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Your MBA board will be getting an earful about many of the things I already mentioned...and believe me, I'm a softie compared to the guy who will be delivering the message.

I'm just wondering how the MBA is going to address the huge increase in archery hunters while also vastly increasing "opportunity"...

Something is going to give.
You are a softie compared to ths guy! Dammm!

Thanks for the heads up Buzz... it will certainly be interesting to see how everything from this winter/spring shakes out.
Ernie, sometime when you are in the Root look me up, we need to talk.

I just like to sound harsh...I think there are plenty of good things that most all groups do, except DP and SFW. When I was an MBA member, I agreed with many of the things they did, disagreed with many others.

Of everything on this thread thats been mentioned though, I think the point that Tjones and SS made is the one I'd be most concerned about...that being that all these legislative items are taking the commission and the process out of the equation. Thats a dangerous road to travel, for all kinds of reasons. As much as I like to whine about the F&G commission and their decision making, it still keeps F&G decisions/matters in the hands of mostly sportsmen. I'm all about in-fighting amoungst ourselves as sportsmen, to hammer out the details. I'm concerned every time anything to do with F&G works it way through legislation.
I'm concerned every time anything to do with F&G works it way through legislation.

I hear ya.... My first introduction to such chit was when I-655 Banned hound hunting for bears and cats in Washington state in 1996. WOW... big time eye opener. Shoot, I actually think legislative game mangt is better than initiatives... But all in all, taking it out of the game departments hands....bad deal.

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