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Let's see some Mule Bucks

It might be timely to show some more bucks taken by my family. When lack of mature bucks became a reality, we agreed to to maintain a standing tradition to harvest only fully mature or "management" type bucks.
My middle daughters first deer:
Oldest daughter:
Youngest daughter:
When I first met my wife she called rabbits bunnies! I never pushed her, but she eventually joined in the hunting tradition. These 4 bucks were between 2006-2016, she's has good luck drawing tags.
I absolutely love the last picture and also how that hunt unfolded!
Along the way I drew a great LQ deer tag, but was unable to find a giant. Second to last day I passed a mid 170s because he was no more than 3 1/2. Last day I spotted a very mature, dark horned buck working his way into some craggy draws. I tracked him down and took him in his bed. Very old buck, memorable hunt!
Started to benefit from some good fawn crops.

This old guy's lower front teeth were at gumline.310284_308207492527187_1660091145_n.jpg
Quite an interesting mule deer. Opening day another hunter shot at the buck and I watched where he went. That afternoon he walks out, whitetail looking antlers and all. There was no doubt he was an older deer, so I shot him. Smallest body big buck I have ever taken. Aged at 6 1/2 by tooth rings.539306_536731319674802_486530913_n.jpg
In the spring of 2017 I found a smoker set of sheds near a high use public area. Knowing it took a big hike to get there, I decided it was worth a try to find the buck, even with the long odds. About a 1 1/2 miles in I jump this buck out of a draw and promptly miss a totally easy shot! He turned broadside and #2 smokes him. I didn't get a great look, but something told me to shoot. Walked up to him and wow, not the shed buck, but even bigger!24799529_1921650857849501_127613698782295511_o.jpgDSC02347.jpg
I don't know about the "good old days" but you certainly seem to have found a way to slow down time. Thanks for posting these and taking such good pictures, sure fun to see. Love to see all the family photos as well, they are a lot more relatable than an (admittedly great) hunter sleeping in a spike tent at 11,000 feet and eating cold freeze-dry for 10 days. I admire them as well, but I will probably never be that guy.
I would never have imagined another back to back like my 1995/96 bucks but it happened in 2017/18. The late summer is the best time to find muley bucks and they were making a comeback. My profile picture buck was actually getting accustomed to me constantly showing up to find him and his pals. About the time he cleans off his velvet he disappears.
A week later, with my grandsons in tow, he showed back up.43321056_2321011397913443_2232802593514455040_n.jpg43174345_2321011704580079_8511870567802994688_n.jpg
@JM77 pretty incredible success for you and your family. I think you have more mule deer knowledge in your pinky toe than I have overall, and I don't consider myself a slouch. Thanks for sharing. I can't imagine what your garage wall or den must look like with all of these great bucks.
There was a comment in another thread that was something like, 99% of giant mule deer are money or luck. I think jm77 is clearly showing that's not true.
My sons 1st MD (2020) and a trophy stalk for us. Spotted him with 5 other bucks at about 480y. Stalked to 47y where he made the shot. South central WY public land, general youth tag/ general zone and dozens of other hunters all around us. Say what you want but I was a proud dad that day.


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Snagged a return tag in SD for a unit that takes 11 years for a resident to draw and found this guy first morning about an hour in. I’m a big elk guy but these mule deer I’m absolutely obsessed with the last few years.


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Snagged a return tag in SD for a unit that takes 11 years for a resident to draw and found this guy first morning about an hour in. I’m a big elk guy but these mule deer I’m absolutely obsessed with the last few years.
Kinda looks like a whitetail frame,a great buck nonetheless.
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