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Ithaca supports extending....

First off,

I asked a question about quail populations in Idaho.

I didn't say I was an expert on quail.

If I was I wouldn't be asking a QUESTION now would I?

Ithaca responded.

Ithaca said that quail populations were down and cited reasons why he thought such.

I simply asked him why then he would vote for an EXTENDED season on a specie or species that he felt was at risk.


I didn't get a direct answer ......just spin.

Now on to my goat.

It was my first guided hunt.

I run a time off is limited.

I don't have 30 plus days of vacation like you buzz.

My salary doesn't come from the tax payers

I have time these last few years to scout or hunt.

I don't have time for both.

Now on your goat hunt. You said a buddy took you. He knew the area. He knew where to go.

Basically, your buddy guided you. Thats fine.
I think nothing wrong with that.

I think the reason you gave me all that crap before is because you were looking out for Ithica.

Thats fine too.

You admire Ithaca. Thats cool. We all need our heroes.

Yours is Ithaca. Mine is Rumsfeld.

Now I haven't called you or Ithaca a name since the other night.

Lets see if you guys can do the same
Here's Mules question. "Have quail populations in Idaho been on the decline in recent years due to ATV's,ranching or the timber industry?"

Here's my answer, "Hell yes! Riparian zones have been ruined by cattle (90% of all BLM riparian zones are in poor condition). That's where the quail live. If we had good riparian zones we'd have fantastic quail hunting on BLM---ten times better than now, at least. Probably fifty times better.

Grazing has also destroyed the migration corridors for Mountain Quail. That's why we don't have enough to hunt anymore. They're a candidate for the ESA."
We haven't had season on Mountain Quail in about 25 years. We do have a season on California Quail. Where they have good habitat they're thriving.

Here's a table showing the quail harvest in Idaho:

Notice the wide yearly fluctuations? WEATHER! Notice the trend since '91?

Now, here's what's going on: Less quail on overgrazed BLM. Especially where the riparian zones have been destroyed. I would have a very hard time finding quail on BLM if I went looking for them. When I find them on BLM it's a pleasant surprise. They just don't like to live where the riparian zones have been trashed by cattle---which the BLM says is 90% of them.

Private land, which is usually not grazed as hard or as destructively---The quail are thriving. If BLM was in good shape we'd be getting over a million quail a year. Easy! We'd have hunters coming from all over the country!

So---Where the ATVs and welfare ranching are destroying habitat and disturbing quail it's been a disaster for quail populations. Comprehend?

Now, look at the harvest. Understand why I'd be recommending extending the season by two weeks!

Average life of a quail is 14 months. Most of them die of natural causes.

Of course I could sit on my ass and do nothing, like so many others here. But I saw an opportunity to try to increase total hunter days afield.

How's that for an agenda ( for all of you that are always telling us what my agenda is)? Why didn't anyone else notice what I did and start lobbying for more hunter days?

Thanks in advance for your appreciation!
Frankly, sometimes I wonder why I bother. So many hunters are just like some of the do nothings on this board. It's not like I need more days to hunt. If the F&G doesn't lengthen the season I'll just keep on hunting for quail in Oregon after the Idaho season closes. As I do now.

But is it better for hunting, in general, if we have more hunting opportunities?

Why don't a few of you tell me about my agenda again?
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> All I know is I have more respect for Ithaca than you MD4ME, by a long shot. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
This doesn't mean much, coming from you!!!

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> You on the other hand, rarely post anything with proof, you shoot from the hip, and open your mouth before you engage the brain. If not doing that, then you make stuff up as you go.
And you post any thing but hate, old innuendoes and stereotypes!!!
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> MD4ME is your stereo-typical western hunter.
Bitch about everything but do nothing to help it, including slamming people who do.
And you are easy to stereotype. Very easy, but the difference is, your feet will fit the shoes!!!

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Mule, have you decided to try hunting on your own? Or are you still hiring guides to take the easiest animals in Colorado. I havent heard yet. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Who cares if he gets a guide or not??? That was a very silly comment!!!
Please remember that I didn't start this topic. It was started in an effort to criticize me. Since I explained the quail situation I'll also explain why I proposed eliminating the Clearwater Permit. It restricts hunter days ("hunter days" is a term used by F&G to measure hunter opportunity) by requiring people who want to hunt deer in the Clearwater units to hunt only there---nowhere else. We used to be able to hunt deer anywhere in Idaho and could freely move from any unit to any other. Locals in the Clearwater Region didn't like the idea of hunters from other parts of the state participating in the late whitetail hunts there, so they pressured their F&G Commissioner to place restrictions on who could hunt there. He got enough Commissioners to vote for the idea and it was instituted. I fought against it and organized others to. So did a few other guys---mostly in the Deer Hunters of Idaho organization.

