Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Let's see some Mule Bucks

I too must hang my head in shame and admit to hunting mule deer while wearing 100% cotton jeans.

My excuse would be that I was poking around new country and only left the rig to glass from the ridge above the road, then the next ridge and so on....sad day indeed, when I realized that I didn't even have a pocket knife in them there cotton jeans!

Montana early 90's, public land and general tag.

Additional, more recent, pics.

All these are general tag, public land Montana bucks.

Friend's fall wedding forced me to "clean up" some. Idiot, who in their right mind gets married during the fall hunting season?

Montana 2010 Muley.JPG

This one would be a good candidate for MT HD 270's newly proposed 3-point tag!

Montana 2015 Muley.JPG

As he lay....

Montana 2015.JPG

Cold day to be on top chasing muleys....setting the camera on top of my pack has it's flaws, lower left corner of pic.

Montana 2013 Muley.JPG

My longest shot to date, 200yds give or take....

Montana 2016 Muley.jpg

Just to show that I haven't changed and I am not addicted to "Horn Porn" of the best stalks of my life! Spent the fall hunting with my wife as she wanted to shoot a "Good" muley, bigger than anything that she had previously tagged. Wife's hunt ended with a heart breaker as another hunter tagged the buck that she was after and she never recovered during the remainder of the season.

Montana 2018 Muley.JPG

2019, Wife was successful in completing her mule deer goal from the previous year as I struggled with a vision problem. Freed me up to spend the last week or so in the high country of NW MT, sporting my newly needed black framed glasses. **Note** Hunting while wearing glasses SUCKS!!

1st MT December muley, tripped the trigger at last light of the last day. He then rolled and slid down the mountain 6-800yds.

When he finally he lay.

Montana Dec. 1st 2019.jpg

Yes, I love all the habitats that mule deer call home. I'm especially fond of chasing them in the high country but with the greying of my beard, those places are getting harder to reach.
Additional, more recent, pics.

All these are general tag, public land Montana bucks.

Friend's fall wedding forced me to "clean up" some. Idiot, who in their right mind gets married during the fall hunting season?

View attachment 134101

This one would be a good candidate for MT HD 270's newly proposed 3-point tag!

View attachment 134102

As he lay....

View attachment 134103

Cold day to be on top chasing muleys....setting the camera on top of my pack has it's flaws, lower left corner of pic.

View attachment 134105

My longest shot to date, 200yds give or take....

View attachment 134106

Just to show that I haven't changed and I am not addicted to "Horn Porn" of the best stalks of my life! Spent the fall hunting with my wife as she wanted to shoot a "Good" muley, bigger than anything that she had previously tagged. Wife's hunt ended with a heart breaker as another hunter tagged the buck that she was after and she never recovered during the remainder of the season.

View attachment 134109

2019, Wife was successful in completing her mule deer goal from the previous year as I struggled with a vision problem. Freed me up to spend the last week or so in the high country of NW MT, sporting my newly needed black framed glasses. **Note** Hunting while wearing glasses SUCKS!!

1st MT December muley, tripped the trigger at last light of the last day. He then rolled and slid down the mountain 6-800yds.

When he finally he lay.

View attachment 134115

Yes, I love all the habitats that mule deer call home. I'm especially fond of chasing them in the high country but with the greying of my beard, those places are getting harder to reach.
Love all those heavy horned bucks, lotta cool deer there.
@Greenhorn it would have probably been quicker to just post a link to the "Big Ones" thread. ;)

Which is still my all time favorite, but this is pretty dang good too. The ones one the hoof get my blood pumping.
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