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Messing up a wet dream - MTFWP big 3 draw

One person going through an Excel doc of the draw results could have caught this before they posted results. This is a ridiculous amount of hunt codes and tags.

Besides the ewe tags and moose tags, five people thought that they drew what is possibly the best sheep tag in the world, and even arguably the best hunting tag on the planet. Today they find out they didn't. That is shitty.
Awarded less quota... if answer is not zero, flagged. so incredibly easy.
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FWP takes closer look at licensing mistake, makes allowances for three license types

HELENA – After a closer review of the licenses that were mistakenly over-drawn last week, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks is going to allow the drawing to stand for one bighorn sheep license type and two moose license types.

For sheep license 482-20 the quota was supposed to be 15, but FWP mistakenly allocated 20 licenses to hunters. For moose licenses 270-50 and 341-50 the quota was two, but FWP mistakenly allocated three. In these three circumstances, the number of licenses drawn are within the quotas set by the Fish and Wildlife Commission and moving forward with the extra licenses will have no biological impact.

“With these three instances, the extra licenses will have no impact on the population,” said Ken McDonald, chief of the Wildlife Division at FWP. “In the remaining circumstances where licenses were over-drawn, awarding additional licenses could detrimentally affect populations.”


As announced by FWP Tuesday, May 17, during the moose, sheep, goat and bison drawings, the wrong quotas were entered into the system for four sheep licenses and three moose licenses. In these four remaining circumstances, FWP will determine who was mistakenly awarded licenses beyond the appropriate quota, and those hunters will not receive a license. These licenses are:

  • 482-30: drew 40 applicants, but the quota was five (sheep).
  • 622-30: drew 20 applicants, but the quota was 10 (sheep).
  • 680-31: drew 40 applicants, but the quota was 30 (sheep).
  • 332-00: drew eight applicants, but the quota was six (moose).

Ffs what a shit show
Right, and if the extra 5 tags makes no difference, why didn't they issue them from the get-go?

Even more reason to not trust the FWP leadership, what a disgrace.
Unfortunately now the quote for 482-20 ram tag will go to 10 next year also... so "no impact on population " means because quota will be lowered next year
Unfortunately now the quote for 482-20 ram tag will go to 10 next year also... so "no impact on population " means because quota will be lowered next year
That's ok, because next year they'll accidentally pull an extra 30 and let those hunters hunt their tags.

Beyond their incompetence to do it right the first time is the fact that they are making things exponentially worse by how they are "solving" the problem. Call it "incompetence squared," just like their bonus points.

No one should expect ANYTHING to change when they refuse to address the problem. These things will continue to compound.
They gave out 55 extra ewe tags.

Next year, if they give out 55 extra ram tags, they have set a wonderful precedent.
That's ok, because next year they'll accidentally pull an extra 30 and let those hunters hunt their tags.

Beyond their incompetence to do it right the first time is the fact that they are making things exponentially worse by how they are "solving" the problem. Call it "incompetence squared," just like their bonus points.

No one should expect ANYTHING to change when they refuse to address the problem. These things will continue to compound.
I like the incompetence squared. Sums it up pretty well
Didn’t they give out extra elk permits last year when they screwed up? Or did they just do the second draw? Can’t remember which fix they did last year
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