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KHunter 2022 ID bull and CO cow moose hunts

Thrilled to finally come out of the woods with full racks of ribs for the first time. Battery powered Sawzall was the perfect tool.

Emded up with 10 packs of ribs. We left the side meat on them when field butchering so hopimg that makes for better, meatier ribs. What made me smile was the need to label meat packages as “2022 Cow Moose” instead of just “2022 Moose”, since I have two moose tags. LOL. Don’t think that will ever happen again that I have to keep two moose sorted out in the freezer.

Single rack that I just sawed in half to shorten rib lengths

One rack cut into package sizes (5 pieces)


All of the vacuum sealed ribs (10 packs) going into the freezer. Can’t wait to cook some up.

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I used Brandon’s new 50 cal muzzleloader with 300 grain Thor all copper bullets.

Found the bullet in a muscle tonight. Cleaned it up and on my cheap scale it seems to have retained almost all its weight, about 293 of 300 original grains on my cheap scale.

And boy did it expand well to provide the knockdown power we witnessed. Cow dropped at impact.

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Let me know how the ribs go. I have never had good luck with them or the elk ribs I have tried. Grind for me