Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

KHunter 2022 ID bull and CO cow moose hunts

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The last bullet point is the only one that would be open to interpretation I think. I think the intent of the law is to prevent a person from using a drone to locate a live animal and then go and kill it. However, it doesn't specifically say that, it just says "to locate game......and communicate location to persons on the ground" which is exactly what you would be doing to find the dead moose.
It would be worth calling the game warden to ask for clarification.
Is there any laws in Idaho that would make it illegal to use a drone if the moose were already dead? Or for that matter… is there anybody with a small private plane you could hire for a few hours and not be breaking the law?

A black horse sized animal laying in the grass/willows may be easy to see from the air if he’s not tucked up under trees
I was thinking the same thing, just wasn’t clear on the law.
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The last bullet point is the only one that would be open to interpretation I think. I think the intent of the law is to prevent a person from using a drone to locate a live animal and then go and kill it. However, it doesn't specifically say that, it just says "to locate game......and communicate location to persons on the ground" which is exactly what you would be doing to find the dead moose.

I agree. If taken literally it is illegal. That may not be the intent but that’s what it says.
Also, if the moose hadn’t expired yet, was located via aerial methods, then killed, it would certainly be illegal.
I agree. If taken literally it is illegal. That may not be the intent but that’s what it says.
Also, if the moose hadn’t expired yet, was located via aerial methods, then killed, it would certainly be illegal.
I would like to think a game warden would be very accommodating in this situation especially if you're going unarmed clearly just trying to find it.
I would like to think a game warden would be very accommodating in this situation especially if you're going unarmed clearly just trying to find it.
Spirit of the law vs letter of the law.
Shit! I wish I'd seen this sooner. Anybody know what unit he's hunting? P.M. please. I might know some people that could help.
Pretty bummed out. gridded “everything” And two separate dogs could not advance the trail.

“Moose” the blood tracking lab tried hard today.


Best I can tell he sealed up that wound and stop bleeding and maybe stopped coughing up and wandered to who knows where.

I already scoured and re-scoured a long stretch of the south bank of the river where he went after the shot and found no evidence of him crossing back over but if he’s not bleeding anymore I wouldn’t see anything.

The last blood is where those two beds were about 10 yards apart and while they had really good blood in them it certainly wasn’t a gusher of blood and there was no thick heavy coagulated blood or lung spray. small bits of coagulated and a decent amount of regular blood.

The dogs did not advance the trail in tangible physical evidence way.

last thing I’m gonna do on this bull is go back across the big river where I shot him in the first place and grid just to see if he may have circled back which animals can tend to do. And keep look for birds which I have been doing.
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Pretty bummed out. gridded “everything” And two separate dogs could not advance the trail.

Best I can tell he sealed up that wound stop bleeding and wandered to who knows where.

I already scoured and re-scoured a long stretch of the south side of the river where he went after the shot and found no evidence of him crossing over but if he’s not bleeding anymore I wouldn’t see anything.

The last blood is where those two beds were about 10 yards apart and while they had really good blood in them it certainly wasn’t m a gusher of blood and there was no thick heavy coagulated blood or lung spray. small bits of coagulated and a decent amount of regular blood.

last thing I’m gonna do on this bull is go back across the big river where I shot him in the first place and grid just to see if he may have circled back which animals can tend to do. And look for birds which I have been.
Sorry for the struggles. I have been there on some levels and it sucks. You have been busting your tail to try to recover him. Hang in there and keep your chin up.
I've been involved with a couple very healthy and happy deer (until they were shot with a gun) that were then discovered to have healed over broadheads lodged in their inner chest. Might not happen often, but it happens. Good luck to you still but you should remember to appreciate the magnitude of the effort you are putting in and then make a decision on what to do next. Whatever you choose to do is the right decision IMO.
no dice. elk frito pie 2nite, let myself have a nice malted 🍺 beverage.

Float tomorrow which also presents great viewing for bird action on a carcass but I will be hunting anew as well.

When I get out to call for moose, if I run into the nasty brambles, thorns and dense thickets, I am turning around. At least for a couple of days I am done pushing through nasty eye grabbing skin tearing, clothes ripping crap… until the physical and mental wounds heal. 😵‍💫
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no dice. elk frito pie let myself have a nice malted beverage.

Float tomorrow which also present great viewing for bird action on a carcass but I will be hunting anew.

When I get out to call for moose, if I run into the nasty brambles, thorns and dense thickets, I am turning around. at least for a couple of days I am done pushing through nasty eye grabbing skin tearing, clothes ripping crap.
Well keep positive and you never know stranger things have happened. Keep your eyes peeled, you got this !
Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping Systems

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