Kenetrek Boots

KHunter 2022 ID bull and CO cow moose hunts

Dammit. Wish I was closer. Finn could help you work this out fairly quickly.
For sure. I don't have the link to the organization of blood trackers but I bet there's one not too far away.

Watching a good tracking dog run a trail is pretty enlightening.
Good luck look forward to seeing how this pans out
For me story's like that really beg the question of whether or not archery equipment is lethal enough.
My Shiras went 20 feet, rose up on his hind legs and fell over on his back from one well placed arrow. Dead in the willows in less than 3 seconds without a kick. Stone dead!

Not sure what the OP is using for a setup, but I'm sure it's adequate, shit happens, 50lb bow, or 300 ultramag.
standing over two bloody beds not 10 yards apart no moose yet.

bringing in the big guns. blood tracker dog arriving now.

And a Hunt talker @Bryerific and his dad showed up this afternoon..out here grid searching and helping me out when I was at my lowest.

How cool is that a HTer reads this thread and hits me up by private message at noon and says “dude I can be there by 4 pm.”
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standing over to bloody beds not 10 yards apart no moose yet.

bringing in the big guns. blood tracker dog arriving now.

And a Hunt talker @Bryerific and his dad should up this afternoon out here grid searching and helping me out.

How cool is that a HTer reads this thread and hits me up by private message and say “dude I can be there by 4 pm.”
Awesome to hear about the dog! I have a lot of faith in them.
Fingers crossed for ya.....
Good luck tomorrow! That is an amazing amount of blood for it not to be dead. Hopefully it is a cool night and there won’t be any spoilage when you find it tomorrow.
6:15 am loaded coolers with ice at walmart.
7:30. back on yesterday’s last blood
Noon advanced blood trail a whopping 10 yards.

12:15 started a grid search

2:00 pm about the 3rd transect headed into a nasty thicket that had a deer size trail and a lot of low hanging branches. Part way in, as ducked under a branch I saw a speck of 🩸 blood on a leaf at my feat. then saw lots of drops. This was 250 yards from prevuous last blood with no way to know which way to search. Lucky.

That doggone moose went through the thickest nastiest stuff. You would think he’d be looking for the path of least resistance. I was very hopeful that he was just looking for a place to die and could find him quickly but he was not there. I even ‘thought’ I smelled him and thought it was a done deal.

Advanced that new blood about 60 yards and when bull left the thicket I saw one little splash of blood on a log and lost my way for more than an hour.

5:00 pm. found blood along the trail. He took a right turn onto a little trail even though I saw a splitch of blood on the other side of that trail.

5:15 pm reach the blood trailing dog guy on the phone.

5:30 pm. found TWO bloody beds not 10 yards apart but could not find more blood or nail down direction of travel.

7:00 pm luke and duke (Bavarian mountain hound) arrive at the two bloody beds and start tracking.

Bavarian Mountain Hound was cool to see work. He comes back tomorrow am to try again. Will get nice pics of this gorgeous and talented dog. Very impressed the dogs owner got called about 5 PM and he was there by 7 pm which meant we were blood trailing at dusk and in the dark till 8:30.

Duke was definitely hitting on some smells and pulled us through some nasty thick stuff and was really “smelling” the moose but we didn’t find them tonight. We’re gonna hit again with the dog in the morning.

Before Luke snd Duke arrive I will be in there looking for actual blood at the place that Dike was really freaking out thinking the moose was close. . I kind of doubt I will find a dead moose there at that thicket from hell or Duke really would’ve found it.

8:30 pm arrive back at the truck. Last hotspot for Duke was maybe 200 yards from the truck. Crazy.

9:45 pm Good night call to Bess, quick dinner, spit bath and sleep by 10:30. hopefully find the moose tomorrow. About as worn out as. have been on this hunt and a dirrty sweaty mess. Too many hoirs on the knees and pushed through way too many nasty eye poking, skin cutting thickets today.
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