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Is the NRA truthful on hunting claims?

"Or the devastating effects of global warming on migratory game birds like snow geese and sandhill cranes."

Given that statement, the rest of her op-ed is suspect at best.
"Or the devastating effects of global warming on migratory game birds like snow geese and sandhill cranes."

Given that statement, the rest of her op-ed is suspect at best.

Agreed. Her op-ed is suspect.

Btu the premise has some fact behind it:

The NRA supports HR 1581 (along with SFW), which almost every other sporting group opposes,

The NRA supports HR 4089, which still contains provisions that would eliminate the Theodore Roosevelt Legacy and reduce protections in wilderness areas.

Where's the NRA been on public lands issues in the past?

I'm a member of the NRA, and believe that we need them, and that they have a very real and necessary mission, but it's not the NRA of the 30's, 40's and 50's where hunting was central to who they are. Now, I get more tactical crap for the mall ninjas in American Rifleman than good stories about guns. I don't think it's too far of stretch to say that the NRA isn't a very good representation of what western hunters believe.

Does anyone have a link to a site that will reveal the financial statements of the NRA. Since they are a not for profit organiization they must post information to the IRS somewhere but I have never been able to find it . I would like to know where they spend their money and what they pay their execs.
When I read the article, I had to laugh. Considering the rag it was published in, everyone knows that the comments would have to be left wing and controverted. I find it incredible to believe than any gun owner and/or hunter could support any form of gun control, period. We all know that if we ever surrender one small inch to the gun grabbers, they will take a mile before they stop! As a Life Member of the NRA, I find it to be a personal insult when I read this type of bull. She might claim to be a hunter and a gun owner, but she isn't more gun friendly than Sarah Brady, Michael Bloomberg, or Chuck Schumer!!!!!!!!!!!
When I read the article, I had to laugh. Considering the rag it was published in, everyone knows that the comments would have to be left wing and controverted. I find it incredible to believe than any gun owner and/or hunter could support any form of gun control, period. We all know that if we ever surrender one small inch to the gun grabbers, they will take a mile before they stop! As a Life Member of the NRA, I find it to be a personal insult when I read this type of bull. She might claim to be a hunter and a gun owner, but she isn't more gun friendly than Sarah Brady, Michael Bloomberg, or Chuck Schumer!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't forget to add George Bush Sr.
"Or the devastating effects of global warming on migratory game birds like snow geese and sandhill cranes."

Given that statement, the rest of her op-ed is suspect at best.

What is suspect about her opinion?

This is the absolute truth:
Yet during election season, the N.R.A. makes endorsements based largely on candidates’ voting records on gun control — with little if any concern for their views on other issues of interest to hunters. Candidates who voted to allow the ban on assault weapons to expire, for example, are labeled “pro-sportsmen” often despite their weak voting records on environmental issues.

Considering the rag it was published in, everyone knows that the comments would have to be left wing and controverted. I find it incredible to believe than any gun owner and/or hunter could support any form of gun control, period. We all know that if we ever surrender one small inch to the gun grabbers, they will take a mile before they stop! As a Life Member of the NRA, I find it to be a personal insult when I read this type of bull.

She is right on when the wing-nut goals of the NRA are viewed as a defense of hunting.
Even if the N.R.A.’s worst nightmare were to come true nationwide — expanded background checks, mandatory waiting periods, limits to the number of guns purchased by an individual per month — hunting could continue as it has for more than a century, with rifles and shotguns.

I find it a "personal insult" when I read of hunters being stupid enough to vote for someone because of the candidate supporting "black rifles" or "15-round magazines" while promising to sell My Public Lands, or supporting subsidies to Welfare Ranchers who destrow My Public Lands, or support "multiple use" on My Public Lands as a way to keep Fat-Ass ATV Riders happy as they tear up My Public Lands.
Jose Cuervo are you really a gun owner and hunter, or just a left winger who infiltrated a gun owning hunting site? Obviously, you are an Obama supporter which equals a left wing liberal, so I find it difficult how anyone can have your particular political view and still claim to be a gun owning hunter?

I suppose that you are in favor of banning all AR type weapons, large capacity magazines, and would like to see gun registration which would lead to gun confiscation, since you are a big Obama man? Do you also support him and his boy Holder when they break the law and send guns into Mexico in an effort to distort the facts as they go after guns? Are you a supporter of the injustices of the DOJ when it comes to voter intimidation and issuance of reward money for murder by the NBP????? Do you favor granting illegal criminals the same rights as American citizens, and even going further with guaranteeing Social Security payment to Mexicans that under law can never be decreased yet denying the same rights to those of us who actually worked and paid into the system????? I can go on and on, but I hope I've made my point!!!!!!!

