Let's stir the pot here

My simple answer, "follow the money". Harmony and cooperation doesn't pay the bills. Cable news, internet bloggers, political parties and candidates' re-election funds ring with every fear mongering, sky is falling morsel. Just like we make fun of, "Obama is the greatest gun salesman in history", frankly, our Twitter in Chief has been the greatest fundraiser in democrat history - their coffers are overflowing.

The "political/news/social media complex" only makes money when they stir the pot. Nobody sends in money when a politician says, "even though we have challenges, objective data shows that Americans have never had it better - and in the case of our current challenges I am sure my opponent and I can find a common ground answer". No, they have to say, "It has never been worse, our society is dying, if you don't send me money to vanquish my evil opponent you are doomed - act now to save us all" or they are out of money and out of office. Same for TV and internet blogs - "things are ok" and "we can find middle ground together" headlines don't drive "clicks". No hype, no cash. Shame on all of us for being the sheep that fill their coffers.

Well put...

But lets not forget the politicians that get rich off the tax payers and through sneaky secret squirrel handshake deals. They are on the verge of losing their gravy train and they don't like it. So they have to fight to keep it. It is obvious the ones that have done nothing for our country but create the turmoil, hate, and discontent. Their underhandedness has provided the fuel for the social media and reporters to spin how they want. I guess it's like you said, follow the money.
Well put...

But lets not forget the politicians that get rich off the tax payers and through sneaky secret squirrel handshake deals. They are on the verge of losing their gravy train and they don't like it. So they have to fight to keep it.

No better example than in South Dakota. We passed a law, through a ballot initiative, and the state legislation didn't like the anti corruption aspects of the initiative, so they held a special session to overwrite the initiative. I'm no lawyer, but it boggles my mind how that was even legal.

Short and sweet version from CNN:

South Dakota Republicans on Thursday repealed a historic anti-corruption law approved by voters in a statewide referendum on Election Day.
The measure, which passed with more than 51% backing in November, would have created an independent ethics commission, limited lobbyist gifts to lawmakers, banned officials from joining lobbying firms for two years after leaving office and created so-called "Democracy vouchers" for registered voters to steer toward their preferred candidates.
But state GOP lawmakers said they didn't think voters knew what they were doing.

I bet one has to be a registered voter to vote... Imagine the concept!
Man my college was not like y’alls with the safe spaces. I went to small town state college in the middle nowhere, duck carcasses left in the parking lot were normal all fall and at the frat parties they played drinking games that involved loudly and freely yelling the N-Word.
Man my college was not like y’alls with the safe spaces. I went to small town state college in the middle nowhere, duck carcasses left in the parking lot were normal all fall and at the frat parties they played drinking games that involved loudly and freely yelling the N-Word.
Mankato State? just guessing :)