Let's stir the pot here

Why is the latest trend that if you don't belong to my political party, you must be evil, or stupid, or you name it?

What happened to understanding where your opponent came from to work towards a common compromise?

Watching news lately (both red and blue channels) is it the way they spin all the news these days and instill fear into everyone watching their channel?

Quote: What happened to understanding where your opponent came from to work towards a common compromise?

Compromise is great......unless it’s always the same side that is compromising. When this happens one side surrenders it’s values while the other side marches to victory! memtb
Something changed, and now guys want to look like girls. They've traded in boots and jeans for sandals, leggings, and manbuns.
I stopped mocking people's hairstyle choices about the time my hair started falling out. If I had hair, I'd do whatever I wanted!! Additionally, I don't just wear jeans and Birkenstocks, I wear wool socks w/ those sandals.
Always amazes me how some people describe their issues with college campuses. So many people think they're a progressive utopia with safe spaces and gender neutral bathrooms as far as the eye can see.

I would wager that most of the people that think that have spent very little time on a college campus. For the most part both the faculty and student body are made up of regular old people, and it's a tiny fringe population that is being described.
Where is this campus you're speaking of? I will attend my graduate school there.

The campus I go to lines up with his remarks. Its a mad-house. I don't dare voice my opinion because I am a white, straight, male who believes in God! That makes me the enemy nowadays.
In a world of limited resources the competition for allocation of resources and opportunity to utilize them leaves everyone competing for what they view as “theirs “.

Because we are social by design there is a natural assembly of similarly self-interested who band together to protect or advance their interests.

The efforts of each individual in each assembly is guided by philosophies, world views, or religious beliefs that form the parameters of what is “reasonable and fair” and who should get what.

Throw the intrinsic greed that resides in the heart of men and it is inevitable that even noble attempts to share and treat each other with equity will be hijacked by the manipulative for their own benefit.

My own personal world view is an attempt (often poorly) to put into practice a value that is written into the fabric of the every human and was reaffirmed by Jesus Christ.

“ You shall love the Lord with all your heart and soul and mind and your neighbor as yourself.”

The answer to easing tensions is not further separation into close minded groups intent on advancing their message by silencing all other messages. Nor is it by hyperbole and attempting to marginalize anyone who might disagree with by associating them with the most extreme people who might share some of their views.

Viewing and treating people with respect or disregard based on our perception of whether they agree with our understanding of what is true and reasonable about a certain subject is a simplistic and ignorant approach to relationships. It often leads to the old “Cut off my nose to spite my face,” syndrome.
This whole safe space deal is BS, they're making "safe spots" on college campuses now. If you grow up a sally with thin skin that can't take constructive criticism, you're not going to succeed in life. What happens when their boss pulls them in and tells them they're messing up and are doing a crappy job? Are they just going to burst into tears and run out? What happened to college students being independent? Everyone is so reliant on someone else now for their success it's sad. Social media gives too many stupid people easy access to other stupid people.

Finally somebody else see’s this happening!!!! Couldn’t have said it better myself, frickn participation trophy’s too....
I stopped mocking people's hairstyle choices about the time my hair started falling out. If I had hair, I'd do whatever I wanted!! Additionally, I don't just wear jeans and Birkenstocks, I wear wool socks w/ those sandals.
Well wouldn't that be the best time to make fun of their hairstyles? Shave your head and theres nothing to make fun of! Lol, I don't have Birkenstocks, seems like an expensive delicate croc.
Where is this campus you're speaking of? I will get my graduate school there.

The campus I go to lines up with his remarks. Its a mad-house. I don't dare voice my opinion because I am a white, straight, male who believes in God! That makes me the enemy nowadays.
They make you feel like the bad guy for being a white male. I've walked out of numerous lectures when a professor goes off on a rant about politics. I had one professor that was notorious for turning everything into his liberal views, so everyday before I went to that class I'd switch my hat to my MAGA hat that I kept in my backpack for special occasions. He eventually stopped bringing it up. It gets old when they're always trying to force their political views on you.
I stopped mocking people's hairstyle choices about the time my hair started falling out. If I had hair, I'd do whatever I wanted!! Additionally, I don't just wear jeans and Birkenstocks, I wear wool socks w/ those sandals.
I have nothing against long hair or skinny jeans but sandals have never made sense to me.
What if you gotta get outa there in a hurry?
Finally somebody else see’s this happening!!!! Couldn’t have said it better myself, frickn participation trophy’s too....
Man, those participation trophy's... Sometimes people need to know losing is part of life. Not everyone is going to be a doctor. There's nothing wrong with that. You can make a pile of money doing other things that don't require you to be a genius.

Edited for those who couldn't figure out I added an extra o on accident
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I have nothing against long hair or skinny jeans but sandals have never made sense to me.
What if you gotta get outa there in a hurry?
I only wear the ones w/ a heel strap! Skinny jeans, on the other hand, are an abomination. If you're wearing jeans, I should not be able to tell your religion! A man has to know his limitations.
Finally somebody else see’s this happening!!!! Couldn’t have said it better myself, frickn participation trophy’s too....

Yep 100%, those damn participation trophies they were giving out in the 1940s started it. At military bases no less...

Or maybe it was participation trophies in the 1920s that caused the great depression!

This one was at a University too, must have been a safe space.
Why is the latest trend that if you don't belong to my political party, you must be evil, or stupid, or you name it?
1861-1865 American Civil War. Americans took arms against each other and an estimated that 620,000 to 750,000 soldiers died.

I'd say there's nothing new about it.
If I can get serious for one moment (sorry). I think a few salient points to this discussion are as follows:
  • Anonymity- most all of us have a "handle" online (I'm not that clever)
  • Anonymity leads to internet muscles
  • Now I'm willing to say things to a person (online) that would get me smacked if we were face to face in the bar
  • Online forums have lead to dehumanizing (not thinking of your 'opponent' as a real person w/ a job, a family, and a soul)

I grew up in a very rural part of Idaho (Go Vandals)- I now live in a major city on the left coast, so I live in both worlds. Most of my neighbors are very left-wing, but as I see them daily, am a member of the community, our kids go to school and play together- I know them and I know they are good people. They also know that I am WAY more conservative than most everyone in the community. Again, we have drinks, go to kids ball games, I invite them over for BBQ where they will definitely eat something 'exotic' and they've all seen the huge steel box in the back of the garage w/ the dial and wheel on it.

My point you ask? Just don't be an asshole (I'm looking in the mirror, here). Respect those around you. Appreciate that someone's opinion may be different than yours and that doesn't have to mean that they are wrong. If you're Christian- act more Christ-like. If you're not Christian- treat people with respect.

I'll now return to my sad attempts at humor.
Man, those participation trophy's... Sometimes people need to know loosing is part of life. Not everyone is going to be a doctor. There's nothing wrong with that. You can make a pile of money doing other things that don't require you to be a genius.

Unless you're highly specialized, there isn't that much money to be made in medicine....and Johns Hopkins list iatrogenic causes of death at #3 on the list of leading causes of death in the US. So maybe there's a shortage of geniuses there.

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