Evidently your avatar photo is in fact an actual photo of you at work!!!!!!!!
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When I was a youngster starting to shoot and hunt, NRA was all about firearms and shooting safety, hunting, and the legacy of guns and hunting. Now it's about tactical and assault arms, political posturing (some of it helpful to rights protection but some contentious), and a smattering of anti-government rhetoric. Regretfully, I cannot support NRA now.
Jose Cuervo are you really a gun owner and hunter, or just a left winger who infiltrated a gun owning hunting site? Obviously, you are an Obama supporter which equals a left wing liberal, so I find it difficult how anyone can have your particular political view and still claim to be a gun owning hunter?

I suppose that you are in favor of banning all AR type weapons, large capacity magazines, and would like to see gun registration which would lead to gun confiscation, since you are a big Obama man? Do you also support him and his boy Holder when they break the law and send guns into Mexico in an effort to distort the facts as they go after guns? Are you a supporter of the injustices of the DOJ when it comes to voter intimidation and issuance of reward money for murder by the NBP????? Do you favor granting illegal criminals the same rights as American citizens, and even going further with guaranteeing Social Security payment to Mexicans that under law can never be decreased yet denying the same rights to those of us who actually worked and paid into the system????? I can go on and on, but I hope I've made my point!!!!!!!

Evidently your avatar photo is in fact an actual photo of you at work!!!!!!!!

I can't stand those socialist types that are for banning "AR Type" weapons, saturday night specials, and making a 7 day waiting period a law...yeah, you know those socialist who gave the following quote...
"You do know that I'm a member of the NRA, and my position on the right to bear arms is well known. But I want you to know something else, and I am going to say it in clear, unmistakable language. I support the Brady Bill, and I urge Congress to enact it without further delay"
That same socialist who joined two ex- Presidents Ford and Carter to support the passing of the Brady Bill and the assault weapons ban...you should know him well as he is the "true conservative" President Ronald Wilson Reagan! He also wrote a real nice article in the NY Times in support of the same bill and was a major player in it's passage. Damn Socialist!
When I read the article, I had to laugh. Considering the rag it was published in, everyone knows that the comments would have to be left wing and controverted. I find it incredible to believe than any gun owner and/or hunter could support any form of gun control, period. We all know that if we ever surrender one small inch to the gun grabbers, they will take a mile before they stop! As a Life Member of the NRA, I find it to be a personal insult when I read this type of bull. She might claim to be a hunter and a gun owner, but she isn't more gun friendly than Sarah Brady, Michael Bloomberg, or Chuck Schumer!!!!!!!!!!!

well said,gun control and hunting go hand in hand,if you take away my semi auto hand gun,then next will be my semi auto rifle,other wise known as my B.A.R 30-06 i use to hunt deer with,so yes they do go hand in hand,we know what the tree hugging animal rights activist want to put an end to,and they are in bed with the gun grabbers of our nations capitol.:eek:
Jose Cuervo are you really a gun owner and hunter, or just a left winger who infiltrated a gun owning hunting site? Obviously, you are an Obama supporter which equals a left wing liberal, so I find it difficult how anyone can have your particular political view and still claim to be a gun owning hunter?

Yep, I am a gun owner, got a whole safe full of them, no clue how many are in the safe, don't really ever get them out and fondle them, they are important tools for my hunting, but no more important than my boots, my backpack, my knife, and a cheap Bic lighter. Had no idea that this was a "gun owning" hunting site, as I have seen tons of great pictures from guys on here armed with cameras, bows, and even one guy that wrote extensively about rocks.

I suppose that you are in favor of banning all AR type weapons, large capacity magazines, and would like to see gun registration which would lead to gun confiscation, since you are a big Obama man? Do you also support him and his boy Holder when they break the law and send guns into Mexico in an effort to distort the facts as they go after guns? Are you a supporter of the injustices of the DOJ when it comes to voter intimidation and issuance of reward money for murder by the NBP????? Do you favor granting illegal criminals the same rights as American citizens, and even going further with guaranteeing Social Security payment to Mexicans that under law can never be decreased yet denying the same rights to those of us who actually worked and paid into the system????? I can go on and on, but I hope I've made my point!!!!!!!

Evidently your avatar photo is in fact an actual photo of you at work!!!!!!!!

