Messing up a wet dream - MTFWP big 3 draw

"FWP spokesman Greg Lemon said the decision was made to award some of the tags as drawn was based on the fact that they were within the quota range approved by the Fish and Wildlife Commission and that the extra hunting pressure wouldn't be biologically harmful to the wildlife."

I'm really glad they didn't give out the extra ewe tags, but the 35 extra ewe tags for 482 still would have fallen inside the quota range too. It doesn't seem like a very good justification when they aren't being consistent with the ram tags.

"FWP spokesman Greg Lemon said the decision was made to award some of the tags as drawn was based on the fact that they were within the quota range approved by the Fish and Wildlife Commission and that the extra hunting pressure wouldn't be biologically harmful to the wildlife."

I'm really glad they didn't give out the extra ewe tags, but the 15 extra ewe tags for 482 still would have fallen inside the quota range too. It doesn't seem like a very good justification when they aren't being consistent with the ram tags.
Ram Quota - 5 + Greg’s list of buddies

Gotta it
"FWP spokesman Greg Lemon said the decision was made to award some of the tags as drawn was based on the fact that they were within the quota range approved by the Fish and Wildlife Commission and that the extra hunting pressure wouldn't be biologically harmful to the wildlife."
This is such a bunch of crap.

The quota ranges are there not necessarily because the critters are there for harvest. They are set by the commission and dept. so that the bios can adjust permit levels each year based on counts WITHOUT having to go to the commission for approval. Lemon knows this.

Smoke and mirrors from licensing, plain and simple.
Everyone has a test environment some of us are lucky enough to have a production environment.

LOL. In a governance document I was involved with a few years back, I made sure to squeeze in the sentence: "The GIS Team reserves the right to test in Production." It's made life a lot easier. Test environments are for cowards with free time.

There are some great people that work for MT FWP. It's unfortunate that they're hamstrung by such piss-poor, inept and corrupt leadership.
Sometimes good people are bad at their job...the entire tag/license portion of the organization needs fired to many f@#kups! Lead by example and fire leadership first! Can't wait to see what they do for a encore next year...
Sometimes good people are bad at their job...the entire tag/license portion of the organization needs fired to many f@#kups! Lead by example and fire leadership first! Can't wait to see what they do for a encore next year...
More likely they'll be promoted!
Sometimes good people are bad at their job...the entire tag/license portion of the organization needs fired to many f@#kups! Lead by example and fire leadership first! Can't wait to see what they do for a encore next year...
May not have to wait till next year. They got another series of drawings to go through for this year yet.
Wouldn‘t be one bit surprised of “Here - hold my beer” follow up.
Sometimes good people are bad at their job...the entire tag/license portion of the organization needs fired to many f@#kups! Lead by example and fire leadership first! Can't wait to see what they do for a encore next year...
Hey - we've still got the B-tags / Antelope draw yet to come this year. Who says we'll need to wait for next year?

I see Cowboy beat me to the punch...
I find it not surprising that no individual signed the above notice.

Who wants to bet a beer that the people who drew and were not issued licenses now have zero preference points?
These clowns couldn’t organize 2 paper clips.
I just showed this page to my wife, who is a project manager.

Her reaction was incredulous, to say the least…
Ram Quota - 5 + Greg’s list of buddies

Gotta it
I had this thought when I was driving home today. Someone has to have someone in their back pocket to make this happen twice in a row.

“hey that elk tag was so much fun, think you can get me a moose tag this year?”
I find it not surprising that no individual signed the above notice.

Who wants to bet a beer that the people who drew and were not issued licenses now have zero preference points?
These clowns couldn’t organize 2 paper clips.
One of my close friends is in this boat. Will be very curious to see how his points shake out after this cluster.

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