Michigan wilderness first aid class


Active member
Nov 17, 2020
I'm looking for a wilderness first aid class in Michigan. I have found a couple, but I am looking for one someone has taken and can give some feedback. Thanks
I have taken the Wilderness First Aid class lead by Aerie Backcountry medicine. I Dont have anything else to compare it to, but The class was good.
I had to get certified due to leading youth on wilderness trips.
Look into DART 1 held through MDFI. My wife and I both took it last year and we found it incredibly beneficial.
It’s a Michigan-based firearms training company. I’ve taken a few handgun and carbine classes with them over the past few years and they’re top-notch in terms of safety, instruction, and not too much “political” talk. The medical course was a two-day course with an instructor they brought in from Colorado (Dark Angel Medical) and we took it at the Grass Lake Sportsman’s club - the focus was on emergency triage in the field. It definitely changed how I approach hunting and anything firearm related for a safety perspective and I do feel much more equipped to handle medical emergencies. Not sure if that’s what you’re looking for or not, though.
if the cert is something you need for work it's usually worth taking a Wilderness first responder the first time around, then every 3 years or so you can take a Wilderness first aid to recert, many places that require wilderness medical training require a WFR so may as well commit a couple of extra days upfront...

It's also worth checking that the company you chose is accepted by your employer. NOLS, WMA, and Solo are fairly universally accepted, many others are not, if it's for personal preparedness it doesn't matter as much but it's a real pain if you have to take a course twice just to get a cert from an accepted company...
This is not for work. I hunt and fish with a lot of old guys and I just want to be prepared. We are also taking trips further from help and hospitals.
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This is not for work. I hunt and fish with a lot of old guys and I just want to be prepared. We are also taking trips further from help and hospital
Have hunted and fished with old guys for several years and never gave a second thought to medical preparedness. Good on you for thinking like this.
Michigan wise there are a few - depends on whether you are downstate or further north. I'd recommend the WFR (responder) over the WFA if you can spare the time. Wilderness Medical Associates has one for later next month, there are also several WFA from local community colleges.
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