Let's see if you got all the Glen Beck talking points regurgitated in your defense of the NRA. Obama going to confiscate guns? For sure, DESPITE the fact he hasn't in the first 3.5 years, I am sure the NRA has great insight into his plans for the next 4 years and knows that Obama is going to "confiscate" guns despite his actions of actually loosening up gun restrictions at the same time that you believe Ass-Clown Romney is a friend of hunters as he endorses Ryan's budget and plans to sell of My Public Lands.

You gotta have a serious monthly expense on tin foil to be able to make big enough hats for that logic.

And, good job working the scary New Black Panthers into your justification for voting for the Anti-Hunting Ass-Clown Romney. Yeah, that has to be one of the top 10 reasons racists are going to vote against Obama.

Actually, I give up, I was going to write a reply to your comments, but, honestly, you are one stupid individual. Take for example this statement, what the hell does it mean?
Do you favor granting illegal criminals the same rights as American citizens, and even going further with guaranteeing Social Security payment to Mexicans that under law can never be decreased yet denying the same rights to those of us who actually worked and paid into the system?????

What is the difference between an "illegal criminal" and an "American citizens"? Aren't all criminals illegal? And, how, on a hunting topic do you toss some sort of statement about Social Security payments with Mexicans and then some how try and become a victim and have your rights denied? Dude, that is one fugg'd up line of thinking.
I own more guns today than I did when Obama became president. I hunt at least 50 days a year if I include all the bird hunting I do. I am not a member of the NRA because of their lunatic legislative agenda. Most of their agenda conflicts with most of my priorities when it comes to hunting.

Sent them back my NRA card years ago and have had to tell them at least 10 times to not call my house.

I bet I have as conservative of a voting record as anyone on this site but to drink the Koolaid of the NRA is to give up the ability to reason through issues for themselves. What has the NRA done in the past 30 years to further hunting in this country? I can't find anything other than lip service.

I own more guns today than I did when Obama became president. I hunt at least 50 days a year if I include all the bird hunting I do. I am not a member of the NRA because of their lunatic legislative agenda. Most of their agenda conflicts with most of my priorities when it comes to hunting.

Sent them back my NRA card years ago and have had to tell them at least 10 times to not call my house.

I bet I have as conservative of a voting record as anyone on this site but to drink the Koolaid of the NRA is to give up the ability to reason through issues for themselves. What has the NRA done in the past 30 years to further hunting in this country? I can't find anything other than lip service.


I have to give credit to Montana State University, as their graduates are for more succinct and concise in getting their points across than those of us from this side of the Divide.
Since you are the Obama man, I figured you already knew about the Democrat sponsored legislation to provide the Mexicans with the guaranteed Soc. Sec. payments. By the way, illegal criminals was done on purpose as a literary touch of emphasis. Also, so typical of a leftist to resort to name calling. Just so you know, I'm not a Romney supporter, I'm a very proud Ron Paul supporter and consider Romney to be an azz in an elephant's suit!!!!!! If you believe your big eared boy isn't anti-gun, just look at his financier and azz hole buddies Michael Bloomberg and George Soros (his puppet master as well).

You also failed to note that I am a member of the Second Amendment Foundation, which also has documented Obama's efforts to circumvent the Constitution in his efforts to ban guns. His last two appointments to the SCOTUS confirms that, not to mention the "Fast and Furious" debacle that his boy Holder keeps lying about. BATFE and DOJ insiders admitted that the plan was to cast dispersions on guns and promote anti-gun sentiments. The Martin killing has also turned into a forum for the debate on self defense and guns, not on the killing of some punk by a man who was attacked and beaten for doing his job!!!!

Since I don't watch Beck, it's impossible for me to regurgitate his talking points, also considering that the NBP has gone public with their reward for Zimmerman, dead or alive, with no reprisals from Holder or Obama, coupled with them being picked as Obama's personal body guards even after their criminal voter intimidation of the last election, who are the racists in reality???????

Finally, do you believe that gun confiscation isn't the death knoll for hunting, period? Archery may well be next on the antis agenda.
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Yep, Obama has really loosened the restrictions on firearms---NOT! How about the 1 million Garands that Korea has given back to us and BO and Holder have used another Presidential Directive to keep them from being sold to legal American citizens under a civil firearms program that we have had in this country for decades.. That's just the beginning, along with the other BS that rhomas mentioned, and it will get worse if he's re-elected and has 4 lame duck years in Office to really get his agenda accomplished!

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