
Let's stir the pot here

You can't compromise when every debate starts with throwing the craziest thing you can think of at the start.

...and its not okay to hunt in a crop top on a hot day?
Why is the latest trend that if you don't belong to my political party, you must be evil, or stupid, or you name it?

What happened to understanding where your opponent came from to work towards a common compromise?

Watching news lately (both red and blue channels) is it the way they spin all the news these days and instill fear into everyone watching their channel?

Tribalism has always been a part of human existence. In the US we had a brief blip after WWII where we were united by a common experience and all got our news from the same couple of sources, perhaps that created the illusion, that at least in our country there was less conflict. I guess it depends on how you measure partisanship or look at it retrospectively... this may be overly cynical but I think part of the reason we have become more partisan in the last few decades is that for the first time previously unheard voices have made their way into the conversation. Those people have always been here, they just had no agency or representation, it's much easier for a homogeneous group of legislators to get things done than a heterogeneous one. I hope in the coming years we can select those among us who listen the best to be our leaders not those who yell the loudest.

Conflict is a natural part of human existence and the best advice for dealing with it is quite old.

Advice I often fail at heeding...but which I try to remember;

“Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:”

"A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion."

A recent personal favorite

"Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house."

I think Big Fin has done a remarkable job at lighting the house of our community, and I appreciate the example he has set.
If you ask me, yes without a doubt. We lost so many freedoms since that happened. If that was what he was hoping for, he got it. If he wasn't hoping for that, he got it as a side effect.

It's not an if. That was his stated goal, along with sucking us into a never ending war. The goal was to get us to live in fear and bleed us slowly over decades wasting life and wealth chasing our tails. We bought right into it and did exactly what he wanted. We lost almost before the fight began. We keep allowing the same failed leadership to continue pushing us down the same failed road overseas and here.

The fact that there is nothing left worth rallying around is why we are so divided.
If you ask me, yes without a doubt. We lost so many freedoms since that happened. If that was what he was hoping for, he got it. If he wasn't hoping for that, he got it as a side effect.
He was hoping for 72 virgins
Agreed gov't is taking more and more of our freedoms and money.
Alot of great points, righteous millennial mentality, societal regression towards infantilism, over sensitivity towards words, desire to control thoughts actions and freedom...but none of this is even close to the most divisive times in our country. Recall that for a majority of this nation's history, human beings owned other human beings. We had separate classes of supposedly constitutionally equal humans. Recall the millions who died during the civil war and the fact that we had two separate Americas and I haven't even mentioned the fight for women's suffrage or the almost impossible to win battle against unscrupulous capitalists of the late 1800s.

The modern whine about a divided America is entirely fabricated and capitulated by the same unread people who claim to be so opposed to the very idea, yet I've rarely met anyone who votes write-in, doesn't share their whole life to the public online or isn't simply pointing out the obvious to continue a pointless argument; merely demonstrating an exercise in vanity. #keepitRil.
He says apparently never having seen any male musician from the 70s or 80s.
I've seen them lol. But these guys I'm talking about aren't male musicians, they're sensitive children... I wear my crocs all the time. It's the mentality I'm talking more about than what they actually have on...
Always amazes me how some people describe their issues with college campuses. So many people think they're a progressive utopia with safe spaces and gender neutral bathrooms as far as the eye can see.

I would wager that most of the people that think that have spent very little time on a college campus. For the most part both the faculty and student body are made up of regular old people, and it's a tiny fringe population that is being described.

All depends on the college... There are a number of schools at both ends of the spectrum and a number in the middle. Just like anything, over generalizing and speaking in absolutes just adds to the problem.
All depends on the college... There are a number of schools at both ends of the spectrum and a number in the middle. Just like anything, over generalizing and speaking in absolutes just adds to the problem.
The school I'm at has these safe spaces and there's an art department so it's got its share of not knowing the gender groups of people. That being said, no gender neutral bathrooms yet. Glad to be finishing up this spring...
Always amazes me how some people describe their issues with college campuses. So many people think they're a progressive utopia with safe spaces and gender neutral bathrooms as far as the eye can see.

I would wager that most of the people that think that have spent very little time on a college campus. For the most part both the faculty and student body are made up of regular old people, and it's a tiny fringe population that is being described.

For real. At my university a "safe space" is just a sign taped to a professor's door saying they don't discriminate based on race, gender, etc. Sure, there's the Reed's and other far out universities, but the majority are pretty normal.
My college town rivals Portland for liberalism and Berkeley for hippie-ism. The way it is portrayed by many of the people I know is dead wrong.

During my gen ed I did projects with all sorts of liberal art majors who held political views staunchly different from mine. None of them were raving lunatics or dastardly evil doers. They were generally good people with different political motivations. Most of them were also willing to engage in a civil discussion.

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