Kenetrek Boots

KHunter 2022 ID bull and CO cow moose hunts

got off river at dark, about 8:10, so 50 min after sunset. so about an 8 hour float hunt.

found this cow and calf at last calling/still hunting spot and hung with them as long as possible , about 40 min and after sunset thinking they were the perfect bull bait. I even offered it up some cow in heat calls for her since she would not oblige, hoping some bull might come run into her. nope.

they have been close to that spot since summer so maybe they will reel in a bull yet. I plan to go back on occasion.

Saw a different lone cow early in the float

fun stuff. Bring on the bulls! plz.


Oh, and pretty flowers seen just before the cow/calf.

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One cow moose so far this morning during the early morning drive and glass before getting on the river for another float hunt.

{Correction} when looking at video during lunck break she had a calf with her, saw was a cow/calf pair. the little guys got lost in the sage pretty easily.

I think I should be seeing some bulls with these cows very soon.

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We had a cool float yesterday on a very small meandering river running 60 cfs. unfortunately no moose spotted.

this am I found elk and lots of sharptail and no moose.

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currently doing solo float hunt along Henrys Fork and stopping at “moosey” spots for extended calling sessions. So far kinda like calling for extraterrestrials as the comms are one way when you just know they are “out there” somewhere.

Still way better than any day at the office. 😁
Wanna drop a dime on those bulls? A bet a friend of mine in the area would love to go mess up a stalk or two on them
Wanna drop a dime on those bulls? A bet a friend of mine in the area would love to go mess up a stalk or two on them
would love to but I already dropped a dime on them with a local guy who has also been looking out for moose for me. he stalked them yesterday and almost got one. This morning he’s chasing this bigger one same spot.

the above is a nice bull but trophy photo of day so far is this cowboy that put on quite the solo karate show in front of the auto repair shop. He was high kicking and punching and karate chopping for the 10 minutes I saw him and was still at it when I left. dedicated practitioner, complete with sound effects. got on video.

Next up is another float hunt till dark. 🤞
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7 hours float hunt. 5 lengthy stops to call and look for sign. no moose spotted today.



Oh and that great looking bull elk from this morning caught an arrow. New friend Bill, whomI actually met on the river opening week early September stalked him a couple miles in a sea of sage and got him without the 8 cows busting him. very cool. And his dad was along to watch the whole show.

Pretty sure we are ready to actually SEE a bull moose this trip. Will keep at it but dang it is as tuff as advertised. Most bulls supposedly live just outside the unit till the rut, so I guess we are a bit earlier than I thought. But a number of folks that seemed to be in the know said ‘be sure to hunt last week of September’, so hoping we are just a few days from things looking up.

I do know we are controlling what we can with effort by glassing early am and then spending time on the river till dark and calling in the most likely areas and taking time for for those calling sessions. Looking forward to grunting bull responses eventually.

Significantly cooler weather tomorrow, maybe that will help.

heading out now to drive/glass the fields and then back on the river.
afternoon hunt. Stayed on terra firma.,hiked 2.8 miles on blm and some pvt ground had been wanting to see up close.

The cow was spotted by Larry, one of the other 4 moose hunters I met the other day. We we have been sharing some info on sightings. Cool guy hunting with a flintlock. He has only been hunting 3-4 days at this point and is thinking of bagging it till early November.



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