Caribou Gear Tarp

Messing up a wet dream - MTFWP big 3 draw

It was a ewe tag. Nameless range’s post about the future of the big 3 made me do a lot of thinking. I was hoping for a goat tag this year now I’m not sure I even want one. When populations are declining should we be complaining about not trying to eradicate them?
So, does that mean I may still get my breaks Sheep permit that I haven’t drawn?
It was a ewe tag. Nameless range’s post about the future of the big 3 made me do a lot of thinking. I was hoping for a goat tag this year now I’m not sure I even want one. When populations are declining should we be complaining about not trying to eradicate them?
Oh yea, don't get me wrong--there was a moment of ever-so-slight disappointment, but no one on this end is at all upset about the tag being taken back. My "cowards" comment was in regards to the agency just letting people keep tags that will likely result in harvest exceeding what had previously been determined to be the proper quota.

I look forward to the day that FWP makes some unpopular decisions for the health of our herds...but instances like these don't give me much hope for the current leadership.
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Well, my wife drew one of the ewe tags in question and it just let me buy the license this morning, so they screwed up the supposed "fix" as well.

It’s because of things like this, that we really cannot take someone’s word that the issue has been fixed. I’m not saying it’s nefarious, but I hope that as journalists/hunters/etc we verify every claim they make about fixing the issue and preventing a drastic over harvest
It’s because of things like this, that we really cannot take someone’s word that the issue has been fixed. I’m not saying it’s nefarious, but I hope that as journalists/hunters/etc we verify every claim they make about fixing the issue and preventing a drastic over harvest
It just makes me wonder how often there have been screw ups throughout the years and they just didn't tell anybody except maybe a tag owner or two that benefitted fromt he mistakes. Or even just didn't tell anybody. How would any of us know if there were 200 bull elk tags given out in a district that is supposed to only have 100? How would we know if they forgot to square our points for the draw? There a million things that they could mess up and very few people would know.

Of course this is only a discussion point because of the all the screwups that we KNOW about.

Makes me think this is another reason the draw should be done by a third party and then checked by another outfit. Obviously this all comes from a distrust of FWP and how they run things.
It’s because of things like this, that we really cannot take someone’s word that the issue has been fixed. I’m not saying it’s nefarious, but I hope that as journalists/hunters/etc we verify every claim they make about fixing the issue and preventing a drastic over harvest
Just checked again, and as of this morning the sheep license is gone from her "Items Held" in that's encouraging.
Pay a state programmer 200k to do the job right... nah let's pay Kalkomey 1MM so they can pay their programmer 200k and pocket the other 800k.

Welcome to the world of government contracts, "small government" folks saving the tax payer money 🥴

As someone who is in the middle of dealing with a sub-sub-sub-contracted gov't contract, I feel this.
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