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Militia takes over wildlife refuge headquarters

Anyone ever read "Range" magazine? When I'm in town and perusing the magazine rack I sometimes look it over without buying. It seems to be the counter to HCN. I wonder what, if anything, they say about the Bundy types. They seem to think ranchers are God's gift to the western environment.
Bit players indeed

Ben Long's article in The Hill hailed it. Very well done, Ben.

At least I hope something can come out of this to better inform people and connect the dots to much larger and quieter efforts going on to take our public lands away from us.
Anyone ever read "Range" magazine? When I'm in town and perusing the magazine rack I sometimes look it over without buying. It seems to be the counter to HCN. I wonder what, if anything, they say about the Bundy types. They seem to think ranchers are God's gift to the western environment.
Yes & yes they kinda do. Think that. I don't trust many that think they know it ALL.
Obviously convicted arsonists are a good enough cause for these guys who like to think they are doing some honorable thing. Bunch of jack ass morons who represent another form of the welfare low-information society.

Here is why the guys are sentenced to five years in prison. They torched a bunch of property, intentionally. But, since it was Federal property, the militia thinks they deserve a pass. - http://www.justice.gov/usao-or/pr/e...convicted-arson-resentenced-five-years-prison

Agreed, but when was the last time a federal agency/employee was convicted when a "controlled burn" got out of control or when Feds let a fire build on public land that becomes uncontrollable and destroys private property?

When are the EPA guys going to go to prison for polluting the Animas in Colorado?

I know you can't stand the Bundy boys, Randy. But remember these are the same federal folks who craft the tax code. Just saying a jackass is a jackass
The Hammonds burned 180 acres. In this one instance the forest service burned over 2800, on accident


The Hammonds served their time, were released and then the Feds reneged and ordered them back to prison. These "convicted" arsonists gave their word they would report to jail again, and they did. They did not support the Bundys.

Really? One (or actually more than one) was done ON PURPOSE to hide a crime and you compare that to an accident? Private landowners burning on their private land accidentally lose way more fires than the government does and they dont go to prison either. What exactly is your point?
The Hammonds burned 180 acres. In this one instance the forest service burned over 2800, on accident


The Hammonds served their time, were released and then the Feds reneged and ordered them back to prison. These "convicted" arsonists gave their word they would report to jail again, and they did. They did not support the Bundys.

The feds didn't renege. The judge issued an illegal sentence. Whether you agree with the mandatory 5 years or not, it was unlawful. I have read nothing but good about Judge Hogan, and I have no doubt he was doing what he thought was fair and just. In this case, the law didn't allow him to do so.

I don't necessarily think the Hammonds have handled this well over the years, but I wouldn't be overly appalled if Obama pardoned them both at this point, given they have already served their original sentence.

I hope the Bundy's rot in jail.
Really? One (or actually more than one) was done ON PURPOSE to hide a crime and you compare that to an accident? Private landowners burning on their private land accidentally lose way more fires than the government does and they dont go to prison either. What exactly is your point?

What "Crime were they covering up? Usually a crime means that you have been convicted of something. In this case they were convicted of arson, not poaching. So I guess the Point is you need to do your homework. Not just read who testified.

Quick...someone get Mike21 some snacks so he can get back to the refuge!!

Judging from your picture there might not be enough snacks in Harney County Oregon to get you through a weekend visit. Hey I just figured out how to end the siege. Send you down there to infiltrate and starve out the Bundys.

Hey you brought up snacks
Quick...someone get Mike21 some snacks so he can get back to the refuge!![/QUOTE

Judging from your picture there might not be enough snacks in Harney County Oregon to get you through a weekend visit. Hey I just figured out how to end the siege. Send you down there to infiltrate and starve out the Bundys.

Hey you brought up snacks

I see you didn't leave your juvenile jackass persona at Rokslide.
Quick...someone get Mike21 some snacks so he can get back to the refuge!![/QUOTE

Judging from your picture there might not be enough snacks in Harney County Oregon to get you through a weekend visit. Hey I just figured out how to end the siege. Send you down there to infiltrate and starve out the Bundys.

Hey you brought up snacks

You saw what from a selfie of me holding an antelope buck? You must be another one of those internet badasses. I want to know how you saw anything about me in the first place with your head shoved so far up your ass.... by the way...why in the hell are you checking me out? I don't swing that way, but I appreciate your interest and take it as a compliment...
mike 21: big difference between a fire going out of control by accident and intentionally starting a fire. the fires started by the forest service and blm land managers do a lot of good for wildlife that we hunt by the way. letting citizens intentionally start fires on public lands and get away with a slap on the wrist sets a bad precedent.

Also, I am still wondering what government actions these people in the militia are suffering from? they talk a lot about defending the constitution, but what exactly in the constitution are they defending? have they given any specifics? you would think the press would ask them what their exact problem is. (i'm guessing these wack jobs wouldn't even know. they aren't getting everything they want so they start spouting off about the constitution and the big bad federal government)

Lastly, do the folks in this militia have jobs? I guess I just wouldn't have the time or money to be able to take a wildlife refuge hostage with the intent of staying for years
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