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Messing up a wet dream - MTFWP big 3 draw

Boomers are east to spot. Most say they hate social media while posting on social media. Like a public hunting forum.

I’d like to think boomers on a hunting site would write in ALL CAPS because they’re hard of hearing from too many rounds down range

I’m not a boomer yet, but my ears have been subjected to too many rifle and shotgun rounds, so they’ll certainly start to fail. When they do, I’ll be writing in all caps so others can hear me better.
Here's my simple summation based on first-hand experience:

---> low paid State Govt positions don't attract the brightest & highest qualified people, in addition to being led by people who are not qualified to be leading an Agency. If the agency wants to employ qualified people & retain them, they need to raise the salaries that will attract talent.

The agency is not an employer of choice for a number of reasons, with the exception of fish and wildlife biologists because their choices are limited. Make it an agency (employer) of choice, that's how our private company operates and they attract highly qualified talent, pay them well, and retain them, end of story.
Cronyism and Nepotism are so prevalent in government there is never any change. You get ahead by who you know and groupthink keeps any new or opposing ideas down and the people that have those ideas down as well. Management becomes so homogenized bad ideas pass for good ideas because of who the ideas came from. It's all so predictable.
I’d like to think boomers on a hunting site would write in ALL CAPS because they’re hard of hearing from too many rounds down range

I’m not a boomer yet, but my ears have been subjected to too many rifle and shotgun rounds, so they’ll certainly start to fail. When they do, I’ll be writing in all caps so others can hear me better.
Draw issues like this are IMO more a computer problem than human; it’s not like a group of FWP employees are sitting around picking names out of a hat. That said doing a manual double check before they’re published should be getting done especially when tags issued exceeds the quota. Giving someone a tag somewhere else because they drew a unit that isn’t even open

Hit the nail on the head here. I'm not making excuses for the error(s), because it/they should have been caught, but ridiculing and discounting the abilities and intelligence of the entire dept is foolish.
I mean 2 years In a row? The sheep tag in a closed district someone was talking about is a computer glitch probably, but then again shouldnt a human verify the district cant be applied for?. But this over drawing of sheep and Moose was human error and they admitted so. The whole department doesn't need to go but the leader does.
The whole department doesn't need to go but the leader does.
I'm all for that. I just don't like calling for heads to roll throughout the dept from keyboard warriors that belittle people that aren't calling the shots. I'm not going to pretend that I know how MT runs their draw, but I wouldn't be surprised if their draw system/program is a clunky outdated POS and overall not user friendly for the employees that have to deal with it. Maybe the employees are not receiving proper training? I don't know. Clearly there are issues that need to be resolved. The leadership of the dept is making everyone look bad.
I'm all for that. I just don't like calling for heads to roll throughout the dept from keyboard warriors that belittle people that aren't calling the shots. I'm not going to pretend that I know how MT runs their draw, but I wouldn't be surprised if their draw system/program is a clunky outdated POS and overall not user friendly for the employees that have to deal with it. Maybe the employees are not receiving proper training? I don't know. Clearly there are issues that need to be resolved. The leadership of the dept is making everyone look bad.
Its a trust issue for the entire leadership and a Department that hunters fund to manage, hopefully correctly, the states wildlife assets.

When they can't get a simple drawing right, how do they expect me to believe their harvest reports, their population estimates, or that they even have the ability to set seasons, quotas, etc.

There are times when things need a shake-up, FWP is long past due for a major one.

Hank and the upper leadership need to be replaced, all of them. If they aren't, the FWP will NEVER have the public's trust again.

If this was the ONLY thing, I could give them a pass, but its part of a much larger problem of incompetence.
Its a trust issue for the entire leadership and a Department that hunters fund to manage, hopefully correctly, the states wildlife assets.

When they can't get a simple drawing right, how do they expect me to believe their harvest reports, their population estimates, or that they even have the ability to set seasons, quotas, etc.

There are times when things need a shake-up, FWP is long past due for a major one.

Hank and the upper leadership need to be replaced, all of them. If they aren't, the FWP will NEVER have the public's trust again.

