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Jim Posewitz on National Monuments

Ben Lamb

Well-known member
Aug 6, 2010
Cedar, MI

More from the Bully Pulpit.

A brief historical review of setting land aside for conservation purposes shows us that no one person did more than a Republican president named Theodore Roosevelt. He was our 26th president and held that office from September of 1901 through early 1909. During that time he set aside 230 million acres for conservation and protection of our national treasures and natural assets. Little things, like the Grand Canyon. When he was done, it was just about 10% of America.

No one fought harder to stop these protections than conservative western congressmen, including Montana’s U.S. Senator William A. Clark (1901-1907). To refresh our Montana memory, it was a time when U.S. Senators were elected by a vote of the state legislature. Historical author Timothy Egan wrote that for copper-baron Clark it was, “… a position he had initially purchased with bundles of crisp $100 bills handed out to legislators in monogrammed envelopes – W.A.C. stamped on the fold, $10,000 per vote.” Clark’s defense at the time was, “I never bought a man who was not for sale” (Egan 2009).
The old gray haired sportsmen/conservationist guys at PLWA sent out an email about an "interesting new blog from Hellgate Hunter & Anglers". Good to see the glimmer of recognition between Montana sportsmen groups. Hope it continues to grow, even during this season of hero pics. I gotta feeling the 'other guys' are doing political ab crunches while most of "us" are out merrily chasing furry boneheaded critters. Kudos to the Hellgate bunch..................later.
This is the time of year we live for. I love seeing the critter pics, and it helps those of us poor slobs who didn't draw a pronghorn tag, or archery hunt from going completely crazy waiting for next weekend. :)

The level of organization between sporting clubs across the state is at an all time high. At least the ones who work on legislation and public policy.
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