Caribou Gear Tarp

Matt Rinella is categorically confused

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I've never used the ignore either, but think it might be a first time for it. I've been here 24 years so that's saying something @rjthehunter

Drake4 was pretty succinct above, and I'm not sure more time is needed on it.

You're young, dumb, annoying and argue with the wrong people about things you have no clue about.
I have an opinion, and some people can't handle that. I respected and agreed what you said about social media. I understand that social media can have negative impacts. But it can also have positive impacts. We seemed to be on the same page there. It's when buzz comes in and starts name calling that this thread turns into shit. Go back to page 16 when it took a turn. See what the root cause was.

I guess I'm honored to be the first on your ignore list.
I have an opinion, and some people can't handle that. I respected and agreed what you said about social media. I understand that social media can have negative impacts. But it can also have positive impacts. We seemed to be on the same page there. It's when buzz comes in and starts name calling that this thread turns into shit. Go back to page 16 when it took a turn. See what the root cause was.

I guess I'm honored to be the first on your ignore list.
I thought it was more about you trying to pass your speculation off as the truth
I have an opinion, and some people can't handle that. I respected and agreed what you said about social media. I understand that social media can have negative impacts. But it can also have positive impacts. We seemed to be on the same page there. It's when buzz comes in and starts name calling that this thread turns into shit. Go back to page 16 when it took a turn. See what the root cause was.

do you want a "buzz picked on me" medal?

there's hardly a member on this forum that hasn't been ripped a new one by buzz. and even with that, he'll still offer up to help pack out a strangers elk once you bandage up your ego.
I know what he does. It doesn't mean he's a nice guy. He has always had a problem with me. Goes back a couple years. Not sure why. Maybe he can shed some light.
I'd like to break out the crayons and explain things, but these coues deer aren't going to glass themselves.

Have any advice for me on where and how to hunt these things? Personal experience would be best, and don't go digging into cams blacktail book for pointers. Don't say keep hammering either, Bro.

For the record I'm at the first place my friend took me to in this unit, you don't fuc& with tradition. Never have killed a buck in this place, but it's a respect (Google it) thing.
I have an opinion, and some people can't handle that.
Quick search reveals you signed up a couple years back, said you were in your 20s and right out of college from Minnesota, etc, yet you've polluted mountains of crap on subjects here such as hunting in grizzly country. Who would care what your opinions are on that or anything, other than where to find the best parking spot at the Mall of America. People are only jumping at the next opportunity to poke fun, because you're an annoying and clueless know-it-all. Thank you for finally PMing me your tattoo.
I'd like to break out the crayons and explain things, but these coues deer aren't going to glass themselves.

Have any advice for me on where and how to hunt these things? Personal experience would be best, and don't go digging into cams blacktail book for pointers. Don't say keep hammering either, Bro.

For the record I'm at the first place my friend took me to in this unit, you don't fuc& with tradition. Never have killed a buck in this place, but it's a respect (Google it) thing.
LOLing hard
Quick search reveals you signed up a couple years back, said you were in your 20s and right out of college from Minnesota, etc, yet you've polluted mountains of crap on subjects here such as hunting in grizzly country. Who would care what your opinions are on that or anything, other than where to find the best parking spot at the Mall of America. People are only jumping at the next opportunity to poke fun, because you're an annoying and clueless know-it-all. Thank you for finally PMing me your tattoo.
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You have an unhealthy obsession with dicks and cam. There's special bars for people like you.

Have I not hunted and camped in grizz country? Maybe not as much as you or buzz, but I'm far from clueless. Is it because I'm younger than you that I can't have experience? Get off your high horse. You and buzz can jerk each other off all you want in person, but seriously get over yourselves.
Ahh man I wasn't serious about wanting to know who's in your hurt feelings club.

It's the internet. Harden up, buttercup.
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