KHunter 2022 ID bull and CO cow moose hunts

WET or DRY FEET? hunting in flat terrain and moderate temps.

Been going the wet feet route all day and actually all hunt. Usually with neoprene socks and walking/hiking sneakers versus wearing waders or hip boots all day. Everywhere we hike has a slough or some minor water features to cross. Just seems simpler and oddly more comfortable than waders or hip boots hopping in and out of the boat etc.

What do others do in such mild weather and easy terrain that has lots of boggy water to traverse?
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This is the kind of story and the kind of hunter that makes this little part of the dubya.dubya.dubya such a fun place to hang out while drinking my morning coffee. Go get 'em Kirby. Hope to see a post with pieces of a bull floating down the river, soon.

P.S. If your hunt convinces you to buy one of those Alpacka Rafts, promo code RANDY will save you some bucks; no bull.
WET or DRY FEET? hunting in flat terrain and modersate temps.

Been going the wet feet route all day. Usually with neoprene socks and walking/hiking smeakers versus wearing waders or hip boots all day. Everywhedre we hike has a slough or some monir watrer features to cross. Just sems simpler and oddly more conmfortable than waders or hip boots hopping in and out of the boat etc.

Whjat do other do in such mild weather and easy terrain that has lots of boggy water to traverse?
Similar to you, I wore NRS water shoes over stockingfoot waders when I was moose hunting in a boggy area.
This is the kind of story and the kind of hunter that makes this little part of the dubya.dubya.dubya such a fun place to hang out while drinking my morning coffee. Go get 'em Kirby. Hope to see a post with pieces of a bull floating down the river, soon.

P.S. If your hunt convinces you to buy one of those Alpacka Rafts, promo code RANDY will save you some bucks; no bull.
You have lots of good morning coffee material as there have been some really good live threads brewing over the last two weeks! You probably need multiple cups this morning to catch up on the "good stuff" :)
Officially a solo hunt now. Brandon headed out this afternoon for other endeavors and was a great help and fun.

just passed this bull an hour ago at camp, at 40 yds. literally 200 yds from my tent. first bull seen in a week of hunting. we shall see the wisdom or not of that. the landowner where we are camped texted “moose in camp” so headed over to see this pretty young bull.

I would like to say I passed because I’m just jonesing to put a moose on my alpaca raft but that’s not true.

2:20 pm hopping in the river to do a solo float till just about dusk or just after dark should arrive at camp.

Have killed 4 moose but this will be first one to field dress solo. looking forward to it.



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This same bull crossed the river in front of me this evening at dusk as I was float hunting and about a quarter mile from camp. A bonus is he was grunting the whole way and continued once on the other side. First grunt I have heard this year.

At first I simply heard grunts while floating which was of course exciting after a week of silence, and looked to my left for the source and saw tail end of bull entering willows on river edge and dissapear. Exciting because I was hoping it just might be a mature bull. I paddled to the river edge and hopped out and unclipped my bow and the stalk was on. Once I was about 60 yards from where the bull entered the willows I heard him step into the river and then saw he was not one to shoot so picked up the iphone to film and enjoy the show. Shortly afterward I paddled to the other side of river to follow in case he was heading for an unseen bull. My assumption, proven correct below, is he was headed for a cow/calf pair I had seen a couple times on that side of the river and within 500 yards of this spot.



And then, at 10:15 PM as I was finishing a bowl of bighorn stroganoff a cow/calf crossed the river (loudly) 50 feet upstream from my tent. They are a hundred yards out, across thie river in this poor photo taken with iPhone and using headlamp for illumination.


And 5 minutes later the little bull does same, obviously on their trail. Fun stuff but want to see mature bulls!

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As I write this there is a bull moose grunting just outside camp. Constant grunting as he wanders the area. When he was 60 yards away, just behind where Brandons camper had been sitting saw him with headlamp but no binos. ‘looked’ bigger than the bull I passed on yesterday. glimpse was from behind and no binos so not positive. Better than no bull and no grunting by a country mile.

Otherwise slow day, except called in one of the other 4 moose hunters. That was a surprise. Nice guy, exchanged phone numbers. He is using a jet boat. Pretty sure I am the only one motorless and rafting to hunt.

Duck season started today so where we had zero river traffic now there are boats running up and down river. Enlisted two of them to text me any moose encounters.

Grunting been going on for 15 min so far.

Hard to sleep with the grunting I have so desperately wanting to hear going on!
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23rd? early morning elkdersheeplope breakfast burrito on this hunt including scouting days. I’d be surprised if any of the local guys have this many full days in so far..

should I not be worried that I only have eight more days to hunt. LOL

Hunting from camp now to see if can dig up the grunting bull that disturbed my elk green chili stew dinner and sleep. Pretty sure he crossed river so will float across shortly. No telling if he cruised miles away by now….
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Any idea if any of the other tag holders have filled them?
I believe nobody has. I think I’ve got a pretty solid network of everybody who knows everybody and would have heard. I do know who the other four tag holders are but I only communicate with 3 of them
“Elk green chili stew dinner” — I don’t think a bull grunting would be the only thing disturbing my sleep. 😀

Good luck finding the bull.
It was probably that whimpy Colorado green Chile (he even spelt it wrong), so he slept like a baby.
I tracked last night‘s grunting bull from my camp to across the river to where he was bedded with a cow.

going to be a long day. either I punched my tag or I punched myself in the face. Need to give it time to find out. sometimes a great shot opportunity just doesn’t work the way you know it will.
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