Kodiak - Raspberry Island - Getting to know the place

Is this the Hunt Corey did? If so good luck…

Not the hunt Corey did.

Out of the 4 known HT AK elk tag holders, the 3 nonresidents of Alaska all have different tags, and none are Corey's specific tag.

Edit: I guess there are 5 now and 2 have 702.
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How about I win the "win a hunt with Newberg". I'm not sure if he would be excited or grimacing when I mention he is heading to AK for Elk
Haha my brother and I said the same thing. It would really make it a dream hunt if Randy or any of the guys showed up out there. I will put any info we find on here if you want. We are currently trying to figure out a boat rental and transportation to raspberry, We found a fish shack to rent through a friend of a friend of a friend kind of deal. Just 4 walls to protect us from bears. When we are there maybe we can meet up at some point and share stories, if my brother gets his elk we would be happy to help you if you have not gotten yours yet. And we will have 6 or so of us happy to help anyone else pack out if we are in the same general area.
So I'm that guy. Totally just put in for one of the AK elk hunt without having any clue for the most part what I was going to get into if successful in drawing. It was cheap to add on so why the heck not. With draw odds so terribly low, why would a guy spend a bunch of time doing so right? I chose the Raspberry Island tag simply just because of all the tags, it appeared to have the best success rates and its the most sought after I'm assuming for that same reason. Figured if I was to ever get lucky and draw it it would be the easiest of the tags to try and figure out. Well, its time to figure it out.

I'm hoping to use this thread to help gather some information with help of others. I'll be doing a bunch of leg work here over the next few weeks contacting a bunch of people but before I make any phone calls, I was hoping to gain some knowledge first so I don't sound like a total idiot on those calls.

First up, the island is owned basically by three parties - the State of Alaska, Kodiak Island Borough and Afognak Native Corporation.

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State of Alaska is public land and from what I'm understanding, the Kodiak Island Borough is as well. The Native Corporation isn't public land but does allow hunting by requiring a use permit to be purchased. Based on the fee schedule, I'm for sure ruling that out as an option unless I find that all the Elk are likely to be there rather than elsewhere. It's not that I can't afford it it just seems like a lot to pay if I don't have to and detracts from the whole "public land experience".

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Looking for any comments about anything I may be misunderstanding about this.

This is literally all I know, I saved this link off one time...

@seeth07- This came up as a suggested thread and I have nothing to contribute. You’re two months out now! Did you get squared away with plans? I’m not asking for details on where, but how?
@seeth07- This came up as a suggested thread and I have nothing to contribute. You’re two months out now! Did you get squared away with plans? I’m not asking for details on where, but how?
Yes. We are all set. We arrive in Kodiak on the 30th of Sept and have paid a fishing charter captain to haul 4 of us and our gear to the north end of the island figuring its more likely that the remaining 5 tag holders will be using the typical onion bay.

My wife and her step dad bought deer tags as well. We are hoping to find one right away for some camp meat since we will be on the island for 10 days and deer meat sure sounds better than freeze dried.

We are taking 4 coolers with us having extra food, beer and gear that we will be leaving hoisted up in a tree near the beach landing spot. Hopefully this works out ok... we will be packing gear and 3 days of food up and going to attempt to tent it up high in a pocket of dark timber we found through sate images and then photos from the strait from our transporter.

Lots to consider with bear safety. We aren't taking and hauling a battery up to set a fence. We are going to make two camps, one with tarps where we store food, eat and go to the bathroom and then a sleeping area. The plan for a fence is to take perfume and cover the area heavy every day. Hopefully the bears don't have a thing for French whores because that is what it will smell like!
I'd invest in an AN 90 energizer and rolls of poly wire. Perfume will attract bears.

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I'd invest in an AN 90 energizer and rolls of poly wire. Perfume will attract bears.

I made 2 of these fences for my Afognak trip. One for my tent, one for meat when I kill a bull.
I'd invest in an AN 90 energizer and rolls of poly wire. Perfume will attract bears.

I actually didn't realize a fense system could be as light as 4lb (the last link you shared). If we go with bringing a fence, would it be wise to still create a food camp and sleeping camp? Fence just around when we are sleeping?

Any experience with battery life?
I actually didn't realize a fense system could be as light as 4lb (the last link you shared). If we go with bringing a fence, would it be wise to still create a food camp and sleeping camp? Fence just around when we are sleeping?

Any experience with battery life?

I would say always eat separate from where you sleep, and keep anything with a scent away from your sleeping area as well.

I bought a used Udap bear fence and took it to AK, where it got wet and quit working. I'll send it to you if you want to try to get it working again, shoot me a PM.
I would say always eat separate from where you sleep, and keep anything with a scent away from your sleeping area as well.

I bought a used Udap bear fence and took it to AK, where it got wet and quit working. I'll send it to you if you want to try to get it working again, shoot me a PM.
I already started assembling some pieces I have around, I really just need to buy the energizer. 90 bucks isn't bad. I'm just really not sure on how to do camp if we just bring the one fence
Crap, now I'm second guessing everything. I wasn't gonna bother packing my bugle tube. Oct 1st they should still be rutting a bit but this isn't your normal elk herd dynamic. It's not like it's archery season where I might need to challenge a bull in a bugle fest but maybe something draw a bulls attention and out of some cover. It's light, just bulky. Idk. Overthinking things now I know
Crap, now I'm second guessing everything. I wasn't gonna bother packing my bugle tube. Oct 1st they should still be rutting a bit but this isn't your normal elk herd dynamic. It's not like it's archery season where I might need to challenge a bull in a bugle fest but maybe something draw a bulls attention and out of some cover. It's light, just bulky. Idk. Overthinking things now I know
Stuff your beanie, socks and undies into the tube, no more bulky issue?
Stuff your beanie, socks and undies into the tube, no more bulky issue?
It's mostly just bringing something that isn't needed or I won't use. But I think I might use it. Idk! I think it's time to maybe pack everything up and see how it feels and works out, trip is getting close and I need to test fit having my pack, bino harness, gun holster and spray holster all on anyways.
I’d leave my binos at home before my bugle on October 1
Do you know what the Raspberry Island elk herd is like? Like how on Oct 1st the entire herd of 300 animals is likely to be all together in one spot? And how their rut is typically 2nd and 3rd week of September a bit earlier than in western states?
I already started assembling some pieces I have around, I really just need to buy the energizer. 90 bucks isn't bad. I'm just really not sure on how to do camp if we just bring the one fence

We put the fence around our tent and then had the cooking area, fire, and food-hanging tree 100yds up the hill.
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