rangeland Management"
The BLM collected 12.1 Million in grazing fees, but spent 34.3 Million on "Livestock Grazing Administration". Taxpayers are losing their asses to these Welfare ranchers, and these clowns want to graze their cattle & sheep for free? Why the hell are we still doing this?
The best part of the sheep grazing is that it also ensures you will never draw a bighorn sheep tag.
HCN just sent a article on BLM & Bundies ,only I can't seem to get it here.
From yesterday about how the Ranger to LEO role has changed for them.
All agencies I think.

My job went from being a glorified maintenance builder/repair EMT/Patrol Ranger to just LEO.
Not a Fed.

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