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I’ve found several great uses for toilet paper

I like the Costco brand double ply for all of these ventures. Cheap, single ply government issue TP is not robust enough and you can have a colossal sheet failure. I also like nice and neat embossing, but it’s hard to find TP like that these day because kids have no work ethic.

You can do the following with good quality, well embossed, double ply TP;

1) wipe your butt after a heavy meal of ground venison with sauces on it.
2) use it to stuff up your nose after you insult a guys dog and he dots your eyes, leaving you with a nosebleed.
3) use it to stuff in your ears while you are varmint hunting with your BAR .308.
4) use it to stuff in your partners mouth if he complains incessantly about how you butchered your Savage 99 when you drilled and tapped it for scope mounts

Of course, if you’ve used the TP for use 1, don’t repurpose it for uses 2 and 3. You could go ahead and repurpose for use 4, but you might then get your eyes dotted and need some for use 2.
For sheer comfort, durability, and availability, it's hard to beat shirt sleeves...
TP is a multi dimensional tool!

For instance;

When damp, TP can be molded into small squares. Put them out to dry. Once dry, take a pencil or other item and mark each side with dots to resemble dice. Easy, cheap set of dice to pass the time for the diy folks.

TP also has a use for pranks, such as forming TP into a healthy looking turd by dipping the formed TP in tea and forming it in such a way that resembles a healthy log. Then waiting until your brand new C.O. comes walking around and throwing it at them, making it seem as if a wet turd has just exploded on his newly pressed uniform. Bastards nearly got me suspended for language and use of force week one of employment.

I learned a lot about life and my own temper as a C.O. many moons ago.


Soap makes excellent dominos.

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