Kansas Deer - ACT III

Stuff happens, man.

Better to be careful than sorry in my opinion.

Making good choices like that usually gets rewarded.

It ain't over yet!
You need more firepower. Then they dont make it to the fence;)

.300 Win Mag with 180grain TBT bullets should meet the firepower requirement. Probably need a better marksman to make sure they don't make it to the fence.
Fin, Hindsight is always 20-20. I think you made the right call.

What I like best about OYOA is that I learn a lot from the shows, not that an animal dies on camera every week (although its fun to watch).

Keep at it and good luck.
This evening, the two bucks from this morning decided to water and flaunt their escape over on the private. Amazing how deer know where they are safe. On the WIHA ground, they are on hyper alert. Over on the private they are lounging around as if they have not a care in the world.

Having the benefit of walking in from that direction in the daylight of this afternoon, I see some better attack angles. Wish I would have had time to check those out this morning. Would have been a different result.

I am not into guarantees, but if those bucks cross the WIHA ground tomorrow morning, I promise that one of them will not get off the WIHA ground, except for me carrying him in my Mystery Ranch pack.

This is about to get personal.
No need for a long story. The pics tell it all.

First pic is a layout of where the encounter happened yesterday. The bucks came from the north (right) and were headed south to the fence. I came up the draw and tried to cut them off.


Here is the same view this morning. Could be some deer there, but who knows.


What it looked like when I left about an hour ago. Usually the fog burns off. Not today. It just clung to anything metal, glass, or plastic. Not conducive to long camera life or good filming conditions.




Hoping it burns off and I can see something this afternoon. Not much surprises me, after this season. Would like to get it done today, before the wind comes tomorrow.
Out here in the fog. Visibility had improved to 500 yards. Further than I can shoot, but negates the value of this spotting scope I have been hauling around. Hope they come right through here. Wouldn't know if they came through much further east or west.

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