If this was the ONLY thing, I could give them a pass, but its part of a much larger problem of incompetence.
Way to lay it out Buzz.
I'm all for that. I just don't like calling for heads to roll throughout the dept from keyboard warriors that belittle people that aren't calling the shots. I'm not going to pretend that I know how MT runs their draw, but I wouldn't be surprised if their draw system/program is a clunky outdated POS and overall not user friendly for the employees that have to deal with it. Maybe the employees are not receiving proper training? I don't know. Clearly there are issues that need to be resolved. The leadership of the dept is making everyone look bad.
Use decades old software running on a Wang processor if that floats MT's boat but you have to conduct some cursory crosschecks. No. Excuse. Leadership failed at a minimum. Those in the trenches may have failed as well.

How could any procedure manual not say: Once the draw results are completed but before are certified there must be a review of tag totals by species by unit, region and statewide with non-resident tag limits verified as well. Compare tag totals to the authorized tags by unit, region and statewide. If any portion of this review reveals an inconsistency, then the draw will not be certified.

FWP takes closer look at licensing mistake, makes allowances for three license types

HELENA – After a closer review of the licenses that were mistakenly over-drawn last week, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks is going to allow the drawing to stand for one bighorn sheep license type and two moose license types.

For sheep license 482-20 the quota was supposed to be 15, but FWP mistakenly allocated 20 licenses to hunters. For moose licenses 270-50 and 341-50 the quota was two, but FWP mistakenly allocated three. In these three circumstances, the number of licenses drawn are within the quotas set by the Fish and Wildlife Commission and moving forward with the extra licenses will have no biological impact.

“With these three instances, the extra licenses will have no impact on the population,” said Ken McDonald, chief of the Wildlife Division at FWP. “In the remaining circumstances where licenses were over-drawn, awarding additional licenses could detrimentally affect populations.”


As announced by FWP Tuesday, May 17, during the moose, sheep, goat and bison drawings, the wrong quotas were entered into the system for four sheep licenses and three moose licenses. In these four remaining circumstances, FWP will determine who was mistakenly awarded licenses beyond the appropriate quota, and those hunters will not receive a license. These licenses are:

  • 482-30: drew 40 applicants, but the quota was five (sheep).
  • 622-30: drew 20 applicants, but the quota was 10 (sheep).
  • 680-31: drew 40 applicants, but the quota was 30 (sheep).
  • 332-00: drew eight applicants, but the quota was six (moose).
It is weird to me that people defend this, or blame a computer program, or basically want to do anything other than hold people accountable for making screw up after screw up. It is sad to me that the standard for tax/license-payer funded government agencies has gotten so low that people think it is unnecessary to hold anyone accountable for stuff like this. The government shouldn't be a job mill. People should be expected to do their jobs. Incompetent people should be fired, and that starts at the top.

One person going through an Excel doc of the draw results could have caught this before they posted results. This is a ridiculous amount of hunt codes and tags.

Besides the ewe tags and moose tags, five people thought that they drew what is possibly the best sheep tag in the world, and even arguably the best hunting tag on the planet. Today they find out they didn't. That is shitty.
It is weird to me that people defend this, or blame a computer program, or basically want to do anything other than hold people accountable for making screw up after screw up. It is sad to me that the standard for tax/license-payer funded government agencies has gotten so low that people think it is unnecessary to hold anyone accountable for stuff like this. The government shouldn't be a job mill. People should be expected to do their jobs. Incompetent people should be fired, and that starts at the top.

One person going through an Excel doc of the draw results could have caught this before they posted results. This is a ridiculous amount of hunt codes and tags.

Besides the ewe tags and moose tags, five people thought that they drew what is possibly the best sheep tag in the world, and even arguably the best hunting tag on the planet. Today they find out they didn't. That is shitty.
It was not any kind of needle in a haystack to find that is certain.
It was not any kind of needle in a haystack to find that is certain.
Yeah, if they had accidentally did this for one tag, it isn't good, but it isn't ridiculous. This is an unreasonable amount of mess up.

Idaho just did this with over double the number of ram tags they can even give NR.

It's like none of these agencies can learn from others' mistakes, or their own.
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