
KHunter 2022 ID bull and CO cow moose hunts

Head back to Idaho in the morning. As I prep, some of my new, super cool, hunting friends in my unit have been sending the below semi live moose photos from my unit. Not helping my concentration at work, but fun to see.

Brandon is scouting AZ unit 9 early rifle for a HTalker whose daughter pulled the tag and then heads up to meet me in ID. Can’t wait to see what we dig up via round 2 of “moose hunt by pack raft”. Something super appealing about having a raft under 10 pounds, that can carry 500 pounds and that you can carry in a backpack and not need a trailer, raft frame or boat ramp to use.


These bulls were harassing a cow and sparring a bit. The rut should be heating up and then peaking soon thereafter as we arrive and start hunting for the next two weeks if needed.


A small bull and his gal pal.



While on break from hunting took Bess and the pups out to try out the pack raft and see if we should buy one (or two!) for ourselves after having borrowed and liked this raft so much for this hunt. Everybody had fun so probably a yes on buying them. Heck we practically live on the banks of the Colorado and Roaring Fork rivers and have no watercraft. Time to fix that I think. Could be we buy a Alpacka Mule (500 lb capacity) like in these photos and an Alpacka Ranger (slightly larger and with 750 pound capacity)

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tater harvest us coming in in my hunt area, constant stream of trucks hauling from field to storage bldgs sprinkled across the landscape.

did not find the bull that made this fresh track this morning but I tried. doing a solo float hunt in the river this afternoon till dusk most likely. Did spot one cow moose near camp. Just need a big bull to come check her out.

Brandon rejoins the hunt this evening. Fun will be had.


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tater harvest us coming in in my hunt area, constant stream of trucks hauling from field to storage bldgs sprinkled across the landscape.

did not find the bull that made this fresh track this morning but I tried. doing a solo float hunt in the river this afternoon till dusk most likely. Did spot one cow moose near camp. Just need a big bull to come check her out.

Brandon rejoins the hunt this evening. Fun will be had.

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Some fresh spuds are bound to fall off a truck on a corner. Snatch some up for dinner!
Thrilled to finally come out of the woods with full racks of ribs for the first time. Battery powered Sawzall was the perfect tool.

Emded up with 10 packs of ribs. We left the side meat on them when field butchering so hopimg that makes for better, meatier ribs. What made me smile was the need to label meat packages as “2022 Cow Moose” instead of just “2022 Moose”, since I have two moose tags. LOL. Don’t think that will ever happen again that I have to keep two moose sorted out in the freezer.

Single rack that I just sawed in half to shorten rib lengths
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One rack cut into package sizes (5 pieces)

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All of the vacuum sealed ribs (10 packs) going into the freezer. Can’t wait to cook some up.

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Congrats on a great hunt, and please report back when you cook some ribs up! That is something I have long wanted to do if I were to kill an elk in the right spot.
for me two separate cows and more fresh bull tracks this morning so far.

Brandon had better luck glassing up what may be the best representative swamp donkey in the unit.


one landowner I have been leaving voice and text messages for the last month to request access FINALLY picked up the phone this am.

your a persistent little shit aren’t ya”

Why yes, yes I am,I have a once in a lifetime moose tag and there are only five of them in the area. surly son of a bitch made me chuckle on a Sunday morning.

And the answer, after a full 20 seconds of silence was “no”. not that I expected anything different
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We had a cool float yesterday on a very small meandering river running 60 cfs. unfortunately no moose spotted.

this am I found elk and lots of sharptail and no moose.


currently doing solo float hunt along Henrys Fork and stopping at “moosey” spots for extended calling sessions. So far kinda like calling for extraterrestrials as the comms are one way when you just know they are “out there” somewhere.

Still way better than any day at the office. 😁
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