Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

KHunter 2022 ID bull and CO cow moose hunts

I wish you the best in the morning. Are you faced with any private property issues?
yes, in a good way and bad.

good the moose should be hemmed in by some housing on one side.

Bad, found the new blood on pvt that NEVER allows access and they were very relectant. First I received providsional access for me only, no helpers till the owners, who nown a ton ofv prime moose lands in area weighed in.

Just in time for @Bryerific and his dad, who had gear packed awaiting the word, I got word from the man, through his man to do whatever to try to not waste a moose. He waqnted the ranch manager to vette whimever I wanted to bring but relented on that. The mans ranch manager showed up to my then last blood spot and was the one who said at 5 pm-ish “how would you feel abiout a tracking dog, and lined that up. So that was cool. Had been talking to the ranch manager all summer and fall and he is a great guy and hunter (houndsman as well) has alwas been super about moose info albeit never able to invite access. Apparentylthe owners were pissed I was able to navigate a few generic name LLCs etc to dig up phone numbers back in June and request access. Same as I did for a good. number of other lands that did and did not provide access. Where I am camped, on pvt I have a couple miles of riverfront access, with lots of moose activity no one else has with a little BLM sprinkled in and is where I found and shot this bull.
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Man I understand what you are feeling right now. Way to stick with it and give it absolutely everything!! Fantastic example for everyone on this site even if you end up not finding it. Damn fine work.
The dog is good, at 7:30 pm mon Oct 3 he immediately tracked back a few hundrd yards from the bloody beds to exactly my previoius ‘last blood’ from evening of Oct 2, where Luke tunred him around and he quickly found a ‘hot spot’ in the dark a couple hundred yards further in the right direction in an other thicket. I will sesrch that area for blood before they arrive this morning.

Will not surprise me to find the bull went back over the big river where this all started based on his arcing path. Obviously he is quite mobile over 12000 yards into the tracking.

The concern is the one hole in him has sealed up perhaps after those two beds. We shall see.

Hesding out now.
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Can’t wait to see the grip and grin of your bull @Khunter!!

Pretty awesome to hear about the wonderful people out there who are jumping in to help!!
I've come to learn that through all the bickering and shouting that occurs on this forum through the hunting offseason, it must bring us HT'ers all together or something come hunting season because hearing of people helping others out seems to happen a lot. Go get em @Khunter!!! You have more moose ribs to make!!!
Good luck. Sounds like you have the right dog on the job. Awaiting a picture of your moose
Pulling for you!

One little thing that has helped me on a trail in the past is to stand on the trail and visualize his path. then just stand there and think. Look at the terrain and give thought to where he might have gone. Sometimes just pausing to think helps.
Live. this bull
just walked 6 FEET from my bumper following cow/calf. see tracks just this side of blue chair. Same bull passed in bow range the other day.

not even tempted OK may be slightly.

I was in camp a little longer than planned lining up another dog
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Moose are big animals and contain a lot of blood, my guess is without the pass through most blood is staying in the cavity. Hopefully you can get another tracking dog out to help, sounds like it will be mostly grid searching if not. Good luck my friend.
Rooting for you! I hope you find him piled up soon. We have all been there and know how stressful it is when they don't expire where you think they should be.
Is there any laws in Idaho that would make it illegal to use a drone if the moose were already dead? Or for that matter… is there anybody with a small private plane you could hire for a few hours and not be breaking the law?

A black horse sized animal laying in the grass/willows may be easy to see from the air if he’s not tucked up under trees
Is there any laws in Idaho that would make it illegal to use a drone if the moose were already dead? Or for that matter… is there anybody with a small private plane you could hire for a few hours and not be breaking the law?

A black horse sized animal laying in the grass/willows may be easy to see from the air if he’s not tucked up under trees

The last bullet point is the only one that would be open to interpretation I think. I think the intent of the law is to prevent a person from using a drone to locate a live animal and then go and kill it. However, it doesn't specifically say that, it just says "to locate game......and communicate location to persons on the ground" which is exactly what you would be doing to find the dead moose.
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