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Ben Lamb

Well-known member
Aug 6, 2010
Cedar, MI
Just found out that Leupold will donate a scope for a Kimber that we're going to raffle. VX3 3.5x10.40.

This is the third year in a row that Leupold has been extremely generous and donated. I can never say enough good about a small town company that puts a lot of effort into conserving wildlife and wild places. I've always been a big Leupold fan, and will always be a loyal customer.

What a great company!
Agreed...and their customer service is nothing short of awesome.

I've had some work done on binos and rifle scopes and its always been done way sooner than what they thought.

Great company for sure.
Ditto all that. And, fortunately for me, I live about 15 minutes from them and don't have to depend on the mail for a fix.

Ever notice on TV hunting shows that when there is not a scope manufacturer among the sponsors that most of the scopes being used have a gold ring around the front? They were the first to come up with the life-time guarantee, and kind of forced everyone else to do the same thing. So glad they are a OYO sponsor.
+1 huntRme--- Leupolds are hard to beat and that's what I have on my 3 "go to" rifles!!! I've never needed any service, but I'm sure if I do I will get the same A+ service I hear about all over the net from satisfied customers.
Plus their Montana / Wyoming sales rep is one of the most handsome.... smart...... funny guys on the planet. He also is a very lethal predator. LOL.
Leupold is a good company. They stand behind their products. Getting a customer service person on the phone with the information you need is easy. I plan on sending a scope in to have an adjustable elevation turret installed after the first of the year.
I did not see this until earlier, so I am just now chiming in.

Here are a couple things that makes Leupold different than most their competitors. First, they try to manufacture as much of their product in the USA, as possible. Some components come from overseas on their lower priced goods and some of the lowest priced goods are made overseas. On the lower priced items, that is the only way to be competitive, thanks to all their competitors being foreign companies.

Their medium to higher end products are mostly made in Oregon. Good for all of us.

Here is where Leupold really earns my admiration, and makes me glad that every rifle I have ever owned, with the exception of my first as teenager, has carried Leupold scopes.

Look to see who is supporting conservation among the optics companies. I can save you the effort. Leupold is so far ahead of the rest of their competition, it wouldn't surprise me if they made more contributions than the rest of them combined.

Leupold understands that the hunter is why they are in business. They are not a camera company trying to be a hunting company. They do not send all the profits to the Land of the Rising Sun. They do not beat their drum about how much they support hunters and conservation, but look at it as just something this family has been doing since time began.

When chosing optics, we all focuse on value - where price and quality intersect. Leupold can compete with anyone on the value scale. When you buy your next optics, I hope you give some consideration to the other good work that Leupold is doing on our behalf.

And, if the chance comes, ask some of their competitors what they are doing for conservation. It would be great for the others to step to the plate the way Leupold does. Since Leupold refuses to beat their own drum about their conservation support, I felt compelled to do it for them.

And yes, their MT/WY sales rep is the best. Not sure about his claims of good looks, etc., but he is a really good guy.
I shoot smallbore silhouette, and most of the shooters are using Leupold scopes. Here repeatability is vital, since we turn to pre-set elevation adjustments for each set of targets. One of the competitors (who outshoots me) is using a Redfield Revolution (by Leupold) - same deal - after each set of animals he just turns the dial (counts clicks, in his case). Try that with another of the value priced brands!
I am certainly a Leupold fan. I have taken advantage of their offer of scopes at greatly reduced prices to Firearm Safety Instructors. Very impressive.