Matt Rinella knocking it outta the park

rj, thanks for taking the time to respond.

"Everything is monetized these days" - yes it sadly is. But that doesn't mean I need to participate in it. Or at least, to the best of my ability. The monetization and commodification of everything is disgusting. I'm glad Matt R is giving a voice to those of us who are in the silent majority.

"People are making it look like hunters don't even like hunters." The hunting community is not a monolith. There are plenty of hunters whose approach I do not respect (like this Cam guy). I'm not going to compromise my values by keeping silent about a guy monetizing and commodifying killing animals. He's hurting the face of hunting, not me by disagreeing with him.

Hunting in America is not going away because only 2, 3, or 4% of Americans participate. But hunters should be at the vanguard of presenting the respectful and humane taking of a life, rather than the braggadocios, B&C fueled, profit driven model practiced by so many. As one friend said to me, "Boone And Crockett would serve the hunting community better if it took the name of the hunters off the lists, and made it just about the animal."

A guy who walks across the back forty, climbs a treestand, and bags a whitetail for his family is quantitatively different form a a self-promotional douche-bag on Instagram. Sometimes it's not as black and white as that example, but I'd liken it to the guy who said, "I don't know what pornography is, but I know it when I see it."
I agree that there's people out there I don't like. But I dislike them under my breath. Since cam has turned in to the topic of this thread, I'll use him for an example. He hunts then makes stories and shows out of it and makes money doing so. If he's able to afford landowner tags every year, then good for him. It's clearly not a secret that he's hunting private land.

Randy does the same thing. But he hunts public land. He appeals to us as public land hunters. Most of us resonate more with Randy than we do with someone like Cam.

People can hate Cam for who he is, but I don't think it's necessarily fair to hate him for what he's doing. It's the same thing Randy does. They just go about it in different ways. They've both done guided hunts, they've both done unguided hunts. They've all made money doing both. As long as he's not breaking any laws or creating a ton of unethical hunters, I guess I personally don't see a issue.

Clearly if someone is breaking the law and poaching, that's a different story. 99% of hunters don't want to break any laws. Shitty people who break the law for content are likely to break the law even more when there's not a camera around. I wouldn't say it's a fair assumption to group "influencers" together because some have broken laws before.

There's plenty of bad apples out there, influencers or not, but I don't know any that are creating content with bad intentions.
Dang, what's the groups consensus of Tim Wells and his spearing videos? I bet that grinds some of your guys gears!!!
Buddy, plenty of hunters are deserving the hate. Blindly following the masses because I have an activity in common with them is asinine.

Most of those influencers have an army of #Elkblood drinking, brain dead idiots supporting them anyway.

We should 100% call out hypocrites and the goobers supporting them.

Imagine bootlicking the people responsible for making it harder for you to get tags and access.

Being part of the Bro Nation < Hunting opportunities
I wonder how all the adult onset hunters here feel about being the problem we're facing.

Obviously people like the bowmars and muley freak are shitty people, but other than poaching and not being descrete when at a trailhead or somewhere where you can clearly tell where they are, what makes an influencer worthy of hate?

I've never seen so much content from Cam than this thread here. For this many people disliking him, some of yall sure pay attention to everything he does.
I made the goal this year to care less about what people think about what I filled my tags with.

I’ve spent considerably less time scrolling hunting social media flooded with pictures of huge bucks and bulls.

I’m doing good so far. I have no horns to show for it. But I’ve shot a fat cow my dad helped me pack out, and a pair of young deer from Wisconsin. My most enjoyable season in a long time. I bet I’d get laughed out of most pages and the fewest reads on this site, but damnit, I’ve had some great hunts with some of my favorite people.
I wonder how all the adult onset hunters here feel about being the problem we're facing.
I know a lot of adult onset hunters. Those who are conscientious, involved, hard working, and engaged are absolutely not the problem.
Those who prioritize attention, a quick/easy route to “success”, and the end result at nearly any cost are absolutely a negative.
I wonder how all the adult onset hunters here feel about being the problem we're facing.

as one of those...

the blind worship of dudes with superiority and false humility complexes in hunting is a definite net negative for hunting.

people want to be like cam. I don't think people being like cam are going to do a lot of good for keeping hunting alive in a world becoming so hostile to hunting.

the fact that he is so obsessed with his haters is so interesting. it's half of his brand, talking about his haters.

you don't see steve bitching about his truckloads of haters day in and day out, nor randy. rogan just laughs them off.

but cam obsesses over them, he can't have a conversation without bringing them up :rolleyes:
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I wonder how all the adult onset hunters here feel about being the problem we're facing.

Obviously people like the bowmars and muley freak are shitty people, but other than poaching and not being descrete when at a trailhead or somewhere where you can clearly tell where they are, what makes an influencer worthy of hate?

I've never seen so much content from Cam than this thread here. For this many people disliking him, some of yall sure pay attention to everything he does.

I keep seeing similar comments like your last one from your side of the argument. I barely use social media, HT being the platform I use the most, and I cannot get away from those farppy influencers. You make the mistake of slowly scrolling past the wrong picture or post and some algotythm pushes you a reel about Rogan talking about elk steaks with f'n jalapenos.

No matter how much I ignore them, they end up showing up on a platform I'm on.

These guys aren't living in our heads rent-free, they're being shoved down our throats on every possible platform. But then there are the true unsung heros, those on this very forum, RS or IG who keep tabs on the turd army and report all their douchebagery.

