Let's stir the pot here

Pendulum effect magnified by social insta-media.
Lack of a third party.

We lost more American lives during our Civil War than all wars combined. Difficult to imagine with the global social media of today. Russia, China, etc pitting one side vs the other. Heck, it's what America does in foreign countries... No different.
Our Civil War pitted brother against brother in the name of economics / slavery / secession North vs South, Lincoln v Davis. Fait accompli...
Reaching out to Russia, Great Britain, France, etc were all catered to assist one v the other.

Talk about the extremes... and what do we have now? Extremes on both dictating the moderates and middle.

Oh, ibtl. 😉
Honestly, the social justice warriors of this country have too much time on their hands. If a war was to happen, and the survival of America was on the line. Then things Might change. Today, skins are too thin, opinions are only valid if you agree with it, hard work is a lost art and everyone has to feel comfortable and have a safe spot?!!

Social media is the first thing that should go. This site is the only platform that should stand!
We are divided because of;

Identity politics, Any time the people in power choose one group at the expense of others it will not set well with one group no matter how deserving the other group is.

Political correct thinking and enforcement. This is nothing more than an an attempt to silence people you don't agree with without winning the argument. Not much different than the book burning of the past.

The news media, rwc101 said it better than I can.

I prefer HT over FB because I can still get the red alerts that I’m addicted to, but I don’t have to deal with as many opposing viewpoints.
God I hate opposing viewpoints!
Opposition can be a good thing. Thats a slippery slope in wanting no differing views.
Honestly, the social justice warriors of this country have too much time on their hands. If a war was to happen, and the survival of America was on the line. Then things Might change. Today, skins are too thin, opinions are only valid if you agree with it, hard work is a lost art and everyone has to feel comfortable and have a safe spot?!!

Social media is the first thing that should go. This site is the only platform that should stand!
This whole safe space deal is BS, they're making "safe spots" on college campuses now. If you grow up a sally with thin skin that can't take constructive criticism, you're not going to succeed in life. What happens when their boss pulls them in and tells them they're messing up and are doing a crappy job? Are they just going to burst into tears and run out? What happened to college students being independent? Everyone is so reliant on someone else now for their success it's sad. Social media gives too many stupid people easy access to other stupid people.
I think it all started going downhill when news outlets realized it was easier and more profitable to peddle half truths and lies to a smaller, politically homogeneous audience than it was to sell hard journalism to everyone.

Ain't that the truth.
This whole safe space deal is BS, they're making "safe spots" on college campuses now. If you grow up a sally with thin skin that can't take constructive criticism, you're not going to succeed in life. What happens when their boss pulls them in and tells them they're messing up and are doing a crappy job? Are they just going to burst into tears and run out? What happened to college students being independent? Everyone is so reliant on someone else now for their success it's sad. Social media gives too many stupid people easy access to other stupid people.
Don't forget the comfort animals, usually mini ponies.
It AMAZES me how a left leaning news outlet and a right leaning news outlet can report on the SAME story and draw 2 opposite conclusions. Literally one says its sunny and the other says its heavy rain.
On another note...I have been watching a fair amount of c-span for live feeds of the House and Senate in session or any of the committee meetings. Do they ever do any work? They simply use their allotted time (Even when that time was meant to ask witnesses or experts their opinion) to grandstand and then they LEAVE! You were elected to sit there and listen and represent your constituents...get your ass in that seat and do your job!
There has been division among men since Cain and Abel. And there will be no unity until Jesus returns. We do not need another national tragedy, though such things are inevitable. What matters is how we treat those around us but almost more importantly how we treat those that we do not agree with. Dealing with them in truth and love. It's not up to us to change the hearts of others.
Always amazes me how some people describe their issues with college campuses. So many people think they're a progressive utopia with safe spaces and gender neutral bathrooms as far as the eye can see.

I would wager that most of the people that think that have spent very little time on a college campus. For the most part both the faculty and student body are made up of regular old people, and it's a tiny fringe population that is being described.

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