Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

KHunter CO archery sheep hunt

My brother and I disagree on this Ram. He will have to hold my arrows to keep me from shooting him at first opportunity. In back view you can see he has sinusitis and associated horn deterioration.
Anybody care to try to age him? He is as close as he looks in the photo. This was this weekend as well, yesterday after the snow had melted off pretty well from Thursday/Friday storm. Left, damaged horn is good bit longer than right.

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8 1/2
The buildup to this hunt has been huge and exciting! Good luck, I’m anxiously awaiting pictures and a story at the end!
This feels like drive in theatre Pink panther intermission... Enjoyable but... It's movie time! :D

You're joining the top tiered HT ranks with this hold out, Kirby!