Ithaca supports extending....

Bullshit one sided forum? Why would i delete this? you made no mention of Being intimate with animals, shriveled sac or anything else? What's one sided about keeping it where the whole family can read it?
Oh but when Ithica insults people its OK

You are a LIAR marland

You and a few mods have decided to defend certain folks while others cross the line
Oh so I'm on meds now?

You and ithica(ibne) should make up your mind.

Is it drugs or alchohol?

Marland (orospu cocugu) you lie.

You delete. So do other mods. Based on alliances
Mule ,I read that awhile back also.
The funny thing about one statement that Burk made,on that clearwater deer tag that it should be elimitated because its a social device.
You guys remember who took credit for getting that in place?
Yep our man Ithaca.
A hand in every pie LOL
Jack of all trade's.
Check out his back patting in the elk forum under the wolf debate.
It a HOOT!!!
MD4M, You're a hopeless idiot. The Clearwater deer tag was an abomination put into effect about 7 years ago by the F&G Commissioner from that region because he was getting complaints from the locals in region two about hunters from other parts of Idaho coming there to hunt in the late whitetail seasons. The locals didn't want any competition.

The late whitetail seasons in many of the Region 2 units were instituted in 1986. You are posting about a completely different thing than I was posting about when I was explaining about the late whitetail seasons. The Clearwater Permit was an effort to restrict hunting. The late seasons were an effort to expand them. The time is ripe now to get the Clearwater Permit rescinded. It has been a bad mistake and even the people who lobbied for it realize that now. The DHI fought very hard against the Clearwater Permit. So did I.

It would be so much better if you'd try to stick to topics you know something about. Maybe you wouldn't come out looking so foolish. It's hard to imagine a topic you'd know anything about though.

You and Mule are a good pair. He doesn't know anything about quail in Idaho and you don't know anything about the Clearwater Permit.

Seriously, MD, you're one of those women who constantly opens her yap and blathers about stuff they don't know anything about. Know the type? You're the epitome of it.

Why don't you do something about removing that wolf you claim the gummint crammed up your ass?

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-12-2003 23:23: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
Its more fun to post and see all the different way you can call people name's Ithaca. LOL
Im sorry we all arent into Ithaca worship ,maybe you could find smarter people to post to on that anti-hunting site you posted a link to.


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-12-2003 23:43: Message edited by: Muledeer4me ]</font>
Yeah Nut, maybe someday BOTH sides of the arguments can refrain from the namecalling. This place sounds like a friggin' playground sometimes. "____ called me a bad name!" "Yeah, well _____ called me one first!"

It's too bad, because when there's less namecalling, there's more productive discussions.


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-13-2003 01:15: Message edited by: Colorado Oak ]</font>
I'll tell ya what. In the last day you've seen Mule and MD4M try to criticize me for things they were completely wrong about. They took something I said and applied it to a different circumstance that didn't have anything to do with what I was commenting on. In each case they didn't have any idea what they were talking about. In each case it was done only to harrass me. How'd you all like to have to deal with that kinda crap all the time from two people so stupid? What if I didn't expose their lies? Would you accept what they said as the truth? How about if I start telling lies about some of you, and do it repeatedly? How will you react after ignoring that type of behavior for over a year?

Anyone can see that Mule gets drunk and gets on this forum to harrass people and start trouble.

Anyone can see what MD4M does. Most of the time she just tries to harrass me instead of even expressing an opinion about the topic.

Try to imagine how you'd react if I told lies about you for as long as they've been doing it to me!

I've also asked for a truce many times and Marland has too. Each time Marland asked I complied until it was clear that MD was using it as an opportunity to continue harrassing me when I wouldn't respond.

Anytime any of you want to negotiate a truce let me know and I'll co-operate. They never have, so that's where your problem will be. And then what are you going to do?

So until there's a truce I'm telling them they're idiots. MD4M couldn't pass a third grade spelling or English quiz, and she acts like that wolf she claims the gubmint crammed up her ass is still in there.

All they do is pollute the rivers of information so many others here are trying to facilitate.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-13-2003 08:17: Message edited by: Ithaca 37 ]</font>
It takes both sides for a truce....

this place is looking like a pigpen....

Ithica, You're jsut as bad as Mule and Md for the name calling, Calling people Idiots will never get you a truce, MAybe a black eye, but not a truce...

And MD and Mule, For heavins sake, you guys were on top making him look silly without the name calling... go back to that tack~tic !

All of you are twice my age....
So act like it...... You want to call names. Call me one
Moosie, you they can't go one whole day without their fix.

Just so you don't feel left out. Moosie's a dumb dickfor.
I dont think MD is a hopeless idiot Ithaca. She at least speaks out on how she feels and has the courage to stand by her convictions regardless of what others feel.
Now you are doing exactly what you have brought up about the others. I know you get tired of their childish games but I always thought highly of how you stated your position without the namecalling.

I fit the term hopeless idiot better
That is because I am not articulate enough to state my positions without confusing others and myself in the process.

In some issues I side with Ithaca and others I side with MD. But I learn alot from both and wonder if there isnt something that would be good for both sides of the issue. But there never ever seems to be a middle ground.

See I confused myself again
Where did ya ever get the idea we was all from the same planet???

I don't think it is all that bad around these parts.

I know what I'm getting into every time I log in
I'm a big boy and can take the heat..

This is place is active, interesting, exciting, alot of info is passed weather you agree with it or not.

I say keep up the good work!!!!

Yes once in awhile it does get bad
like last night. Thats when mars gets to earn his keep

I've had my go around with mars, but I will state for the record that I think he does a GREAT job, And that I was wrong about the things I said to him at that time..

If things in this forum get to be to much for anybody to handle, go to the other forums for awhile. go read the great jokes, go visit with all the great people in fireside, Go check out the pics in the adult section
. go check out what the fisherwoosies do??

My point is there is something for everybody on this site. I come to SI knowing fully that there are many different points of view being expressed, and that I just might get my tail feathers ruffled, thats what makes hunt talk the best..

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