Kenetrek Boots


Okay, so let's just say we do gain a 51st State... Tim Hortons is a step up from Dunkin Dohnuts and not near as over-zealously priced as Star$ucks...

I'm learning to enjoy the simple coffee and HELL NO! Not their double double... Too much sugar for this sweet bod!
On a home note: Whatever the box from Costco, full of those K-Pods or whatever they are called... simple.

A buddy is completely fitting the Black Hawk Down guy, Grimes?

Unless it’s Kenya AA I pass on all coffee and tea. Which is considered rude while overseas.

Walter White scene meeting Gale Boetticher talking about his technique to make coffee…….

The taste difference is mainly the paper filter. You are tasting part of the paper filter with any drip. The oils also get trapped in the paper filter. I use a French press most of the time. I’ve got the MAN sized one…
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My neighbor also recently started a tea bag coffee company. That’s what I use when I am in the field now but always the French press at home and camp.
Looking at getting a French, is the Yeti worth it?
Looking at getting a French, is the Yeti worth it?

Don't know about the yeti, but for 1/2 the price, we went with this. Love it. Makes a great cuppa.

SterlingPro French Press Coffee Maker(1.75L)-Double Walled Large Coffee Press with 2 Free Filters-Enjoy Granule-Free Coffee Guaranteed, Stylish Rust Free Kitchen Accessory-Stainless Steel French Press
Don't know about the yeti, but for 1/2 the price, we went with this. Love it. Makes a great cuppa.

SterlingPro French Press Coffee Maker(1.75L)-Double Walled Large Coffee Press with 2 Free Filters-Enjoy Granule-Free Coffee Guaranteed, Stylish Rust Free Kitchen Accessory-Stainless Steel French Press
I bought one of these to keep in our camp trailer. I love it.
So awhile back, I was in the mountains with my family. We had a campfire and put some coffee on in our percolator. While sipping the "nectar of the gods", I commented to my cousin that it was way smoother than a standard "drip" style cup of coffee. We chalked it up to the fact that everything is better over a fire cooked in God's great outdoors! However, I went home and got to fixing coffee in my percolator on the stove. Sure, as I am sitting here, typing slow as a snail, it tasted smoother than a "drip" style cup of coffee to my non-expert taste buds. Was this just a figment of my imagination, or is there some scientific explanation somewhere? I won't change my favorite way of cooking coffee based on that information. Away with all these overpriced commercial drive through coffee shops and electrified coffee contraptions. Stovetop percolator, freshly coarse ground coffee for me any day! NOTE: I still occasionally indulge in all of the previous. On another note, I think it would be a genius idea to make a wood fired coffee shop. We have seen an influx of these wood fired pizza joints, why not! If a guy with some financial backing wants to open a wood fired coffee shop and have different levels of coffee sitting on a grate in multiple percolators, go right ahead! My idea on a logo would be a wood fire with a percolator sitting in it, like the picture posted below. The name should be "The Percolator". You probably think I am crazy by now, but I just wanted to share the ideas swimming around in the dark abyss of my pea sized brain. I tried this coffee that Big Fin recommends, and it has been a winner so far. I am wanting to try some more flavors they offer. I will include some photos to exhibit the ideas I have portrayed. Hit me with all the pros and cons. I don't have any means to pursue this idea, I just thought it was a neat one! P.S. Use oak wood for the fuel source. Also, include all those fancy syrups and whipped cream condiment thingies to attract a more diverse crowd.
I consider myself a coffee snob, for better or worse. Nothing against Keurig or Maxwell House, but I just find that some things in life are worth the extra effort. We make our coffee exclusively with a Chemex. But…years ago we always made it with a French press. Then I was diagnosed with genetic high cholesterol. Come to find out (reportedly), unfiltered coffee contains a lot of natural oils that are otherwise filtered out when using a filter (AeroPress, drip, Chemex, etc), which aren’t great for your cholesterol (reportedly). So this may be part of why some folks find unfiltered coffee to taste better than filtered coffee - more of the good stuff is left in there.
Don't know about the yeti, but for 1/2 the price, we went with this. Love it. Makes a great cuppa.

SterlingPro French Press Coffee Maker(1.75L)-Double Walled Large Coffee Press with 2 Free Filters-Enjoy Granule-Free Coffee Guaranteed, Stylish Rust Free Kitchen Accessory-Stainless Steel French Press
On the way. Needed a larger one.
Just remembered. For the fall of 2023 I decided to forego the hassle of brewing and added an ambitious supply of chocolate covered espresso beans to what started as a ~10 lb bag of gorp in late August. I ate, jittered, and rocketed peanuts into cat holes from that for a couple months until the wife “accidentally” put it next the floor vents in the truck on a cross country pheasant trip in mid November.

That was the beginning of the end. It became a giant single mass of melted chocolate, caffeine, and legumes. I tried breaking or gnawing off chunks for a while but the high just wasn’t the same. I miss that thing. Maybe I’ll make one for 2025. I need to think about how to protect it better.
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Found a bag of Kopi Luwak last week in the back of the cabinet. Apparently brought it back from Bali last in 2023. It was still good and is really amazing.

That said, my go-to is fresh burr grind Cameron’s espresso beans. Double shot of espresso, 30 seconds of hot water from my machine.

K Cup pods in a pinch but get the ones that have fiber bottoms so you aren’t drinking boiled micro plastics.

Out in the field I like the Steeped brand coffee tea bags in my titanium camp mug.

Coffee is the last drink I would give up in this world.
Good beans that I grind + coffee pot I can set the night before=best of all worlds for those inflicted with me in the mornings. We have been buying the MT Comfort Coffee beans at Costco.
Not worth it, a press is a press, I have a double-walled one for camping and a glass one for home...
Pretty accurate. I’ve had a pair of GSI ones last decades.

Edit: Good lord, the GSI ones aren’t exactly cheap these days.
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