PEAX Equipment

KHunter 2022 ID bull and CO cow moose hunts

Holy hell that's scary, you said at the beginning this would be a hard hunt, I'd like to say surely you're about to turn the corner but we all know how hunting goes and sometimes the break just doesn't come, but man you sure deserve it. Hope it all comes together for you.
Holy shit. Glad you’re okay, @Khunter

I’ve been pinned on a rock in heavy water before and it was one of the most humbling experiences I’ve ever had.
Glad your ok! I had a good scare last week on a deer hunt and it definitely puts things in perspective! Keep after it!
I have huge respect for water. When I was a whitewater guide I was once launched from my guide perch and had my body/head bounce off a giant rock on the new river. Had helmet on but still concussed me and almost knocked me out. PFD probably saved my life. Another time I fell into a hydraulic and was stuck. I could see the sunshine and top of the water but could not get to it. I tried and tried with no success. So I balled up as tight as I could and hoped it would shoot me out the bottom, this also failed. This is when I decided I had to get my PFD off and ball up again. As I started taking it off a t-grip of a paddle appeared so I grabbed it and my fellow guide Shane pulled me out. This scared the hell out of me to this day. The other guides figured I was in there 1.5 to 2 minutes. I was prepared to drown when the t-grip appeared. Mind you this was only a class 3 rapid nothing overly extreme. In my boat that day was 4 nurses on a girl's trip they were mortified for the next 2 rapids telling me I had to pull the boat over and call my We had almost 2 hours left in the trip and I eventually calmed them down and had fun. Biggest tip I ever received, but has instilled a very healthy fear in me for water.
All I can say is WOW!! Woke up in the middle of the night 24 hours ago and started reading about your hunt. Picked it up again an hour ago and just got caught up to this point.

What a crazy adventure. I’ve experienced the dreadful emotions of wounding an animal. I’ve experienced close calls with life and death from the incredible forces of water (Competitive swimmer with lifeguard training/experience when younger…hydraulic forces can kill anyone!) I’ve experienced the blood and sweat of crawling through brambles while hunting. But good God, it took me 65 years to experience this…not two hunts in one season!!

God bless you Kirby!
Unfortunately this bull tending a cow is well inside land I’ll never get permission to hunt. I was lucky that they finally relented and allowed me to look for my bull on their land, and bring duke and moose the tracking dogs (one at a time per regs) when the blood trail went in there.
The cow and calf were next to my camp again today first thing but the little bull that I keep passing on was no longer with them. he would’ve been safe today as well. I sure hope a big old bull comes in to check her out when I’m around.


info sharing: takes 25 minutes driving around at 30 miles an hour to properly dry out a kuiu bino case hanging out the window. maybe 10 minutes for a sig sauer Rangefinder In case anybody was really wondering. ha.
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The girls in camp this am:


To the two moose tag holders who aren’t hunting at all, one quit a week ago after two days of effort, the other local that I called in with bull grunts about 5-6 days ago he says he hasn’t hunted since and had not hunted much yet…. both are plying me for information on how the hunt and the rut is going.

here’s what I had to say:

The girls in camp this am:

View attachment 243140

To the two moose tag holders who aren’t hunting at all, one quit a week ago after two days of effort, the other local that I called in with bull grunts about 5-6 days ago he says he hasn’t hunted since and had not hunted much yet…. both are plying me for information on how the hunt and the rut is going.

here’s what I had to say:

View attachment 243146View attachment 243147
Did Larry have a good response?
Close call with a pretty nice bull! Hunted terra firma this morning after driving and glassing.

Forked on one side spike on the other. Decent paddles and could not see poin ts all that we… Called in and if I wanted to shoot there was no shot, too thick. Then he high tailed it to unfriendly lands.

Wally word for propane now, then go check for bird activity, then make a plan for this evening’s hunt.

Back on the water tomorrow unless 2nite indicates a better option.
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