Caribou Gear

Matt Rinella knocking it outta the park

“Small” young man might be surprised what is protected and what isn’t with patent and trademark law… unless cammy had stop hammering tm’ed he might be barking up the wrong tree, bet that lawyer will still take his money to try… or maybe he will take him on a sweet hunt on the Apache rez together and couple cases of “elk blood” for his troubles
I suspect that one day in the future the media hunting personalities of today will be spoken of in the same regard as the market hunters of the 19th and early 20th centuries. The same market hunters that wiped some species off the face of the earth and pushed others to the brink of extinction. It won't be an apples to oranges comparison obviously, but the sentiment might be about the same. None of us here are likely to be around long enough to read the books that will be written about it though.
I suspect that one day in the future the media hunting personalities of today will be spoken of in the same regard as the market hunters of the 19th and early 20th centuries. The same market hunters that wiped some species off the face of the earth and pushed others to the brink of extinction. It won't be an apples to oranges comparison obviously, but the sentiment might be about the same. None of us here are likely to be around long enough to read the books that will be written about it though.
That's an interesting take.
I suspect that one day in the future the media hunting personalities of today will be spoken of in the same regard as the market hunters of the 19th and early 20th centuries. The same market hunters that wiped some species off the face of the earth and pushed others to the brink of extinction. It won't be an apples to oranges comparison obviously, but the sentiment might be about the same. None of us here are likely to be around long enough to read the books that will be written about it though.


The internet is a double edged sword.
I suspect that one day in the future the media hunting personalities of today will be spoken of in the same regard as the market hunters of the 19th and early 20th centuries. The same market hunters that wiped some species off the face of the earth and pushed others to the brink of extinction. It won't be an apples to oranges comparison obviously, but the sentiment might be about the same. None of us here are likely to be around long enough to read the books that will be written about it though.
Very good take.
I hope that hunting is still around then, with some states like my home state of Co actively attempting to dismantle the North American Wildlife Model to replace it with some DEI pipe dream, “yellowstone” animals will regulate animals thing I am a little apprehensive. Which full circle brings us back to how hunting needs to be displayed positively and slapping bloody grip and grins and wounded and dying animals all over the webz is a sure fire way to get those in the middle turned off to the idea of hunting… to hell with the damn insta hunters and killing for likes
I suspect that one day in the future the media hunting personalities of today will be spoken of in the same regard as the market hunters of the 19th and early 20th centuries. The same market hunters that wiped some species off the face of the earth and pushed others to the brink of extinction. It won't be an apples to oranges comparison obviously, but the sentiment might be about the same. None of us here are likely to be around long enough to read the books that will be written about it though.

Ah but those of us smart enough to store a few cases of premium vintage will be able to hoist a glass of Cam Hanes and Joe Rogan signature “Elk Blood” in toast to the beast and the chase as we remember the good ole days. Better get it while you can.

Long live the beast! Keep Hammering!😂😂😂😂
Market hunters get a bad name, but it was legal at the time. Near extinction was caused by lack of regulation, same as most game population problems today.
This is where Matt Rinella is setting on the shore watching the boat sail over the horizon. Hunting quietly is not going to save deer in eastern Montana from five weeks of OTC rut hunting and doe permits by the truck load.
The biggest wave of new hunters I ever experienced was in early to mid 90's. The wave caused by Randy and others was more of a ripple on an already flooded field.
By the late 80's deer on the Custer had fully recovered from the bad winters in the late 70's and some road closures also helped. Nineteen eighty seven was the best year I ever saw. By 1989 word of quality hunting was getting out. There was no social media, other then a brag board at Big Bear. It was just word of mouth. By the mid nineties hunters were everywhere. It wasn't just roadhunters or newbies, It was hunters that got after it like @Greenhorn and @Bambistew. Would be cerious to know how they learned about the Custer without social media. Hunting quitly is not going to save us from all the advancments in technology and popultion growth. Only regulation is going to do that.
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