At the end of the day, I will 100% post multiple quality memes on RS or crap post someone's IG if they're caught doing something stupid or are absolutely obsessed with themselves like Cam Haines. Looking at you AVB, Bowmars and Muley Freak...
You can make a business out of about anything. But should you? You could probably quit your job if you and your family got on OnlyFans with the right content, right? Why don’t you? Something’s should be put before money. To me these people have put themselves(money) before the public land and wildlife resource. Completely disrespectful to the resource. Therefore I have no respect for them nor do they deserve any.
Not to mention they are making that $$$ off of us which is the point, I think Matt is making if for us to stop screwing ourselves.
I know a lot of adult onset hunters. Those who are conscientious, involved, hard working, and engaged are absolutely not the problem.
Those who prioritize attention, a quick/easy route to “success”, and the end result at nearly any cost are absolutely a negative.
Who influenced them to start hunting?
as one of those...

the blind worship of dudes with superiority and false humility complexes in hunting is a definite net negative for hunting.

people want to be like cam. I don't think people being like cam are going to do a lot of good for keeping hunting alive in a world becoming so hostile to hunting.

the fact that he is so obsessed with his haters is so interesting. it's half of his brand, talking about his haters.

you don't see steve bitching about his truckloads of haters day in and day out, nor randy. rogan just laughs them.

but cam obsesses over them, he can't have a conversation without bringing them up :rolleyes:
Because deep down he wishes he still had the same respect (or maybe respect for himself) as he did when he was hard-assing it in the wildnerness. The fact that he cares so much about the ‘haters’ shows that he knows he’d feel the same way as the rest of us public land peasants if he was on the outside looking in, and that what he is doing now isn’t even close to the same thing nor deserving of the same respect as the DIY public land guy. He knows the praise he gets from all these celebs and influencers is all fake, and I bet he wishes he had the respect of the blue collar diy public land hunters
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as one of those...

the blind worship of dudes with superiority and false humility complexes in hunting is a definite net negative for hunting.

people want to be like cam. I don't think people being like cam are going to do a lot of good for keeping hunting alive in a world becoming so hostile to hunting.

the fact that he is so obsessed with his haters is so interesting. it's half of his brand, talking about his haters.

you don't see steve bitching about his truckloads of haters day in and day out, nor randy. rogan just laughs them.

but cam obsesses over them, he can't have a conversation without bringing them up :rolleyes:
I'm all for people who start hunting at any point. I honestly don't follow cam or know much about him. I know he has people who admire him, and people who hate him. Same way most of the people who hate me reside here on HT.

My point is that we all know adult onset hunters. Who influenced you to start hunting? Matt doesn't want new people to start hunting and that's selfish in my eyes.
Who influenced them to start hunting?

Some people are influenced for the wrong reason and jump in on the bandwagon for clout.

How many influencers happen to have other influencer side hustles? The amount of insta babes and bros who pick up a bow in May and start giving others hunting advice by September is ridiculous.

A lot of people are using hunting as a new way to get sponsors and make money. Some are making unethical decisions or breaking laws just so they can remain "relevant" and post kills or hunting content. Others kill way more than they should for the sake of getting more likes and sponsors, then justify themselves by saying "the meat's going to charity".

Our hunting forefathers created the North American model of wildlife conservation to de-commercialize wildgame and we are right back at it but in a completely different form.
Who influenced them to start hunting?
Which group?

Best case, friends or family who have a deep connection to the habitat and animals, maybe generations deep. In the last decade I’ve introduced 10 or so adults and kids to western mountain hunting, not including my own. Some have taken that and run to become great hunters and outdoorsmen. Some just wanted the easy button. I regret not better vetting some of those.

Funny the ones who I don’t consider good stewards of the resource are the most plugged in to hunting media. Small sample size but don’t think that’s a coincidence.

Matt never said he wants no new hunters, he wants them to be mentored into hunting and not walk out the door never learning the value of what they pursue.
Matt never said he wants no new hunters, he wants them to be mentored into hunting and not walk out the door never learning the value of what they pursue.
His big piece I keep hearing is there's too many people hunting. The trailheads are too crowded and there's not enough land for everyone.

It almost feels like he just hates hunting media. Why? Is it because his brother has managed to create something great and highly successful through it?
The non hunting son of my wife's best friend had a child with a young lady from a hunting family. One day when that boy was five, he was at my house, and he was excited to tell me that his uncles had taken him hunting with them. I told him that was great then he said his favorite part was when the deer's eyes would light up. I guess different families pass down different traditions.
His big piece I keep hearing is there's too many people hunting. The trailheads are too crowded and there's not enough land for everyone.

It almost feels like he just hates hunting media. Why? Is it because his brother has managed to create something great and highly successful through it?
I used to think he had a complex about his brother. I listened to some of his stuff and I don’t think he does any more. I think he views hunting as a sacred practice that should not be pimped the way it is. He also recognizes how limited the resources are primarily tags and room to spread out and hunt. He is doing a bunch of stuff in MT to open access up for The public. Pretty admirable if you ask me. He isn’t trying to lock up access for himself he is trying to help out the average dude.

Hell if Matt was like 98% of us he would shut his pie hole, and go on sweet hunts all over the USA decked head to toe in first lite pimping hunting with his brother… he took a hard stance and his relationship with his brother has suffered from it. Probably don’t agree with 100% of what Matt says but seems like he is spot on and taking the hard stance that needs to be taken. We need to shut down the hunting industrial complex which is turning hunting into some weird European pay to play model for only the wealthiest… rant over

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