Let's see some Mule Bucks

Man those are some great deer folks. I’ve been saving WY points since they started and this year I’ve got a break in my schedule that’s going to allow me to use them. Thanks for all the eye candy.
Back in the early and mid 2000's when unit 270 was really off the charts, I'd go down around Christmas and watch bucks. Somewhere I have a pile of old Hi-8 tapes with hours of deer footage. I'm sure the bucks have grown in my memory, but there were some incredible deer walking around back then. I really need to find those and figure out a way to convert them at some point.

A few more random pictures from over the years-

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I'm curious about the second buck pic of this post. Do you remember if this buck was in a L.E. unit or did you snap the photo in a general unit?

I'm curious because he is eerily similar to a buck that I tipped over several years ago????



@Art Vandeley wrote, "Dead or alive, velvet or hard horned, big or SMALL.

A few of my personal mule deer firsts, from my teens in the very early 80's!

At that time in Utah, a nonresident could buy a hunting license for $90 and then an archery license for $10. A deer license was included with both the hunting license and the archery. Gave a young hunter, eager to experience different country, an excuse to wander! Yes, I had a whole lot of fun, just soaking in the adventures and never concerned about how big the bucks were.....

Utah 1st:

1st Utah Muley.jpg

2nd tag and 2nd buck from Utah:

2nd Utah Muley.jpg

Colorado archery just happened to open up the very next week and I believe that the nonresident tag cost $78, over-the-counter also! So I bounced over there and arrowed this giant! First time I ever witnessed guys riding in the back of the pickups and archery road hunting,,,,not good!

1st Colorado Muley.jpg

Done on a very tight budget and all before Montana's season opener. No wife, no kids, no mortgage, no ambitions except to hunt as much as humanly possible...."My youth""Fun times"!
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I just hunt whitetail, so the areas i hunt skew heavily toward that, but there is some overlap with muleys, as i like to hunt the mtn whitetails at 4k+. Our muley numbers around here suck bad, so this is probably the best ive gotten on my whitetail cameras. Nothin crazy, but pretty damn good for this area.HUNT0287.JPG_thumb.jpgHUNT0284.JPG_thumb.jpgHUNT0203.JPG_thumb.jpgHUNT0170.JPG_thumb.jpg
1st muley from Oregon.
Hey, worked good for camp meat while chasing Oregon's elk around!

1st Oregon Muley.jpg

1st one from Nevada's Ruby Range. Packed in and made camp two days before the opener, found lots of bucks, made camp and then spotted Mtn. Goats! Followed the goats over the top and a famous Nevada thunder storm snuck up on me. I baled off the top to seek shelter under a rock ledge. The storm lasted until dark and I was stuck there as my minimag flashlight's batteries were dead. Daylight found me dropping into the canyon below me to find water as I hadn't drank anything since leaving my camp the prior afternoon. I found a small seep at the head of the canyon and while quenching my thirst, I heard rocks rolling. I was astounded to view through the scrubby trees and see 26 bucks, single file, making their way to my position at the water. Literally shot the lead buck at 7' the first few hours of opening day. I spent the next few days packing, after I figured out how to access that canyon from the other side of the Ruby Range.

The canyon where Nevada bucks like to water in mid August. My buck was hanging in the scrub trees in the canyon, where the green meets the rock.


My Nevada 1st. Like I stated, he was the leader. If the leader would have been a forky? The forky would have been the one that I would have flung an arrow at! Side note, the camera was back at camp....

1st Nevada Muley.jpg

No fancy gear, not even a water filter and I survived to hunt another day.....amazing!
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In my early hunts if I carried a camera it usually had slide film. Since cameras went digital I've shot mostly whitetails and not a lot of muley bucks. Here's a field pic of my best Montana muley and the mount pics of my two best Colorado bucks that I shot in the '70s before I moved to Montana.


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