Caribou Gear Tarp

Lots of Wild Game Cooking!

I like the curry dishes. Wild game stands up well to strong seasonings like that.

I've been experimenting with the Lazy Man's Enchiladas (also known as skillet enchiladas) with pheasants. A green enchilada sauce is my favorite so far. Mole sauce is up next.

I may have posted this picture before. If so, I apologize.

Pheasant Skillet Enchiladas Verde photo.jpg
This thread inspired me to finally pull out some of the many shanks I have in the freezer from many species.

Cooked up 4 antelope shanks loosely following using Hank Shaws "Greek Shanks" recipe:

Amazing. Absolutely worth saving shanks for the centerpiece of a meal. It definitely took 4 hours to cook them, more than Hank suggested, to be tender and the sauce was/is amazing. Served with garlic mashers and collard greens.

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You nailed that steak. Nice work! I wish I was invited :)
I got lucky!
I almost always over cook them.
tonight I was determined not to so I started with a full chimney of new charcoal, 4min on 1 side 4:30 on the other, put them in a sealed glass container to rest for 5 min and ended up being quite pleased with the results.
Venison fajitas and a spotted cow (maybe, probably, plural) between fishin holes today. I was flyin solo so all fancy equipment, aka plates, silverware, and spatula was left at home.
I ended up catching some white suckers. when they are cleaned right and caught from a cold water stream they rank right up there with the best freshwater fish.
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