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Hope today gets better

So @Wild Bill , it's Thursday...
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Wild Bill was my father well at least in his youth more like Conservative Bill when I knew him🤣! Been to busy to feel sorry for myself today. Dropped the wife of this morning at the airport she's gone till Sunday on a business conference so the patients are running the asylum for awhile. Picking the kiddos up now then we're going fishing, pizza for dinner, then a Mel Brooks movie. Life is good.
Wild Bill was my father well at least in his youth more like Conservative Bill when I knew him🤣! Been to busy to feel sorry for myself today. Dropped the wife of this morning at the airport she's gone till Sunday on a business conference so the patients are running the asylum for awhile. Picking the kiddos up now then we're going fishing, pizza for dinner, then a Mel Brooks movie. Life is good.
Damn, somewhere @Wild Bill is is saying ‘wait what’!
So far this morning I didn't draw my Colorado sheep tag, missed a public land turkey at less then 20 yards (took my cheek off the stock), got back to the truck and there's a nail in my tire. I'm really hoping that my luck is just saving itself for tomorrow and the NM draw.
Gotta have bad days or the good days would get boring man
Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping Systems

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