Caribou Gear

Grouse in Michigan

Don Fischer

Well-known member
Jun 27, 2017
Have some family in Michigan I mostly know through the internet, mom left dad when I was very young. But have a couple brothers, few nephew's and few great nephews and nieces I'm thinking I'd like to get back and go grouse hunting with. Be a strange thing for them as they use 22's for grouse and I'm into shotguns and pointing dogs, got a new CZ Bobwhite in 28ga, two young Red Setters and a bunch of want to and grouse around here are about zero! Anyway in next couple years thinking about it if my legs will still be able, maybe even a few short hunts! Grouse hunting anygood in Michigan? Thinking the UP!
The more local knowledge you can get the more grouse you'll be able to find. I live near the very southern boundary of where grouse live in the Lower Peninsula and can find huntable numbers. Around and all good covers north of US10 should produce some birds. The task is figuring out what good looking covers hold birds and which ones just look like they should 😉
Best of luck to you!
Definitely birds in the UP. A bit less pressure up there too. Bird numbers can vary year to year and in response to pressure and habitat quality.

Just walking the roads through the
right habitat can produce. You don’t have to go busting through the old cuts. Even walking roads through more marginal habitat can produce because the more marginal stuff doesn’t really get hunted as much and is more open allowing for better shooting. The roads allow you to cover a lot more ground which can make up for some of the shortcomings in the habitat. Good luck!
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I may get shot for this, but I'd take a week in the UP chasing pats over a week anywhere chasing roosters.

OnX layers are key for finding good habitat. Michigan's hunt planner is another must have resource to find the kind of covers you are wanting.

As these guys have said, the roads can be good, old abandoned logging roads are better. Look for Aspen that's around 5-6 years old with some good shrubs mixed in. Note your water source and don't just stay on the roads. Bust that brush & get in there with the birds. Find the feed & you'll find the birds. There is no shortage of federal & state land, as well as commercial timber lands open for hunting. Enjoy!
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Always have good luck finding them in what Ben described. Would add near water
I grew up hunting the Hoxeyville area , they log off sections and let it regrow natural and if you can find the right balance of aspen / pine , you'd find the birds . Ten years after being logged it would be getting good .
In the UP I would hunt the Blue Road area , very thick but lots of Pats , and if you time it right Woodcock also .
Just did a quick 2 day trip to the mit. 4 flushes, no shots, and it’s a tick infested nightmare.
Since 5 Oct I've spent 3 days in northern MN and 10 days in UP grouse hunting. I found 1 dead tick stuck to my brush pants, 0 on either dog.

Treat your outer clothing with permethrin and apply K9 Advantix to your dog once a month. I've not found a single live tick on myself or and of my bird dogs in years. That includes late March thru early June when I banded as well as all of fall grouse hunting seasons.
Since 5 Oct I've spent 3 days in northern MN and 10 days in UP grouse hunting. I found 1 dead tick stuck to my brush pants, 0 on either dog.

Treat your outer clothing with permethrin and apply K9 Advantix to your dog once a month. I've not found a single live tick on myself or and of my bird dogs in years. That includes late March thru early June when I banded as well as all of fall grouse hunting seasons.

Last year was a boom year for all kinds of ticks in the northern lower. I had days where I pulled 4 dozen off of the black dog after only hunting 2-3 covers.

Double recommend the permethrin on your clothing - all of it - drawers, socks, tshirts, overshirt, jacket, pants, gaiters and shoes. I'm also a strong believer in picaradin lotion as a bug repellant on your body. It's works great, and it moisturizes! Worst thing in the world is ashy elbows in grouse camp.

We switched from advantix to nexguard chewable and it's a better option, IMO. I was pulling engorged ticks off the dogs last year - dead - but they'd been feeding. This year (pre-August crash of all plans), I've yet to find a live tick on a dog, and only pulled a couple of dead ones off of them. I'm sold on the nexguard.

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