I always hunt in the Clearwater Region. Eliminating the permit there will only increase the hunters and might possibly affect my hunting. But it's the RIGHT thing to do and can only help create more hunting opportunities for other hunters.

That's why I spoke in favor of eliminating the Clearwater permit.

Now, what's to criticize about that? I suppose MD4M and a few others will try to say it's part of some secret agenda of mine for something!! A "Secret Agenda" to increase hunting opportunities for other hunters when there's really nothing in it for me?!!!

That's the kind of crap Mule and MD4M are trying to feed all of you!!!

Mule and MD4M, Thanks in advance for your apologies!
I would agree with you on the Clearwater deal Ithaca. I would hate to beallowed to only hunt in one specific area of a state. But that is because in my state I get over the counter tags and can hunt anywhere in the state that allows hunting on the land. So that is why I am that way. I like freedom of movement.
Ithaca quote: That's the kind of crap Mule and MD4M are trying to feed all of you!!!

Mule and MD4M, Thanks in advance for your apologies!

I'm not trying to feed anybody anything.

Just showing you for what you are.

An apology? Man, you really are living in some sort of fantasy world!

If you burst into flames before my very eyes, I wouldn't empty my bladder to save your life.

I was going to tell you not to hold your breath waiting on that apology...but on second thought, watching you turn blue and pass out would be very entertaining so go right ahead.
"If you burst into flames before my very eyes, I wouldn't empty my bladder to save your life."

The way it goes is " If your lungs were on Fire I wouldn't cross the steet to Piss down your mouth to put it out"

Hey Ithica, Mules been good the last 2 days, (besides calling Mars a Natzi
) I think neither one should be saying sorry.. Just move on.... Name calling stopped, And I see you're also not posting that He's an IDIOT any more either.... Is that like an apoligy

Fro mwhat I read Everyone was in the Wrong... Except NUT of course.. But I'm jsut a NAzzi "NUT" lover and He can Do not WHRONG....






Uhhhh Speaking of nuts, I need to eat lunch... Wonder what the weife has in the Kitchen for me ?!!?!
Heres a little on farts just for you guy's....

What is a fart and why does it smell?

Ever pull someone's finger and hear a weird noise come out of his or her butt?

Ever sit in a tub of water and see bubbles come out of your hiney?

This strange noise and vibrating sensation that came from your butt is most likely caused by a fart.

A fart is a combination of gases (nitrogen, carbon dioxide, oxygen, methane, and hydrogen sulfide) that travels from a person's stomach to their anus. When a person swallows too much air or eats foods that the human digestive system cannot digest easily gas becomes trapped in his/her stomach. The only way for this excess gas to exit the body is through the anus.

The gas that makes your farts stink is the hydrogen sulfide gas. This gas contains sulfur which causes farts to have a smelly odor. The more sulfur rich your diet, the more your farts will stink. Some foods that cause really smelly farts include: beans, cabbage, cheese, soda, and eggs.

A scientific name for a fart is flatus or flatulence.

The word fart is just one of many different terms used to describe the release of gasses from the human body. Other popular names for farts or farting include: gassers, stinkers, air biscuits, bombers, barking spiders, rotten eggs, and wet ones. You can pass gas, break wind, blast, beef, poof, rip one, let one fly, step on a duck, and cut the cheese.

Farts can be stinky, wet, loud, or silent but deadly. Pee-eeew!!!

Did you know?
On the average, a healthy person farts 16 times a day.
Hey guys, don't be fooled by girls who tell you that they never fart. Everyone farts, including girls. In fact, females fart just as much as males.
Many animals fart too. Cats, dogs, and cows. Elephants fart the most.
People fart the most in their sleep.
Farts that contain a large amount of methane & hydrogen can be flammable.
Not to go fecal or anything, but...........
Moosie don't eat too many peanuts!!!!

You'll get a RockyLog!
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