KHunter CO archery sheep hunt

Wow so glad I just found this thread Good luck with your hunt can’t wait to hear how it turns out.
T minus 7 days. Just finished a great long weekend scouting trip with my brother, ABQBW.. We were successfully digging up rams in new spots versus focusing in the more commonly hunted spots.

This Sunday it gets real as they say. And will hunt the fulll 15 days season if needed. Will be back in scouting on Friday while still coming out of a Thanksgiving turkey coma.

Ram 563, a nice one I have seen repeatedly, including in the fresh snow this weekend, since first scouting trip. Will be hard to pass up but not in the top 3 or so I hope to have in bow range opening day. Rut is clearly winding down already this weekend so the groups and the better rams are far more dispersed. Some we saw are stashed in tough access spots by terrain and also private land.
Photo 52E85A44-D519-42EA-8E82-5A6B3B2C7330.jpeg

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This guy in center of markup, you cannot see his size, has a much lighter cape color than all other rams we have seen, and in the spotting scope a great set of horns. It is not just the light and angle of the photo as he meandered up the mountain to this bedding spot he looked white the whole way. He will be a brutal hike to get to if still in that area when start hunting in 7 days. He had another good looking companion ram with him.
My brother and I disagree on this Ram. He will have to hold my arrows to keep me from shooting him at first opportunity. In back view you can see he has sinusitis and associated horn deterioration.
Anybody care to try to age him? He is as close as he looks in the photo. This was this weekend as well, yesterday after the snow had melted off pretty well from Thursday/Friday storm. Left, damaged horn is good bit longer than right.

Video of same ram. After years of bad hunting photographic efforts, I think I at least have figured out it is great to switch to video mode when photographing critters. Get such a great look at them doing there thing and to size them up versus snapshots. I really enjoy going back to view video clips.

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Good luck @Khunter! I ran around with your brother a bit on his MT hunt. He's a heck of a hunter and was excited for your upcoming adventure. Lots of ram hunting for BW this year! Excited to see how you guys do. Soak it up.
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