Yeti GOBOX Collection

KHunter 2022 ID bull and CO cow moose hunts

Did Larry have a good response?

LOL, not a word to say so much as an ‘glad you are OK’

I’ll be heading out on the 13th I’m not sure how the deer hunting pressure will be it starts on the 10th”

I’m betting I don’t hear from Larry anymore… he’s actually a really nice guy when I met him at his camp .

oh the deer pressure during shotgun season that starts on the 10th I’ve been told by a number of folks it’s incredibly high. One of the reasons I picked to leave on the 10th. There will be boats buzzing the river and guys on every scrap of public along the river.
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LOL, not a word to say so much as an ‘glad you are OK’

I’ll be heading out on the 13th I’m not sure how the deer hunting pressure will be it starts on the 10th”

I’m betting I don’t hear from Larry anymore… he’s actually a really nice guy when I met him at his camp (can you call it a camp if you set a wall tent in a state park and bail after 2 nights, is there a minimum nights needed to have a ‘hunting camp?)

oh the deer pressure during shotgun seasin that starts on the 10th I’ve been told by a number of folks it’s incredibly high. One of the reasons I picked to leave on the 10th. There will be boats buzzing the river and guys on every scrap of public along the river.
I was wondering the same thing as golfer if Larry replied? I’m always amazed when guys draw great tags and put fourth little effort. I waited years to draw my archery elk tag in WY, took me 18 days (10 days solo) to kill my bull. Like they say “everything is relative”.

Just following your recap, I’d share the woods with you any day. Keep it up, you’ll get it done!
send good vibes! should be a done deal but I am letting this one stew for a little while before moving in. just to make sure I don’t push him. The shot wasn’t perfect but it be pretty amazing if he is able to slip out unseen from the Thicket he ran into 100 yards after the shot.

One way or another I’ve punched my tag in Idaho and am done hunting no matter how it turns out 2nite.
Awesome! Way to stay at it and not get discouraged. Congrats can’t wait to see the pics!
1. Invincible moose abducted by carnivorous aliens.
2. Traversing the intestinal tract of the River of Doom.
3. Third time's the charm!

Hoping this is the one for you. So you can leave the drama w the llama, or your mama.
I wish I would have seen this a couple of hours ago, I was in Blackfoot headed home from antelope hunting in Arco. I easily could have turned North and came to help you get things quartered up and packed out. It's going to suck taking care of a moose solo.
I am speechless, for the moment so will just drop this here for now.

Exceeded my wildest expectations. I owe a huge debt of gratitude to at @Bryerific and his dad Doug!

they showed up yet again to help me out in a time of need and a big bull on the ground is a time of need.
Doug, @Bryerific and me!

I am grateful for a whole host of other folks who went out of their away to make sure my solo hunt was anything but. Even loaning me a weapon. The hunting community is truly incredible.

@abqbw stuck it out for 17 of 26 days of this long tough hunt.

@Bryerific , Doug and I got finished cutting and hanging everything at 2:30 tonight.Thanks guys!!!

final stalk story at another time it was pretty cool.

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Congrats! I’m thrilled you got a bull
But sad to see this thread end, think you had us all on pins and needles. Excited to hear about the stalk!
Way to get it done!!