Small towns supporting high school sports

Minnesota does not have, “9 Man” football anymore. It has been replaced with, “9 Person” football.
My high school Alma mater in Ohio is now 12-0. They stream the games on YouTube and I watched them torch Ryan Day’s son last night from my home in MT. Video is surprisingly good, tech has come a long way in past decade. Hope they win it all. Sure is a change of pace from watching NFL and college, going for it on 4th and no 50 yard field goal attempts. TDs or bust, oh and PAT’s are not guaranteed. Maybe High School will be the new college in a few years 🤔
Monticello made it to state (in a 5 team section LOL) still the first time since the 70s tho.
My boys are on the high school football team and we are headed to state tomorrow after a thrilling 99 yard touchdown pass beat the #1 team in the state in Section playoffs late in the 4th quarter. On their way back, the police gave them an escort to the high school. Both police and fire trucks will escort them tomorrow morning to the freeway as well. A local restaurant is donating breakfast to 80 kids plus coaches. Everywhere you go, people are talking about it and wearing Alexandria Cardinal gear. The fever is high. We are a town of 15,000 people. The stands are always packed. We had to ask for more visitor section bleachers at the last game in Moorhead.

When many are people are talking doom and gloom, it sure is a nice change.

One down side? Opening day of our 9 day deer season is tomorrow. I love hunting as much as anyone, but state football is a once in a lifetime thing. I will hunt for 1 hour and 15 minutes in the morning. Hopefully I will text my brother a picture of a buck and tell him he is on guttin' and gillin' duty.
My hometown population was around 5500 in the mid 70’s. We made it to Division I Championship. I was starting OG and DE. My Dad skipped opening day of deer season to attend the game (first one he missed since getting back from Korea). Your boys will never forget that you went to the game !!!
Cardinals win!!!!
That's great! I'm not a big sports fan, in general, but I get really into my boys' high school teams... Incidentally, I did a stint teaching environmental ed in northern MN. Alexandria school district used to come up and stay with us for a few days every year. Good luck with the deer.
Congratulations to the Cardinals. Glad you could watch your boy win it all. Best of luck on the deer season.
We beat a team that had a 62 game conference win streak going, the night before opening day. I got home at 3:30am after some shenanigans , and was in the woods solo at first light. Didn’t see many deer, but about a 380 bull walked by me at 60 yards in a place I had never seen an elk, I lined him up in my scope just for fun. A family friend with a bull tag went in the next day and crippled him and never found him. Core memory I guess.

Good luck to your boys!! That is awesome.
I too have been able to coach and teach in small west Texas towns. My current gig is in a town of 3500 and they have completed a perfect 10-0 district record. First time in 20+ years. Amazing community support and of course we enjoy "Friday Night Lights" in good ole Texas. Carry on - good luck in your journey.
Well here is an update. We played Owatonna last night who was the third undefeated team in a row for us. That is a pretty tough road!

Typical support from the community prior to the game with a pasta night for the players. Local bars streamed the games and the town was hopping!

This game turned into one of our easier games with our QB throwing for 400 yards and 5 TDS. One of our WRs has 12 catches for 235 yards and 4 Touchdowns. A large crowd traveled down to the Vikings stadium to watch. Next game is the championship!!!

It is a rematch from an earlier game against an extremely good team. This one will be very tough!

My wife got a text from my boys…make sure to get us a state tournament sweatshirt!

If you get a chance to go watch your local high school team in any sport, do it! It is so much more exciting than watching college or professional in my opinion.

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